データフィードクエリの例 - AWS Marketplace


このセクションでは、AWS Marketplace が提供するデータフィードを使用した複雑なクエリの例を示します。これらの例は、AWS Marketplace 管理ポータル から得られる AWS Marketplace の販売者レポート と似ています。これらのクエリをカスタマイズして、必要な他のレポートを作成できます。


契約および更新データを検索するには、次の例のような一連のクエリを実行できます。クエリは相互に構築され、[契約と更新] ダッシュボード、粒度の細かいデータセクションを作成します。図のように例を使用するか、データやユースケースに合わせてカスタマイズできます。


Query currently under development.




-- Billed revenue report -- General note: When executing this query we are assuming that the data ingested in the database uses -- two time axes (the valid_from column and the update_date column). -- See documentation for more details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/data-feed.html#data-feed-details -- An account_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a separate revision of the data) -- but because of bi-temporality, an account_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) with accounts_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, tax_registration_number from ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, delete_date, tax_registration_number, row_number() over (partition by account_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from accountfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), accounts_with_history as ( with accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from as ( select account_id, -- sometimes, this columns gets imported as a "bigint" and loses heading 0s -> casting to a char and re-adding heading 0s (if need be) substring('000000000000'||cast(aws_account_id as varchar),-12) as aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, -- The start time of account valid_from is extended to '1970-01-01 00:00:00', because: -- ... in tax report transformations, some tax line items with invoice_date cannot -- ... fall into the default valid time range of the associated account case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by account_id order by valid_from asc) is null then cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) else valid_from end as valid_from from accounts_with_uni_temporal_data ) select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by account_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to from accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from ), -- An address_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a separate revision of the data) -- but because of bi-temporality, an account_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) address_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_num from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_number() over (partition by address_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from addressfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (BTW: a given address is not supposed to change over time but when bugs ;-) so this query mainly does nothing) address_with_latest_revision as ( select valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_num_latest_revision from ( select valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_number() over (partition by address_id order by valid_from desc) as row_num_latest_revision from address_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), accounts_with_history_with_company_name as ( select awh.account_id, awh.aws_account_id, awh.encrypted_account_id, awh.mailing_address_id, awh.tax_address_id, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when address.company_name = '' then null else address.company_name end, awh.tax_legal_name) as mailing_company_name, address.email_domain, awh.valid_from, -- For BYOL, the agreement might be accepted (using some external non-AWS system or manual process) days before -- that BYOL agreement is entered into AWS Marketplace by the buyer. Therefore, the buyer is permitted to manually -- enter a backdated acceptance date, which might predate the point in time when the account was created. -- To work around this, we need to adjust the valid_from of the account to be -- earlier than the earliest possible backdated BYOL agreement acceptance date. case when lag(awh.valid_from) over (partition by aws_account_id order by awh.valid_from asc) is null then date_add('Day', -212, awh.valid_from) -- 212 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of the agreement and the account start_Date else awh.valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, awh.valid_to from accounts_with_history as awh left join address_with_latest_revision as address on awh.mailing_address_id = address.address_id and awh.mailing_address_id is not null ), -- An agreement_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an agreement revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an agreement_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) agreements_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select agreement_id, origin_offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(start_date) as start_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(end_date) as end_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(acceptance_date) as acceptance_date, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from ( select --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when agreement_id = '' then null else agreement_id end as agreement_id, origin_offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, valid_from, delete_date, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent, row_number() over (partition by agreement_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from -- TODO change to agreementfeed_v1 when Agreement Feed is GA'ed agreementfeed ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), agreements_with_history as ( with agreements_with_window_functions as ( select agreement_id, origin_offer_id as offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, -- The start time of agreement valid_from is extended to '1970-01-01 00:00:00', because: -- ... in usage report transformations, some usage line items with usage_date cannot -- ... fall into the default valid time range of the associated agreement case when lag(valid_from) over (PARTITION BY agreement_id order by valid_from asc) is null then timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' else valid_from end as valid_from, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by agreement_id order by valid_from asc), timestamp '2999-01-01 00:00:00' ) as valid_to, rank() over (partition by agreement_id order by valid_from asc) version, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from agreements_with_uni_temporal_data ) select agreement_id, offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, valid_from, case when version=1 and valid_from<timestamp '2023-03-03 06:16:08.743' then timestamp '1970-01-01' -- The following 60 minute adjustment is to handle special case where When Renewal happens for a contract when version=1 then date_add('minute',-60,valid_from) else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, valid_to, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from agreements_with_window_functions ), -- An offer_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an offer revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an offer_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) offers_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, offer_id, offer_revision, name, expiration_date, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, seller_account_id from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, offer_id, offer_revision, name, expiration_date, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, seller_account_id, row_number() over (partition by offer_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from offerfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- Here, we build the validity time range (adding valid_to on top of valid_from) of each offer revision. -- We will use it to get Offer name at invoice time. -- NB: If you'd rather get "current" offer name, un-comment "offers_with_latest_revision" offers_with_history as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, -- When we try to look up an offer revision as at the acceptance date of a BYOL agreement, we run into a problem. -- For BYOL, the agreement might be accepted (using some external non-AWS system or manual process) days before -- that BYOL agreement is entered into AWS Marketplace by the buyer. Therefore, the buyer is permitted to manually -- enter a backdated acceptance date, which might predate the point in time when the first revision of the offer -- was created. To work around this, we need to adjust the valid_from on the first revision of the offer to be -- earlier than the earliest possible backdated BYOL agreement acceptance date. case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from<cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -3857, valid_from) -- 3857 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of an agreement and the first revision of the offer when lag(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from >= cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -1460, valid_from) --after 2021 for the two offers we need to adjust for 2 more years else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp)) as valid_to from offers_with_uni_temporal_data ), -- provided for reference only if you are interested into get "current" offer name -- (ie. not used afterwards) offers_with_latest_revision as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, null valid_to from ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, null valid_to, row_number() over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from desc) as row_num_latest_revision from offers_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), -- An offer_target_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an offer revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an offer_target_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, offer_target_id, offer_id, offer_revision, target_type, polarity, value from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, offer_target_id, offer_id, offer_revision, target_type, polarity, value, row_number() over (partition by offer_target_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from offertargetfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), offer_target_type as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, substring( -- The first character indicates the priority (lower value means higher precedence): min( case when offer_target.target_type='BuyerAccounts' then '1Private' when offer_target.target_type='ParticipatingPrograms' then '2Program:'||cast(offer_target.value as varchar) when offer_target.target_type='CountryCodes' then '3GeoTargeted' -- well, there is no other case today, but rather be safe... else '4Other Targeting' end ), -- Remove the first character that was only used for th priority in the "min" aggregate function: 2 ) as offer_target from offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data as offer_target group by offer_id, offer_revision ), offers_with_history_with_target_type as ( select offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- even though today it is not possible to combine several types of targeting in a single offer, let's ensure the query is still predictable if this gets possible in the future max( case when off_tgt.offer_target is null then 'Public' else off_tgt.offer_target end ) as offer_target, min(offer.name) as name, min(offer.opportunity_name) as opportunity_name, min(offer.opportunity_description) as opportunity_description, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_from_adjusted, offer.valid_to, offer.opportunity_id from offers_with_history as offer left join offer_target_type as off_tgt on offer.offer_id = off_tgt.offer_id and offer.offer_revision = off_tgt.offer_revision group by offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_from_adjusted, offer.valid_to, offer.opportunity_id ), -- provided for reference only if you are interested into get "current" offer targets -- (ie. not used afterwards) offers_with_latest_revision_with_target_type as ( select offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- even though today it is not possible to combine several types of targeting in a single offer, let's ensure the query is still predictable if this gets possible in the future max( distinct case when off_tgt.target_type is null then 'Public' when off_tgt.target_type='BuyerAccounts' then 'Private' when off_tgt.target_type='ParticipatingPrograms' then 'Program:'||cast(off_tgt.value as varchar) when off_tgt.target_type='CountryCodes' then 'GeoTargeted' -- well, there is no other case today, but rather be safe... else 'Other Targeting' end ) as offer_target, min(offer.name) as name, min(offer.opportunity_name) as opportunity_name, min(offer.opportunity_description) as opportunity_description, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_to from offers_with_latest_revision offer -- left joining because public offers don't have targets left join offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data off_tgt on offer.offer_id=off_tgt.offer_id and offer.offer_revision=off_tgt.offer_revision group by offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- redundant with offer_revision, as each revision has a dedicated valid_from (but cleaner in the group by) offer.valid_from, offer.valid_to ), -- A product_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a product revision), -- but because of bi-temporality, each product_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) products_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title, row_number() over (partition by product_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from productfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), products_with_history as ( select product_id, title, valid_from, -- Offerv2 can have upto 50 years and Offerv3 is upto 5 years of past date case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from<cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -3857, valid_from) -- 3827 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of an agreement and the product -- we are keeping 3857 as a consistency between the offers and products when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from >= cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -2190, valid_from) --after 2021 for the two offers we need to adjust for 2 more years else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to, product_code, manufacturer_account_id from products_with_uni_temporal_data ), legacy_products as ( select legacy_id, new_id from legacyidmappingfeed_v1 where mapping_type='PRODUCT' group by legacy_id, new_id ), -- A given billing_event_id represents an accounting event and thus has only one valid_from date, -- but because of bi-temporality, a billing_event_id (+ its valid_from) can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select billing_event_id, valid_from, update_date, delete_date, invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, parent_billing_event_id, bank_trace_id, broker_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, billing_address_id, amount, currency, balance_impacting, --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when agreement_id = '' then null else agreement_id end as agreement_id, invoice_id, payment_due_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, row_num from ( select billing_event_id, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, delete_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(invoice_date) as invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, parent_billing_event_id, -- casting in case data was imported as number cast(bank_trace_id as varchar) as bank_trace_id, broker_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, billing_address_id, -- casting in case data was imported as varchar cast(amount as decimal(38,6)) as amount, currency, balance_impacting, agreement_id, invoice_id, case when payment_due_date is null or payment_due_date = '' then null else from_iso8601_timestamp(payment_due_date) end as payment_due_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(usage_period_start_date) as usage_period_start_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(usage_period_end_date) as usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, row_number() over (partition by billing_event_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from billingeventfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- Here we select the account_id of the current seller (We identify this by looking for the to_account_id related to revenue transactions). -- We will use it later to distinguish own agreements from agreements generated by channel partners. seller_account as ( select from_account_id as seller_account_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data bill where -- Assumption here is only seller will pay listing fee. As of 12/21/2021, there are cases that Channel partner have 0 listing fee for CPPO, so the amount could be 0. bill.transaction_type like 'AWS_REV_SHARE' and amount <= 0 and action = 'INVOICED' group by -- from_account_id is always the same for all those "listing fee" transactions == the seller of record himself. -- If this view returns more than 1 record, the overall query will fail (on purpose). Please contact AWS Marketplace if this happens. from_account_id ), billing_event_with_business_flags as ( select bl.billing_event_id, bl.end_user_account_id, bl.agreement_id, aggrement.proposer_account_id, aggrement.offer_id, aggrement.acceptor_account_id, case -- For AWS and BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, the billing event feed will show the "AWS Marketplace" account as the -- receiver of the funds and the seller as the payer. We are not interested in this information here. -- Null values will be ignored by the `max` aggregation function. when bl.transaction_type like 'AWS%' then null -- For BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, payer is seller themselves when bl.invoice_id is null then bl.to_account_id -- We get the payer of the invoice from *any* transaction type that is not AWS and not BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT (because they are the same for a given end user + agreement + product). else bl.from_account_id end as payer_account_id, bl.product_id, bl.action, bl.transaction_type, bl.parent_billing_event_id, bl.disbursement_billing_event_id, bl.amount, bl.currency, bl.balance_impacting, bl.invoice_date, bl.payment_due_date, bl.usage_period_start_date, bl.usage_period_end_date, bl.invoice_id, bl.billing_address_id, bl.transaction_reference_id, bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id, case when disbursement.bank_trace_id = 'EMEA_MP_TEST_TRACE_ID' then null else disbursement.bank_trace_id end as bank_trace_id, case when disbursement.bank_trace_id = 'EMEA_MP_TEST_TRACE_ID' then null else disbursement.invoice_date end as disbursement_date, disbursement.billing_event_id as disbursement_id, -- We will use disbursement_id_or_invoiced as part of the PK, so it cannot be null: coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when disbursement.billing_event_id = '' then null else disbursement.billing_event_id end, '<invoiced>') as disbursement_id_or_invoiced, bl.broker_id, case when bl.invoice_id is null /* transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' */ then (select seller_account_id from seller_account) ||':'|| cast(bl.invoice_date as varchar) else bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id ||'-'|| case when bl.agreement_id is null or bl.agreement_id = '' then ' ' else bl.agreement_id end ||'-'|| case when bl.end_user_account_id is null or bl.end_user_account_id = '' then ' ' else bl.end_user_account_id end ||'-'|| coalesce(cast(bl.usage_period_start_date as varchar),' ') ||'-'|| coalesce(cast(bl.usage_period_end_date as varchar),' ') end as internal_buyer_line_item_id, bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id <> bl.transaction_reference_id as is_seller_invoice, case when bl.transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> bl.to_account_id then true else false end as is_cog, case when bl.transaction_type in('SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT', 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND') and (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> bl.to_account_id then true else false end as is_cog_refund, --TODO: replace below logic once we can create a logic the identify reseller/manufacturer without depending on agreement feed case when aggrement.proposer_account_id <> (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then true else false end as is_manufacturer_view_of_reseller from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as bl left join billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as disbursement on disbursement.transaction_type like 'DISBURSEMENT%' and disbursement.action = 'DISBURSED' and disbursement.transaction_type IN ('DISBURSEMENT', 'DISBURSEMENT_FAILURE') and bl.disbursement_billing_event_id = disbursement.billing_event_id left join agreements_with_history as aggrement on bl.agreement_id = aggrement.agreement_id and bl.invoice_date >= aggrement.valid_from_adjusted and bl.invoice_date<aggrement.valid_to left join accounts_with_history awh on bl.to_account_id = awh.account_id and bl.invoice_date >= awh.valid_from and bl.invoice_date<awh.valid_to where bl.transaction_type not like 'DISBURSEMENT%' and (bl.agreement_id is null or bl.agreement_id = '' or aggrement.agreement_id is not null) ), -- listagg function in athena does not support partitioning, grouping here and then joining to the main query seller_invoice_list as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, listagg(case when not is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_id end,',') within group (order by case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end) as seller_invoice_id_or_null, listagg(case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end,',') within group (order by case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end) as seller_invoice_date_or_null from ( -- listagg function in athena does not support ordering by another field when distinct is used, -- here we first select distinct invoices and then do the listagg order by invoice_date select distinct internal_buyer_line_item_id, is_seller_invoice, invoice_id, invoice_date from billing_event_with_business_flags) distinct_invoices group by internal_buyer_line_item_id order by internal_buyer_line_item_id ), billing_event_with_categorized_transaction as ( -- Use the flags that were created in the previous transformation in more calculated columns: -- NOTE: This transformation has no joins and no window functions select billing_event_id, end_user_account_id, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, offer_id, acceptor_account_id, case when is_cog or is_cog_refund then null else payer_account_id end as payer_account_id, product_id, action, transaction_type, parent_billing_event_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, amount, currency, balance_impacting, invoice_date, payment_due_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, invoice_id, billing_address_id, transaction_reference_id, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, broker_id, bl.internal_buyer_line_item_id, is_seller_invoice, is_cog, is_cog_refund, is_manufacturer_view_of_reseller, -- Buyer/seller columns: case when is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_id end as buyer_invoice_id_or_null, seller_invoices.seller_invoice_id_or_null, case when is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_date end as buyer_invoice_date_or_null, seller_invoices.seller_invoice_date_or_null, -- Categorized amounts by transaction type: case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and not is_cog then amount else 0 end as gross_revenue, case when transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND','SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') and not is_cog_refund then amount else 0 end as gross_refund, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and is_cog then amount else 0 end as cogs, case when transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND','SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') and is_cog_refund then amount else 0 end as cogs_refund, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE' then amount else 0 end as aws_rev_share, case when transaction_type in ('AWS_REV_SHARE_REFUND','AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') then amount else 0 end as aws_refund_share, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE' and not is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share, -- AWS tax share from _buyer_ invoice case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE' and is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_listing_fee, -- AWS tax share from _seller_ invoice case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' and not is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_refund, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' and is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE' then amount else 0 end as seller_tax_share, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' then amount else 0 end as seller_tax_share_refund, case when transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' then amount else 0 end as balance_adjustment, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then amount else 0 end as seller_rev_credit, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then amount else 0 end as aws_ref_fee_credit from billing_event_with_business_flags as bl left join seller_invoice_list as seller_invoices on bl.internal_buyer_line_item_id = seller_invoices.internal_buyer_line_item_id ), line_items_aggregated as ( -- This transformation has the only "group by" in all of these transformations. -- NOTE: This transformation has no joins and no window functions select internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, broker_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, max(payer_account_id) as payer_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, max(payment_due_date) payment_due_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, max(billing_address_id) as billing_address_id, -- Buyer/seller columns: max(buyer_invoice_id_or_null) as buyer_invoice_id, max(seller_invoice_id_or_null) as seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date_or_null) as buyer_invoice_date, max(seller_invoice_date_or_null) as seller_invoice_date, -- Categorized amounts by transaction type: -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>', these are invoiced amounts -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' these are disbursed amounts for _this_ specific disbursement_id sum(gross_revenue) as gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(gross_refund) as gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(cogs) as cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(cogs_refund) as cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_rev_share) as aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_refund_share) as aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share) as aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_listing_fee) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_refund) as aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_tax_share) as seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_tax_share_refund) as seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(balance_adjustment) as balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_rev_credit) as seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_ref_fee_credit) as aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced from billing_event_with_categorized_transaction as billing_categorized group by internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, broker_id, -- The following columns are included the in group by but they are intentionally omitted from the PK. -- These columns should have the _same_ values for each record in the PK. product_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date ), -- listagg function in athena does not support partitioning, grouping here and then joining to the main query disbursement_list as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, listagg(cast(disbursement_date as varchar),',') within group (order by cast(disbursement_date as varchar)) as disbursement_date_list, listagg(bank_trace_id,',') within group (order by cast(disbursement_date as varchar)) as disburse_bank_trace_id_list from ( -- listagg function in athena does not support ordering by another field when distinct is used, -- here we first select distinct bank_trace_ids and then do the listagg order by disbursement_date select distinct internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_date, bank_trace_id from billing_event_with_business_flags) distinct_disbursements group by internal_buyer_line_item_id order by internal_buyer_line_item_id ), line_items_with_window_functions as ( --add flag next step compare gross_revenue and gross_revenue_disbursed or gross_refund and gross_refund_disbursed select line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, broker_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, -- when there's aws_rev_Share adjustment/refund to a seller_rev_share invoice, it can happen that for the same aws_rev_share invoice_id, there are multiple disbursement events, -- using windows function to map payer_account_id of seller_rev_share to all corresponding aws_rev_Share max(payer_account_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as payer_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, -- Buyer/seller columns: max(buyer_invoice_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as buyer_invoice_id, seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as buyer_invoice_date, seller_invoice_date, -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>', these are actually invoiced amounts -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' these are disbursed amounts for _this_ specific disbursement_id gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, -- IMPORTANT: All window functions partitioned by internal_buyer_line_item_id: -- Invoiced amounts, categorized by transaction type: sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end)over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_revenue_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_rev_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_refund_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as balance_adjustment_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_rev_credit_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, -- Total disbursed amounts (for all disbursement_id values), categorized by transaction type: sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_revenue_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_rev_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_refund_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as balance_adjustment_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_rev_credit_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> '<invoiced>' then aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, -- aggregate multiple disbursement max(disbursement_date) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as last_disbursement_date, first_value(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' then null else disbursement_id_or_invoiced end) over(partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id order by coalesce(disbursement_date,cast('1900-01-01' as timestamp)) desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_disbursement_id, first_value(bank_trace_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id order by coalesce(disbursement_date,cast('1900-01-01' as timestamp)) desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disb_list.disbursement_date_list, disb_list.disburse_bank_trace_id_list from line_items_aggregated as line_item left join disbursement_list disb_list on line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id = disb_list.internal_buyer_line_item_id ), cppo_offer_id as ( select -- Channel partner offers do not exist in offertargetfeed_v1 table (as per legal requirement), causing cppo offer be defined as 'Public' in previous step, we will convert them back to 'Private' in next step offer_id from offers_with_uni_temporal_data where -- seller_account_id is null means the ISV owns the offer seller_account_id is not null and seller_account_id <> (select seller_account_id from seller_account) group by offer_id ), line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, line.product_id, legacy_product.legacy_id as legacy_product_id, products.title as product_title, line.broker_id, line.currency, line.end_user_account_id, acc_enduser.encrypted_account_id as end_user_encrypted_account_id, acc_enduser.aws_account_id as end_user_aws_account_id, acc_payer.aws_account_id as payer_aws_account_id, acc_payer.encrypted_account_id payer_encrypted_account_id, line.agreement_id, agreement.agreement_revision, line.proposer_account_id, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.start_date end as Agreement_Start_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.end_date end as Agreement_End_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.acceptance_date end as Agreement_Acceptance_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.valid_from end as agreement_updated_date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else line.usage_period_start_date end as Usage_Period_Start_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else line.usage_period_end_date end as Usage_Period_End_Date, line.acceptor_account_id, acc_subscriber.aws_account_id as subscriber_aws_account_id, acc_subscriber.encrypted_account_id as subscriber_encrypted_account_id, offer.offer_id, case when offer.offer_id in ( select distinct offer_id from cppo_offer_id) then 'Private' else offer.offer_target end as offer_target, offer.name offer_name, offer.opportunity_name offer_opportunity_name, offer.opportunity_description offer_opportunity_description, offer.opportunity_id, payment_due_date, line.bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, buyer_invoice_id, seller_invoice_id, buyer_invoice_date, seller_invoice_date, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, products.product_code, acc_products.aws_account_id as manufacturer_aws_account_id, products.manufacturer_account_id, --add subscriber and payer addressID, payer address preference order: tax address > billing address > mailing address, subscriber address preference order: tax address > mailing address coalesce ( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null in order to follow the preference order logic above case when acc_subscriber.tax_address_id ='' then null else acc_subscriber.tax_address_id end, case when acc_subscriber.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_subscriber.mailing_address_id end) as subscriber_address_id, coalesce ( case when acc_payer.tax_address_id = '' then null else acc_payer.tax_address_id end, case when line.billing_address_id = '' then null else line.billing_address_id end, case when acc_payer.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_payer.mailing_address_id end) as payer_address_id, coalesce ( case when acc_enduser.tax_address_id = '' then null else acc_enduser.tax_address_id end, case when line.billing_address_id = '' then null else line.billing_address_id end, case when acc_enduser.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_enduser.mailing_address_id end) as end_user_address_id from line_items_with_window_functions as line left join agreements_with_history as agreement on line.agreement_id = agreement.agreement_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= agreement.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date<agreement.valid_to left join offers_with_history_with_target_type as offer on line.offer_id = offer.offer_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= offer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<offer.valid_to left join products_with_history as products on line.product_id = products.product_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= products.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date<products.valid_to left join legacy_products as legacy_product on line.product_id = legacy_product.new_id left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_payer on line.payer_account_id = acc_payer.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_payer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<acc_payer.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_enduser on line.end_user_account_id = acc_enduser.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_enduser.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<acc_enduser.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_subscriber on line.acceptor_account_id = acc_subscriber.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_subscriber.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<acc_subscriber.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_products on products.manufacturer_account_id = acc_products.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_products.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<acc_products.valid_to ), line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address_name as ( select line.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, legacy_product_id, product_title, broker_id, currency, end_user_address_id, end_user_account_id, end_user_encrypted_account_id, end_user_aws_account_id, add_enduser.company_name end_user_company_name, add_enduser.email_domain end_user_email_domain, add_enduser.city end_user_city, add_enduser.state_or_region end_user_state, add_enduser.country_code end_user_country, add_enduser.postal_code end_user_postal_code, payer_aws_account_id, payer_encrypted_account_id, payer_address_id, add_payer.company_name payer_company_name, add_payer.email_domain payer_email_domain, add_payer.city payer_city, add_payer.state_or_region payer_state, add_payer.country_code payer_country, add_payer.postal_code payer_postal_code, agreement_id, agreement_revision, agreement_start_date, agreement_end_date, agreement_acceptance_date, agreement_updated_date, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.aws_account_id end as reseller_aws_account_id, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.mailing_company_name end as reseller_company_name, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, proposer_account_id, acc_proposer.aws_account_id as proposer_aws_account_id, acceptor_account_id, subscriber_aws_account_id, subscriber_encrypted_account_id, subscriber_address_id, add_subscriber.company_name subscriber_company_name, add_subscriber.email_domain subscriber_email_domain, add_subscriber.city subscriber_city, add_subscriber.state_or_region subscriber_state, add_subscriber.country_code subscriber_country, add_subscriber.postal_code subscriber_postal_code, offer_id, offer_target, offer_name, offer_opportunity_name, offer_opportunity_description, opportunity_id, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, max(buyer_invoice_id)as buyer_invoice_id, max(seller_invoice_id)as seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date)as buyer_invoice_date, max(seller_invoice_date)as seller_invoice_date, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, (gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) as seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_revenue_disbursed) as uncollected_gross_revenue, -- net revenue = gross revenue - listing fee - tax - cogs (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_refund_invoiced + aws_rev_share_invoiced + aws_refund_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced + cogs_invoiced + cogs_refund_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced) as seller_net_revenue, (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_refund_invoiced + aws_rev_share_invoiced + aws_refund_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced + cogs_invoiced + cogs_refund_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced + gross_revenue_disbursed + gross_refund_disbursed + aws_rev_share_disbursed + aws_refund_share_disbursed + seller_tax_share_disbursed + seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed + cogs_disbursed + cogs_refund_disbursed + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed) as uncollected_seller_net_revenue, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, product_code, manufacturer_aws_account_id, manufacturer_account_id, acc_manu.mailing_company_name as manufacturer_company_name, cast(null as varchar) as AR_Period, case when ( (gross_revenue_invoiced <>0 and gross_revenue_invoiced = -1 * gross_revenue_disbursed) or (gross_refund_invoiced <> 0 and gross_refund_invoiced = -1 * gross_refund_disbursed) or (balance_adjustment_invoiced <> 0 and balance_adjustment_invoiced = -1 * balance_adjustment_disbursed) or (seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced <> 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced = -1 * seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed) or (gross_revenue_invoiced = 0 and gross_refund_invoiced = 0 and balance_adjustment_invoiced = 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced = 0 and last_disbursement_id is not null)) then 'Yes' when gross_revenue_disbursed = 0 and gross_refund_disbursed = 0 and balance_adjustment_disbursed = 0 and seller_tax_share_disbursed = 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed = 0 then 'No' else 'Partial' end as Disbursement_Flag from line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address as line left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_manu on line.manufacturer_account_id = acc_manu.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_manu.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date <= acc_manu.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_proposer on line.proposer_account_id = acc_proposer.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_proposer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date<acc_proposer.valid_to left join address_with_latest_revision as add_payer on line.payer_address_id = add_payer.address_id left join address_with_latest_revision as add_subscriber on line.subscriber_address_id = add_subscriber.address_id left join address_with_latest_revision as add_enduser on line.end_user_address_id = add_enduser.address_id group by line.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, legacy_product_id, product_title, broker_id, currency, end_user_address_id, end_user_account_id, end_user_encrypted_account_id, end_user_aws_account_id, add_enduser.company_name, add_enduser.email_domain, add_enduser.city, add_enduser.state_or_region, add_enduser.country_code, add_enduser.postal_code, payer_aws_account_id, payer_encrypted_account_id, payer_address_id, add_payer.company_name, add_payer.email_domain, add_payer.city, add_payer.state_or_region, add_payer.country_code, add_payer.postal_code, agreement_id, agreement_revision, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.aws_account_id end, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.mailing_company_name end, agreement_start_date, agreement_end_date, agreement_acceptance_date, agreement_updated_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, acceptor_account_id, subscriber_aws_account_id, subscriber_encrypted_account_id, subscriber_address_id, add_subscriber.company_name, add_subscriber.email_domain, add_subscriber.city, add_subscriber.state_or_region, add_subscriber.country_code, add_subscriber.postal_code, offer_id, offer_target, offer_name, offer_opportunity_name, offer_opportunity_description, opportunity_id, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, product_code, manufacturer_aws_account_id, manufacturer_account_id, acc_manu.mailing_company_name, proposer_account_id, acc_proposer.aws_account_id ), billed_revenue as ( select ------------------ -- Invoice Info -- ------------------ buyer_invoice_date as Invoice_Date, Payment_Due_Date as Payment_Due_Date, concat( 'Net ', case when abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date))>180 then '180+' else cast(abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date)) as varchar) end, ' days' ) as payment_terms, buyer_invoice_id as Invoice_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when seller_invoice_id = '' then null else seller_invoice_id end, 'Not applicable') as Listing_Fee_Invoice_ID, --------------------------- --End user Information -- --------------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when End_User_Company_Name = '' then null else End_User_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as End_User_Company_Name, End_User_AWS_Account_ID, End_User_Encrypted_Account_ID, End_User_Email_Domain, End_User_City, End_User_State as End_User_State_or_Region, End_User_Country, End_User_Postal_Code, End_User_Address_ID, --------------------------- --Subscriber Information -- --------------------------- case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Company_Name is null or Subscriber_Company_Name = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Company_Name end as Subscriber_Company_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID end as Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID end as Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Email_Domain is null or Subscriber_Email_Domain = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Email_Domain end as Subscriber_Email_Domain, case when Agreement_id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_City is null or Subscriber_City = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_City end as Subscriber_City, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_State is null or Subscriber_State = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_State end as Subscriber_State_or_Region, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Country is null or Subscriber_Country = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Country end as Subscriber_Country, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Postal_Code is null or Subscriber_Postal_Code = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Postal_Code end as Subscriber_Postal_Code, case when Agreement_ID is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Address_ID is null or Subscriber_Address_ID = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Address_ID end as Subscriber_Address_ID, ---------------------- -- Procurement Info -- ---------------------- -- product title at time of invoice. It is possible that the title changes over time and therefore there may be multiple product titles mapped to a single product id. coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_Title = '' then null else Product_Title end, 'Not provided') as Product_Title, -- offer name at time of invoice. It is possible that the name changes over time therefore there may be multiple offer names mapped to a single offer id. case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when (Offer_Name is null or Offer_Name = '') and Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' else Offer_Name end as Offer_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_ID end as Offer_ID, -- offer target at time of invoice., case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_Target end as Offer_Visibility, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Agreement_ID = '' then null else Agreement_ID end, 'Not available') as Agreement_ID, Agreement_Start_Date, Agreement_Acceptance_Date, Agreement_End_Date, Usage_Period_Start_Date, Usage_Period_End_Date, ----------------------- -- Disbursement Info -- ----------------------- case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then 'Disbursed' when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not Disbursed' else 'Other' end as Disbursement_Status, last_disbursement_date as disbursement_date, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not applicable' when disburse_bank_trace_id_list is null or disburse_bank_trace_id_list = '' then 'Not available' else disburse_bank_trace_id_list end as disburse_bank_trace_id, -------------- -- Revenues -- -------------- -- We are rounding the sums using 2 decimal precision -- Note that the rounding method might differ between SQL implementations. -- The monthly revenue report is using RoundingMode.HALF_UP. This might create tiny discrepancies between this SQL output -- and the legacy report round(gross_revenue_invoiced,2) as Gross_Revenue, round(gross_refund_invoiced,2) as Gross_Refund, round(aws_rev_share_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee, round(aws_refund_share_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee_Refund, truncate( case when gross_revenue_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_rev_share_invoiced/gross_revenue_invoiced) when gross_refund_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_refund_share_invoiced/gross_refund_invoiced) else 0 end ,4) as Listing_Fee_Percentage, round(seller_tax_share_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share, round(seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share_Refund, round(aws_tax_share_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share, round(aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Refund, round(aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Listing_Fee, round(aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Refund_Listing_Fee, round(cogs_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost, round(cogs_refund_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost_Refund, round(seller_net_revenue,2) as Seller_Net_Revenue, currency as Currency, substring(internal_buyer_line_item_id,1,strpos(internal_buyer_line_item_id,'-')-1) as Transaction_Reference_ID, broker_id as AWS_seller_of_record, ----------------- -- Resale info -- ----------------- case when Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Opportunity_Id end as Resale_authorization_ID, case when Offer_Opportunity_Name is null or Offer_Opportunity_Name = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Name end as Resale_authorization_name, case when Offer_Opportunity_Description is null or Offer_Opportunity_Description = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Name end as Resale_authorization_description, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is not null and Reseller_AWS_Account_ID != '') and (Reseller_Company_Name is null or Reseller_Company_Name = '') then 'Not available' when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (opportunity_id is null or opportunity_id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_Company_Name end as Reseller_Company_Name, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_AWS_Account_ID end as Reseller_AWS_Account_ID, ----------------------- -- Payer Information -- ----------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Payer_Company_Name = '' then null else Payer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as Payer_Company_Name, Payer_AWS_Account_ID, Payer_Encrypted_Account_ID, Payer_Email_Domain, Payer_City, Payer_State as Payer_State_or_Region, Payer_Country, Payer_Postal_Code, Payer_Address_ID, --------------------- -- ISV Information -- --------------------- manufacturer_aws_account_id as ISV_Account_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Manufacturer_Company_Name = '' then null else Manufacturer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as ISV_Company_Name, --------------------- -- Products info -- --------------------- Legacy_Product_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_ID = '' then null else Product_ID end, 'Not provided') as Product_ID, Product_Code from line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address_name as line where disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>' ) select * from billed_revenue where invoice_date >= date_add('DAY', -90, current_date) --where invoice_date between cast('2023-01-01' as timestamp) and cast('2024-03-01' as timestamp)




-- Collections and disbursements report -- General note: When running this query, we assume that the data ingested in the database uses -- two time axes (the valid_from column and the update_date column). -- See documentation for more details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/data-feed.html#data-feed-details -- An account_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a separate revision of the data) -- but because of bi-temporality, an account_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) with accounts_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, tax_registration_number from ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, delete_date, tax_registration_number, row_number() over (partition by account_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from accountfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), accounts_with_history as ( with accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from as ( select account_id, -- sometimes, this columns gets imported as a "bigint" and loses heading 0s -> casting to a char and re-adding heading 0s (if need be) substring('000000000000'||cast(aws_account_id as varchar),-12) as aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, -- The start time of account valid_from is extended to '1970-01-01 00:00:00', because: -- ... in tax report transformations, some tax line items with invoice_date cannot -- ... fall into the default valid time range of the associated account case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by account_id order by valid_from asc) is null then cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) else valid_from end as valid_from from accounts_with_uni_temporal_data ) select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by account_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to from accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from ), -- An address_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a separate revision of the data) -- but because of bi-temporality, an account_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) address_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_num from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_number() over (partition by address_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from addressfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (BTW: a given address is not supposed to change over time but when bugs ;-) so this query mainly does nothing) address_with_latest_revision as ( select valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_num_latest_revision from ( select valid_from, address_id, company_name, email_domain, country_code, state_or_region, city, postal_code, row_number() over (partition by address_id order by valid_from desc) as row_num_latest_revision from address_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), accounts_with_history_with_company_name as ( select awh.account_id, awh.aws_account_id, awh.encrypted_account_id, awh.mailing_address_id, awh.tax_address_id, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when address.company_name = '' then null else address.company_name end, awh.tax_legal_name) as mailing_company_name, address.email_domain, awh.valid_from, -- For BYOL, the agreement might be accepted (using some external non-AWS system or manual process) days before -- that BYOL agreement is entered into AWS Marketplace by the buyer. Therefore, the buyer is permitted to manually -- enter a backdated acceptance date, which might predate the point in time when the account was created. -- To work around this, we need to adjust the valid_from of the account to be -- earlier than the earliest possible backdated BYOL agreement acceptance date. case when lag(awh.valid_from) over (partition by aws_account_id order by awh.valid_from asc) is null then date_add('Day', -212, awh.valid_from) -- 212 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of the agreement and the account start_Date else awh.valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, awh.valid_to from accounts_with_history as awh left join address_with_latest_revision as address on awh.mailing_address_id = address.address_id and awh.mailing_address_id is not null ), -- An agreement_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an agreement revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an agreement_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) agreements_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select agreement_id, origin_offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(start_date) as start_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(end_date) as end_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(acceptance_date) as acceptance_date, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from ( select --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when agreement_id = '' then null else agreement_id end as agreement_id, origin_offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, valid_from, delete_date, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent, row_number() over (partition by agreement_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from -- TODO change to agreementfeed_v1 when Agreement Feed is GA'ed agreementfeed ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), agreements_with_history as ( with agreements_with_window_functions as ( select agreement_id, origin_offer_id as offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, -- The start time of agreement valid_from is extended to '1970-01-01 00:00:00', because: -- ... in usage report transformations, some usage line items with usage_date cannot -- ... fall into the default valid time range of the associated agreement case when lag(valid_from) over (PARTITION BY agreement_id order by valid_from asc) is null then timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' else valid_from end as valid_from, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by agreement_id order by valid_from asc), timestamp '2999-01-01 00:00:00' ) as valid_to, rank() over (partition by agreement_id order by valid_from asc) version, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from agreements_with_uni_temporal_data ) select agreement_id, offer_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, agreement_revision, start_date, end_date, acceptance_date, valid_from, case when version=1 and valid_from < timestamp '2023-03-03 06:16:08.743' then timestamp '1970-01-01' -- The following 60 minute adjustment is to handle special case where When Renewal happens for a contract when version=1 then date_add('minute',-60,valid_from) else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, valid_to, agreement_type, previous_agreement_id, agreement_intent from agreements_with_window_functions ), -- An offer_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an offer revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an offer_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) offers_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, offer_id, offer_revision, name, expiration_date, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, seller_account_id from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, offer_id, offer_revision, name, expiration_date, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, seller_account_id, row_number() over (partition by offer_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from offerfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- Here, we build the validity time range (adding valid_to on top of valid_from) of each offer revision. -- We will use it to get Offer name at invoice time. -- NB: If you'd rather get "current" offer name, un-comment "offers_with_latest_revision" offers_with_history as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_id, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, -- When we try to look up an offer revision as at the acceptance date of a BYOL agreement, we run into a problem. -- For BYOL, the agreement might be accepted (using some external non-AWS system or manual process) days before -- that BYOL agreement is entered into AWS Marketplace by the buyer. Therefore, the buyer is permitted to manually -- enter a backdated acceptance date, which might predate the point in time when the first revision of the offer -- was created. To work around this, we need to adjust the valid_from on the first revision of the offer to be -- earlier than the earliest possible backdated BYOL agreement acceptance date. case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from < cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -3857, valid_from) -- 3857 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of an agreement and the first revision of the offer when lag(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from >= cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -1460, valid_from) --after 2021 for the two offers we need to adjust for 2 more years else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp)) as valid_to from offers_with_uni_temporal_data ), -- provided for reference only if you are interested into get "current" offer name -- (ie. not used afterwards) offers_with_latest_revision as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, null valid_to from ( select offer_id, offer_revision, name, opportunity_name, opportunity_description, valid_from, null valid_to, row_number() over (partition by offer_id order by valid_from desc) as row_num_latest_revision from offers_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), -- An offer_target_id has several valid_from dates (each representing an offer revision) -- but because of bi-temporality, an offer_target_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, offer_target_id, offer_id, offer_revision, target_type, polarity, value from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, offer_target_id, offer_id, offer_revision, target_type, polarity, value, row_number() over (partition by offer_target_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from offertargetfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), offer_target_type as ( select offer_id, offer_revision, substring( -- The first character indicates the priority (lower value means higher precedence): min( case when offer_target.target_type='BuyerAccounts' then '1Private' when offer_target.target_type='ParticipatingPrograms' then '2Program:'||cast(offer_target.value as varchar) when offer_target.target_type='CountryCodes' then '3GeoTargeted' -- well, there is no other case today, but rather be safe... else '4Other Targeting' end ), -- Remove the first character that was only used for th priority in the "min" aggregate function: 2 ) as offer_target from offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data as offer_target group by offer_id, offer_revision ), offers_with_history_with_target_type as ( select offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- even though today it is not possible to combine several types of targeting in a single offer, let's ensure the query is still predictable if this gets possible in the future max( case when off_tgt.offer_target is null then 'Public' else off_tgt.offer_target end ) as offer_target, min(offer.name) as name, min(offer.opportunity_name) as opportunity_name, min(offer.opportunity_description) as opportunity_description, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_from_adjusted, offer.valid_to, offer.opportunity_id from offers_with_history as offer left join offer_target_type as off_tgt on offer.offer_id = off_tgt.offer_id and offer.offer_revision = off_tgt.offer_revision group by offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_from_adjusted, offer.valid_to, offer.opportunity_id ), -- provided for reference only if you are interested into get "current" offer targets -- (ie. not used afterwards) offers_with_latest_revision_with_target_type as ( select offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- even though today it is not possible to combine several types of targeting in a single offer, let's ensure the query is still predictable if this gets possible in the future max( distinct case when off_tgt.target_type is null then 'Public' when off_tgt.target_type='BuyerAccounts' then 'Private' when off_tgt.target_type='ParticipatingPrograms' then 'Program:'||cast(off_tgt.value as varchar) when off_tgt.target_type='CountryCodes' then 'GeoTargeted' -- well, there is no other case today, but rather be safe... else 'Other Targeting' end ) as offer_target, min(offer.name) as name, min(offer.opportunity_name) as opportunity_name, min(offer.opportunity_description) as opportunity_description, offer.valid_from, offer.valid_to from offers_with_latest_revision offer -- left joining because public offers don't have targets left join offer_targets_with_uni_temporal_data off_tgt on offer.offer_id=off_tgt.offer_id and offer.offer_revision=off_tgt.offer_revision group by offer.offer_id, offer.offer_revision, -- redundant with offer_revision, as each revision has a dedicated valid_from (but cleaner in the group by) offer.valid_from, offer.valid_to ), -- A product_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a product revision), -- but because of bi-temporality, each product_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) products_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title, row_number() over (partition by product_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from productfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), products_with_history as ( select product_id, title, valid_from, -- Offerv2 can have upto 50 years and Offerv3 is upto 5 years of past date case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from < cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -3857, valid_from) -- 3827 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of an agreement and the product -- we are keeping 3857 as a consistency between the offers and products when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from >= cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -2190, valid_from) --after 2021 for the two offers we need to adjust for 2 more years else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to, product_code, manufacturer_account_id from products_with_uni_temporal_data ), legacy_products as ( select legacy_id, new_id from legacyidmappingfeed_v1 where mapping_type='PRODUCT' group by legacy_id, new_id ), -- A given billing_event_id represents an accounting event and thus has only one valid_from date, -- but because of bi-temporality, a billing_event_id (+ its valid_from) can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select billing_event_id, valid_from, update_date, delete_date, invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, parent_billing_event_id, bank_trace_id, broker_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, billing_address_id, amount, currency, balance_impacting, --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when agreement_id = '' then null else agreement_id end as agreement_id, invoice_id, payment_due_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, row_num from ( select billing_event_id, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, delete_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(invoice_date) as invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, parent_billing_event_id, -- casting in case data was imported as number cast(bank_trace_id as varchar) as bank_trace_id, broker_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, billing_address_id, -- casting in case data was imported as varchar cast(amount as decimal(38,6)) as amount, currency, balance_impacting, agreement_id, invoice_id, case when payment_due_date is null or payment_due_date = '' then null else from_iso8601_timestamp(payment_due_date) end as payment_due_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(usage_period_start_date) as usage_period_start_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(usage_period_end_date) as usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, row_number() over (partition by billing_event_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from billingeventfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), -- Here we select the account_id of the current seller (We identify this by looking for the to_account_id related to revenue transactions). -- We will use it later to distinguish own agreements from agreements generated by channel partners. seller_account as ( select from_account_id as seller_account_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data bill where -- Assumption here is only seller will pay listing fee. As of 12/21/2021, there are cases that Channel partner have 0 listing fee for CPPO, so the amount could be 0. bill.transaction_type like 'AWS_REV_SHARE' and amount <= 0 and action = 'INVOICED' group by -- from_account_id is always the same for all those "listing fee" transactions == the seller of record himself. -- If this view returns more than 1 record, the overall query will fail (on purpose). Please contact AWS Marketplace if this happens. from_account_id ), billing_event_with_business_flags as ( select bl.billing_event_id, bl.end_user_account_id, bl.agreement_id, aggrement.proposer_account_id, aggrement.offer_id, aggrement.acceptor_account_id, case -- For AWS and BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, the billing event feed will show the "AWS Marketplace" account as the -- receiver of the funds and the seller as the payer. We are not interested in this information here. -- Null values will be ignored by the `max` aggregation function. when bl.transaction_type like 'AWS%' then null -- For BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, payer is seller themselves when bl.invoice_id is null then bl.to_account_id -- We get the payer of the invoice from *any* transaction type that is not AWS and not BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT (because they are the same for a given end user + agreement + product). else bl.from_account_id end as payer_account_id, bl.product_id, bl.action, bl.transaction_type, bl.parent_billing_event_id, bl.disbursement_billing_event_id, bl.amount, bl.currency, bl.balance_impacting, bl.invoice_date, bl.payment_due_date, bl.usage_period_start_date, bl.usage_period_end_date, bl.invoice_id, bl.billing_address_id, bl.transaction_reference_id, bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id, case when disbursement.bank_trace_id = 'EMEA_MP_TEST_TRACE_ID' then null else disbursement.bank_trace_id end as bank_trace_id, case when disbursement.bank_trace_id = 'EMEA_MP_TEST_TRACE_ID' then null else disbursement.invoice_date end as disbursement_date, disbursement.billing_event_id as disbursement_id, -- We will use disbursement_id_or_invoiced as part of the PK, so it cannot be null: coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when disbursement.billing_event_id = '' then null else disbursement.billing_event_id end, '<invoiced>') as disbursement_id_or_invoiced, bl.broker_id, case when bl.invoice_id is null /* transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' */ then (select seller_account_id from seller_account) ||':'|| cast(bl.invoice_date as varchar) else bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id ||'-'|| case when bl.agreement_id is null or bl.agreement_id = '' then ' ' else bl.agreement_id end ||'-'|| case when bl.end_user_account_id is null or bl.end_user_account_id = '' then ' ' else bl.end_user_account_id end ||'-'|| coalesce(cast(bl.usage_period_start_date as varchar),' ') ||'-'|| coalesce(cast(bl.usage_period_end_date as varchar),' ') end as internal_buyer_line_item_id, bl.buyer_transaction_reference_id <> bl.transaction_reference_id as is_seller_invoice, case when bl.transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> bl.to_account_id then true else false end as is_cog, case when bl.transaction_type in('SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT', 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND') and (select seller_account_id from seller_account) <> bl.to_account_id then true else false end as is_cog_refund, --TODO: replace below logic once we can create a logic the identify reseller/manufacturer without depending on agreement feed case when aggrement.proposer_account_id <> (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then true else false end as is_manufacturer_view_of_reseller from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as bl left join billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as disbursement on disbursement.transaction_type like 'DISBURSEMENT%' and disbursement.action = 'DISBURSED' and disbursement.transaction_type IN ('DISBURSEMENT', 'DISBURSEMENT_FAILURE') and bl.disbursement_billing_event_id = disbursement.billing_event_id left join agreements_with_history as aggrement on bl.agreement_id = aggrement.agreement_id and bl.invoice_date >= aggrement.valid_from_adjusted and bl.invoice_date < aggrement.valid_to left join accounts_with_history awh on bl.to_account_id = awh.account_id and bl.invoice_date >= awh.valid_from and bl.invoice_date < awh.valid_to where bl.transaction_type not like 'DISBURSEMENT%' and (bl.agreement_id is null or bl.agreement_id = '' or aggrement.agreement_id is not null) ), -- listagg function in athena does not support partitioning, grouping here and then joining to the main query seller_invoice_list as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, listagg(case when not is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_id end,',') within group (order by case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end) as seller_invoice_id_or_null, listagg(case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end,',') within group (order by case when not is_seller_invoice then null else cast(invoice_date as varchar) end) as seller_invoice_date_or_null from ( -- listagg function in athena does not support ordering by another field when distinct is used, -- here we first select distinct invoices and then do the listagg order by invoice_date select distinct internal_buyer_line_item_id, is_seller_invoice, invoice_id, invoice_date from billing_event_with_business_flags) distinct_invoices group by internal_buyer_line_item_id order by internal_buyer_line_item_id ), billing_event_with_categorized_transaction as ( -- Use the flags that were created in the previous transformation in more calculated columns: -- NOTE: This transformation has no joins and no window functions select billing_event_id, end_user_account_id, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, offer_id, acceptor_account_id, case when is_cog or is_cog_refund then null else payer_account_id end as payer_account_id, product_id, action, transaction_type, parent_billing_event_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, amount, currency, balance_impacting, invoice_date, payment_due_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, invoice_id, billing_address_id, transaction_reference_id, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, broker_id, bl.internal_buyer_line_item_id, is_seller_invoice, is_cog, is_cog_refund, is_manufacturer_view_of_reseller, -- Buyer/seller columns: case when is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_id end as buyer_invoice_id_or_null, seller_invoices.seller_invoice_id_or_null, case when is_seller_invoice then null else invoice_date end as buyer_invoice_date_or_null, seller_invoices.seller_invoice_date_or_null, -- Categorized amounts by transaction type: case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and not is_cog then amount else 0 end as gross_revenue, case when transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND','SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') and not is_cog_refund then amount else 0 end as gross_refund, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' and is_cog then amount else 0 end as cogs, case when transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND','SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') and is_cog_refund then amount else 0 end as cogs_refund, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE' then amount else 0 end as aws_rev_share, case when transaction_type in ('AWS_REV_SHARE_REFUND','AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT') then amount else 0 end as aws_refund_share, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE' and not is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share, -- AWS tax share from _buyer_ invoice case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE' and is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_listing_fee, -- AWS tax share from _seller_ invoice case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' and not is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_refund, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' and is_seller_invoice then amount else 0 end as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE' then amount else 0 end as seller_tax_share, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' then amount else 0 end as seller_tax_share_refund, case when transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' then amount else 0 end as balance_adjustment, case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then amount else 0 end as seller_rev_credit, case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then amount else 0 end as aws_ref_fee_credit from billing_event_with_business_flags as bl left join seller_invoice_list as seller_invoices on bl.internal_buyer_line_item_id = seller_invoices.internal_buyer_line_item_id ), line_items_aggregated as ( -- This transformation has the only "group by" in all of these transformations. -- NOTE: This transformation has no joins and no window functions select internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, broker_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, max(payer_account_id) as payer_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, max(payment_due_date) payment_due_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, max(billing_address_id) as billing_address_id, -- Buyer/seller columns: max(buyer_invoice_id_or_null) as buyer_invoice_id, max(seller_invoice_id_or_null) as seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date_or_null) as buyer_invoice_date, max(seller_invoice_date_or_null) as seller_invoice_date, -- Categorized amounts by transaction type: -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced = '<invoiced>', these are invoiced amounts -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> ''<invoiced>' these are disbursed amounts for _this_ specific disbursement_id sum(gross_revenue) as gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(gross_refund) as gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(cogs) as cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(cogs_refund) as cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_rev_share) as aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_refund_share) as aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share) as aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_listing_fee) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_refund) as aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_tax_share) as seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_tax_share_refund) as seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(balance_adjustment) as balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(seller_rev_credit) as seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, sum(aws_ref_fee_credit) as aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced from billing_event_with_categorized_transaction as billing_categorized group by internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, broker_id, -- The following columns are included the in group by but they are intentionally omitted from the PK. -- These columns should have the _same_ values for each record in the PK. product_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, buyer_transaction_reference_id, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date ), -- listagg function in athena does not support partitioning, grouping here and then joining to the main query disbursement_list as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, listagg(cast(disbursement_date as varchar),',') within group (order by cast(disbursement_date as varchar)) as disbursement_date_list, listagg(bank_trace_id,',') within group (order by cast(disbursement_date as varchar)) as disburse_bank_trace_id_list from ( -- listagg function in athena does not support ordering by another field when distinct is used, -- here we first select distinct bank_trace_ids and then do the listagg order by disbursement_date select distinct internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_date, bank_trace_id from billing_event_with_business_flags) distinct_disbursements group by internal_buyer_line_item_id order by internal_buyer_line_item_id ), line_items_with_window_functions as ( --add flag next step compare gross_revenue and gross_revenue_disbursed or gross_refund and gross_refund_disbursed select line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, broker_id, currency, agreement_id, proposer_account_id, acceptor_account_id, -- when there's aws_rev_Share adjustment/refund to a seller_rev_share invoice, it can happen that for the same aws_rev_share invoice_id, there are multiple disbursement events, -- using windows function to map payer_account_id of seller_rev_share to all corresponding aws_rev_Share max(payer_account_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as payer_account_id, offer_id, end_user_account_id, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, -- Buyer/seller columns: max(buyer_invoice_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as buyer_invoice_id, seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as buyer_invoice_date, seller_invoice_date, -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>', these are actually invoiced amounts -- When disbursement_id_or_invoiced <> ''<invoiced>' these are disbursed amounts for _this_ specific disbursement_id gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, -- IMPORTANT: All window functions partitioned by internal_buyer_line_item_id: -- Invoiced amounts, categorized by transaction type: sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end)over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_revenue_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_rev_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_refund_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as balance_adjustment_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_rev_credit_invoiced, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, -- Total disbursed amounts (for all disbursement_id values), categorized by transaction type: sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_revenue_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as gross_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as cogs_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_rev_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_refund_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as balance_adjustment_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as seller_rev_credit_disbursed, sum(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced '<> ''<invoiced>' then aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced else cast(0 as decimal(38,6)) end) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, -- aggregate multiple disbursement max(disbursement_date) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id) as last_disbursement_date, first_value(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then null else disbursement_id_or_invoiced end) over(partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id order by coalesce(disbursement_date,cast('1900-01-01' as timestamp)) desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_disbursement_id, first_value(bank_trace_id) over (partition by line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id order by coalesce(disbursement_date,cast('1900-01-01' as timestamp)) desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disb_list.disbursement_date_list, disb_list.disburse_bank_trace_id_list from line_items_aggregated as line_item left join disbursement_list disb_list on line_item.internal_buyer_line_item_id = disb_list.internal_buyer_line_item_id ), cppo_offer_id as ( select -- Channel partner offers do not exist in offertargetfeed_v1 table (as per legal requirement), causing cppo offer be defined as 'Public' in previous step, we will convert them back to 'Private' in next step offer_id from offers_with_uni_temporal_data where -- seller_account_id is null means the ISV owns the offer seller_account_id is not null and seller_account_id '<> (select seller_account_id from seller_account) group by offer_id ), line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address as ( select internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, line.product_id, legacy_product.legacy_id as legacy_product_id, products.title as product_title, line.broker_id, line.currency, line.end_user_account_id, acc_enduser.encrypted_account_id as end_user_encrypted_account_id, acc_enduser.aws_account_id as end_user_aws_account_id, acc_payer.aws_account_id as payer_aws_account_id, acc_payer.encrypted_account_id payer_encrypted_account_id, line.agreement_id, agreement.agreement_revision, line.proposer_account_id, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.start_date end as Agreement_Start_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.end_date end as Agreement_End_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.acceptance_date end as Agreement_Acceptance_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else agreement.valid_from end as agreement_updated_date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else line.usage_period_start_date end as Usage_Period_Start_Date, case when offer.offer_id like 'aiqoffer-%' then null else line.usage_period_end_date end as Usage_Period_End_Date, line.acceptor_account_id, acc_subscriber.aws_account_id as subscriber_aws_account_id, acc_subscriber.encrypted_account_id as subscriber_encrypted_account_id, offer.offer_id, case when offer.offer_id in ( select distinct offer_id from cppo_offer_id) then 'Private' else offer.offer_target end as offer_target, offer.name offer_name, offer.opportunity_name offer_opportunity_name, offer.opportunity_description offer_opportunity_description, offer.opportunity_id, payment_due_date, line.bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, buyer_invoice_id, seller_invoice_id, buyer_invoice_date, seller_invoice_date, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, products.product_code, acc_products.aws_account_id as manufacturer_aws_account_id, products.manufacturer_account_id, --add subscriber and payer addressID, payer address preference order: tax address>billing address>mailing address, subscriber address preference order: tax address> mailing address coalesce ( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null in order to follow the preference order logic above case when acc_subscriber.tax_address_id ='' then null else acc_subscriber.tax_address_id end, case when acc_subscriber.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_subscriber.mailing_address_id end) as subscriber_address_id, coalesce ( case when acc_payer.tax_address_id = '' then null else acc_payer.tax_address_id end, case when line.billing_address_id = '' then null else line.billing_address_id end, case when acc_payer.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_payer.mailing_address_id end) as payer_address_id, coalesce ( case when acc_enduser.tax_address_id = '' then null else acc_enduser.tax_address_id end, case when line.billing_address_id = '' then null else line.billing_address_id end, case when acc_enduser.mailing_address_id = '' then null else acc_enduser.mailing_address_id end) as end_user_address_id from line_items_with_window_functions as line left join agreements_with_history as agreement on line.agreement_id = agreement.agreement_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= agreement.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date < agreement.valid_to left join offers_with_history_with_target_type as offer on line.offer_id = offer.offer_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= offer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < offer.valid_to left join products_with_history as products on line.product_id = products.product_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= products.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date < products.valid_to left join legacy_products as legacy_product on line.product_id = legacy_product.new_id left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_payer on line.payer_account_id = acc_payer.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_payer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < acc_payer.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_enduser on line.end_user_account_id = acc_enduser.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_enduser.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < acc_enduser.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_subscriber on line.acceptor_account_id = acc_subscriber.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_subscriber.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < acc_subscriber.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_products on products.manufacturer_account_id = acc_products.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_products.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < acc_products.valid_to ), line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address_name as ( select line.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, legacy_product_id, product_title, broker_id, currency, end_user_address_id, end_user_account_id, end_user_encrypted_account_id, end_user_aws_account_id, add_enduser.company_name end_user_company_name, add_enduser.email_domain end_user_email_domain, add_enduser.city end_user_city, add_enduser.state_or_region end_user_state, add_enduser.country_code end_user_country, add_enduser.postal_code end_user_postal_code, payer_aws_account_id, payer_encrypted_account_id, payer_address_id, add_payer.company_name payer_company_name, add_payer.email_domain payer_email_domain, add_payer.city payer_city, add_payer.state_or_region payer_state, add_payer.country_code payer_country, add_payer.postal_code payer_postal_code, agreement_id, agreement_revision, agreement_start_date, agreement_end_date, agreement_acceptance_date, agreement_updated_date, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.aws_account_id end as reseller_aws_account_id, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.mailing_company_name end as reseller_company_name, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, proposer_account_id, acc_proposer.aws_account_id as proposer_aws_account_id, acceptor_account_id, subscriber_aws_account_id, subscriber_encrypted_account_id, subscriber_address_id, add_subscriber.company_name subscriber_company_name, add_subscriber.email_domain subscriber_email_domain, add_subscriber.city subscriber_city, add_subscriber.state_or_region subscriber_state, add_subscriber.country_code subscriber_country, add_subscriber.postal_code subscriber_postal_code, offer_id, offer_target, offer_name, offer_opportunity_name, offer_opportunity_description, opportunity_id, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, max(buyer_invoice_id)as buyer_invoice_id, max(seller_invoice_id)as seller_invoice_id, max(buyer_invoice_date)as buyer_invoice_date, max(seller_invoice_date)as seller_invoice_date, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, (gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) as seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_revenue_disbursed) as uncollected_gross_revenue, -- net revenue = gross revenue - listing fee - tax - cogs (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_refund_invoiced + aws_rev_share_invoiced + aws_refund_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced + cogs_invoiced + cogs_refund_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced) as seller_net_revenue, (gross_revenue_invoiced + gross_refund_invoiced + aws_rev_share_invoiced + aws_refund_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_invoiced + seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced + cogs_invoiced + cogs_refund_invoiced + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced + gross_revenue_disbursed + gross_refund_disbursed + aws_rev_share_disbursed + aws_refund_share_disbursed + seller_tax_share_disbursed + seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed + cogs_disbursed + cogs_refund_disbursed + aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed + aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed) as uncollected_seller_net_revenue, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, product_code, manufacturer_aws_account_id, manufacturer_account_id, acc_manu.mailing_company_name as manufacturer_company_name, cast(null as varchar) as AR_Period, case when ( (gross_revenue_invoiced '<>0 and gross_revenue_invoiced = -1 * gross_revenue_disbursed) or (gross_refund_invoiced '<> 0 and gross_refund_invoiced = -1 * gross_refund_disbursed) or (balance_adjustment_invoiced '<> 0 and balance_adjustment_invoiced = -1 * balance_adjustment_disbursed) or (seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced '<> 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced = -1 * seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed) or (gross_revenue_invoiced = 0 and gross_refund_invoiced = 0 and balance_adjustment_invoiced = 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced = 0 and last_disbursement_id is not null)) then 'Yes' when gross_revenue_disbursed = 0 and gross_refund_disbursed = 0 and balance_adjustment_disbursed = 0 and seller_tax_share_disbursed = 0 and seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed = 0 then 'No' else 'Partial' end as Disbursement_Flag from line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address as line left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_manu on line.manufacturer_account_id = acc_manu.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_manu.valid_from_adjusted and line.buyer_invoice_date <= acc_manu.valid_to left join accounts_with_history_with_company_name as acc_proposer on line.proposer_account_id = acc_proposer.account_id and line.buyer_invoice_date >= acc_proposer.valid_from and line.buyer_invoice_date < acc_proposer.valid_to left join address_with_latest_revision as add_payer on line.payer_address_id = add_payer.address_id left join address_with_latest_revision as add_subscriber on line.subscriber_address_id = add_subscriber.address_id left join address_with_latest_revision as add_enduser on line.end_user_address_id = add_enduser.address_id group by line.internal_buyer_line_item_id, disbursement_id, disbursement_id_or_invoiced, product_id, legacy_product_id, product_title, broker_id, currency, end_user_address_id, end_user_account_id, end_user_encrypted_account_id, end_user_aws_account_id, add_enduser.company_name, add_enduser.email_domain, add_enduser.city, add_enduser.state_or_region, add_enduser.country_code, add_enduser.postal_code, payer_aws_account_id, payer_encrypted_account_id, payer_address_id, add_payer.company_name, add_payer.email_domain, add_payer.city, add_payer.state_or_region, add_payer.country_code, add_payer.postal_code, agreement_id, agreement_revision, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.aws_account_id end, case when proposer_account_id = (select seller_account_id from seller_account) then null else acc_proposer.mailing_company_name end, agreement_start_date, agreement_end_date, agreement_acceptance_date, agreement_updated_date, usage_period_start_date, usage_period_end_date, acceptor_account_id, subscriber_aws_account_id, subscriber_encrypted_account_id, subscriber_address_id, add_subscriber.company_name, add_subscriber.email_domain, add_subscriber.city, add_subscriber.state_or_region, add_subscriber.country_code, add_subscriber.postal_code, offer_id, offer_target, offer_name, offer_opportunity_name, offer_opportunity_description, opportunity_id, payment_due_date, bank_trace_id, disbursement_date, billing_address_id, gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, balance_adjustment_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced, gross_revenue_invoiced, gross_refund_invoiced, cogs_invoiced, cogs_refund_invoiced, aws_rev_share_invoiced, aws_refund_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_invoiced, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_invoiced, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_invoiced, seller_tax_share_invoiced, seller_tax_share_refund_invoiced, balance_adjustment_invoiced, seller_rev_credit_invoiced, aws_ref_fee_credit_invoiced, gross_revenue_disbursed, gross_refund_disbursed, cogs_disbursed, cogs_refund_disbursed, aws_rev_share_disbursed, aws_refund_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_disbursed, aws_tax_share_listing_fee_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_disbursed, aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_disbursed, seller_tax_share_disbursed, seller_tax_share_refund_disbursed, balance_adjustment_disbursed, seller_rev_credit_disbursed, aws_ref_fee_credit_disbursed, last_disbursement_date, last_disbursement_id, last_disburse_bank_trace_id, disbursement_date_list, disburse_bank_trace_id_list, product_code, manufacturer_aws_account_id, manufacturer_account_id, acc_manu.mailing_company_name, proposer_account_id, acc_proposer.aws_account_id ), invoiced_not_disbursed as( select --we will filter on rownum =1 in next step, -- means internal_buyer_line_item_id, there's only '<invoiced> record, no disbursement_id linked *, max(case when disbursement_id_or_invoiced = ''<invoiced>' then 1 else 2 end) over (partition by internal_buyer_line_item_id) rownum from line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address_name as line_items ), collections_and_disbursements as ( select ------------------ -- Invoice Info -- ------------------ buyer_invoice_date as Invoice_Date, Payment_Due_Date as Payment_Due_Date, concat( 'Net ', case when abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date))>180 then '180+' else cast(abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date)) as varchar) end, ' days' ) as payment_terms, buyer_invoice_id as Invoice_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when seller_invoice_id = '' then null else seller_invoice_id end, 'Not applicable') as Listing_Fee_Invoice_ID, --------------------------- --End user Information -- --------------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when End_User_Company_Name = '' then null else End_User_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as End_User_Company_Name, End_User_AWS_Account_ID, End_User_Encrypted_Account_ID, End_User_Email_Domain, End_User_City, End_User_State as End_User_State_or_Region, End_User_Country, End_User_Postal_Code, End_User_Address_ID, --------------------------- --Subscriber Information -- --------------------------- case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Company_Name is null or Subscriber_Company_Name = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Company_Name end as Subscriber_Company_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID end as Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID end as Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Email_Domain is null or Subscriber_Email_Domain = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Email_Domain end as Subscriber_Email_Domain, case when Agreement_id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_City is null or Subscriber_City = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_City end as Subscriber_City, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_State is null or Subscriber_State = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_State end as Subscriber_State_or_Region, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Country is null or Subscriber_Country = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Country end as Subscriber_Country, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Postal_Code is null or Subscriber_Postal_Code = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Postal_Code end as Subscriber_Postal_Code, case when Agreement_ID is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Address_ID is null or Subscriber_Address_ID = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Address_ID end as Subscriber_Address_ID, ---------------------- -- Procurement Info -- ---------------------- -- product title at time of invoice. It is possible that the title changes over time and therefore there may be multiple product titles mapped to a single product id. coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_Title = '' then null else Product_Title end, 'Not provided') as Product_Title, -- offer name at time of invoice. It is possible that the name changes over time therefore there may be multiple offer names mapped to a single offer id. case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when (Offer_Name is null or Offer_Name = '') and Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' else Offer_Name end as Offer_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_ID end as Offer_ID, -- offer visibility at time of invoice., case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_Target end as Offer_Visibility, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Agreement_ID = '' then null else Agreement_ID end, 'Not available') as Agreement_ID, Agreement_Start_Date, Agreement_Acceptance_Date, Agreement_End_Date, Usage_Period_Start_Date, Usage_Period_End_Date, ----------------------- -- Disbursement Info -- ----------------------- case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then 'Disbursed' when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not Disbursed' else 'Other' end as Disbursement_Status, last_disbursement_date as disbursement_date, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end as Disbursement_Time, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not applicable' when bank_trace_id is null or bank_trace_id = '' then 'Not available' else bank_trace_id end as disburse_bank_trace_id, -------------- -- Revenues -- -------------- -- We are rounding the sums using 2 decimal precision -- Note that the rounding method might differ between SQL implementations. -- The monthly revenue report is using RoundingMode.HALF_UP. This might create tiny discrepancies between this SQL output -- and the legacy report round(-1 * gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Gross_Revenue, round(-1 * gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Gross_Refund, round(-1 * aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee, round(-1 * aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee_Refund, truncate( case when gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced/gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) when gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced/gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) else 0 end ,4) as Listing_Fee_Percentage, round(-1 * seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share, round(-1 * seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share_Refund, round(-1 * aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Listing_Fee, round(-1 * aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Refund_Listing_Fee, round(-1 * cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost, round(-1 * cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost_Refund, round(-1 * seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Net_Revenue, currency as Currency, substring(internal_buyer_line_item_id,1,strpos(internal_buyer_line_item_id,'-')-1) as Transaction_Reference_ID, broker_id as AWS_seller_of_record, ----------------- -- Resale info -- ----------------- case when Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Opportunity_Id end as Resale_authorization_ID, case when Offer_Opportunity_Name is null or Offer_Opportunity_Name = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Name end as Resale_authorization_name, case when Offer_Opportunity_Description is null or Offer_Opportunity_Description = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Description end as Resale_authorization_description, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is not null and Reseller_AWS_Account_ID != '') and (Reseller_Company_Name is null or Reseller_Company_Name = '') then 'Not available' when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (opportunity_id is null or opportunity_id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) '<> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_Company_Name end as Reseller_Company_Name, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) '<> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_AWS_Account_ID end as Reseller_AWS_Account_ID, ----------------------- -- Payer Information -- ----------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Payer_Company_Name = '' then null else Payer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as Payer_Company_Name, Payer_AWS_Account_ID, -- "Customer AWS Account Number" in legacy report Payer_Encrypted_Account_ID, Payer_Email_Domain, Payer_City, Payer_State as Payer_State_or_Region, Payer_Country, Payer_Postal_Code, Payer_Address_ID, --------------------- -- ISV Information -- --------------------- manufacturer_aws_account_id as ISV_Account_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Manufacturer_Company_Name = '' then null else Manufacturer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as ISV_Company_Name, --------------------- -- Products info -- --------------------- Legacy_Product_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_ID = '' then null else Product_ID end, 'Not provided') as Product_ID, -- this is to get the legacy product id https://sim.amazon.com/issues/MP-INSIGHTS-2561 Product_Code, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then round(-1 * seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) else 0 end as Disbursed_Net_Revenue, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then round(-1 * seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) else 0 end as Undisbursed_Net_Revenue, case when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <= 0 then 'Not due' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=30 then '1-30 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=60 then '31-60 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=90 then '61-90 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=120 then '91-120 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end >=121 then '121+ days late' else null end as Disbursement_Period from line_items_with_window_functions_enrich_offer_product_address_name as line where disbursement_id_or_invoiced != ''<invoiced>' union select ------------------ -- Invoice Info -- ------------------ buyer_invoice_date as Invoice_Date, Payment_Due_Date as Payment_Due_Date, concat( 'Net ', case when abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date)) >180 then '180+' else cast(abs(date_diff('Day', Payment_due_date, buyer_invoice_date)) as varchar) end, ' days' ) as payment_terms, buyer_invoice_id as Invoice_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when seller_invoice_id = '' then null else seller_invoice_id end, 'Not applicable') as Listing_Fee_Invoice_ID, --------------------------- --End user Information -- --------------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when End_User_Company_Name = '' then null else End_User_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as End_User_Company_Name, End_User_AWS_Account_ID, End_User_Encrypted_Account_ID, End_User_Email_Domain, End_User_City, End_User_State as End_User_State_or_Region, End_User_Country, End_User_Postal_Code, End_User_Address_ID, --------------------------- --Subscriber Information -- --------------------------- case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Company_Name is null or Subscriber_Company_Name = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Company_Name end as Subscriber_Company_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID end as Subscriber_AWS_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID end as Subscriber_Encrypted_Account_ID, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Email_Domain is null or Subscriber_Email_Domain = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Email_Domain end as Subscriber_Email_Domain, case when Agreement_id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_City is null or Subscriber_City = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_City end as Subscriber_City, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_State is null or Subscriber_State = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_State end as Subscriber_State_or_Region, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Country is null or Subscriber_Country = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Country end as Subscriber_Country, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Postal_Code is null or Subscriber_Postal_Code = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Postal_Code end as Subscriber_Postal_Code, case when Agreement_ID is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when Subscriber_Address_ID is null or Subscriber_Address_ID = '' then 'Not provided' else Subscriber_Address_ID end as Subscriber_Address_ID, ---------------------- -- Procurement Info -- ---------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_Title = '' then null else Product_Title end, 'Not provided') as Product_Title, -- offer name at time of invoice. It is possible that the name changes over time therefore there may be multiple offer names mapped to a single offer id. case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' when (Offer_Name is null or Offer_Name = '') and Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' else Offer_Name end as Offer_Name, case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_ID end as Offer_ID, -- offer visibility at time of invoice., case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_ID = '' then 'Not available' else Offer_Target end as Offer_Visibility, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Agreement_ID = '' then null else Agreement_ID end, 'Not available') as Agreement_ID, --case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_Id = '' then cast(null as timestamp) else Agreement_Start_Date end as Agreement_Start_Date, --case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_Id = '' then cast(null as timestamp) else Agreement_End_Date end as Agreement_End_Date, --case when Agreement_Id is null or Agreement_Id = '' then cast(null as timestamp) else Agreement_Acceptance_Date end as Agreement_Acceptance_Date, Agreement_Start_Date, Agreement_Acceptance_Date, Agreement_End_Date, Usage_Period_Start_Date, Usage_Period_End_Date, ----------------------- -- Disbursement Info -- ----------------------- case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then 'Disbursed' when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not Disbursed' else 'Other' end as Disbursement_Status, last_disbursement_date as disbursement_date, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end as Disbursement_Time, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then 'Not applicable' when bank_trace_id is null or bank_trace_id = '' then 'Not available' else bank_trace_id end as disburse_bank_trace_id, -------------- -- Revenues -- -------------- -- We are rounding the sums using 2 decimal precision -- Note that the rounding method might differ between SQL implementations. -- The monthly revenue report is using RoundingMode.HALF_UP. This might create tiny discrepancies between this SQL output -- and the legacy report round(gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Gross_Revenue, round(gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Gross_Refund, round(aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee, round(aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Listing_Fee_Refund, truncate( case when gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_rev_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced/gross_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) when gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced != 0 then abs(aws_refund_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced/gross_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced) else 0 end ,4) as Listing_Fee_Percentage, round(seller_tax_share_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share, round(seller_tax_share_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Tax_Share_Refund, round(aws_tax_share_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Listing_Fee, round(aws_tax_share_refund_listing_fee_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as AWS_Tax_Share_Refund_Listing_Fee, round(cogs_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost, round(cogs_refund_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Wholesale_cost_Refund, round(seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) as Seller_Net_Revenue, currency as Currency, substring(internal_buyer_line_item_id,1,strpos(internal_buyer_line_item_id,'-')-1) as Transaction_Reference_ID, broker_id as AWS_seller_of_record, ----------------- -- Resale info -- ----------------- case when Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Opportunity_Id end as Resale_authorization_ID, case when Offer_Opportunity_Name is null or Offer_Opportunity_Name = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Name end as Resale_authorization_name, case when Offer_Opportunity_Description is null or Offer_Opportunity_Description = '' then case when Offer_Target = 'Public' then 'Not applicable' when (Offer_Target is null or Offer_Target = '') and (Agreement_Id is not null and Agreement_Id != '') then 'Not applicable' else null end else Offer_Opportunity_Description end as Resale_authorization_description, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is not null and Reseller_AWS_Account_ID != '') and (Reseller_Company_Name is null or Reseller_Company_Name = '') then 'Not available' when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (opportunity_id is null or opportunity_id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) '<> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_Company_Name end as Reseller_Company_Name, case when (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') and (Opportunity_Id is null or Opportunity_Id = '') then 'Not applicable' when (select seller_account_id from seller_account) '<> manufacturer_aws_account_id and (Reseller_AWS_Account_ID is null or Reseller_AWS_Account_ID = '') then 'Not applicable' else Reseller_AWS_Account_ID end as Reseller_AWS_Account_ID, ----------------------- -- Payer Information -- ----------------------- coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Payer_Company_Name = '' then null else Payer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as Payer_Company_Name, Payer_AWS_Account_ID, -- "Customer AWS Account Number" in legacy report Payer_Encrypted_Account_ID, Payer_Email_Domain, Payer_City, Payer_State as Payer_State_or_Region, Payer_Country, Payer_Postal_Code, Payer_Address_ID, --------------------- -- ISV Information -- --------------------- manufacturer_aws_account_id as ISV_Account_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Manufacturer_Company_Name = '' then null else Manufacturer_Company_Name end, 'Not available') as ISV_Company_Name, --------------------- -- Products info -- --------------------- -- product title at time of invoice. It is possible that the title changes over time and therefore there may be multiple product titles mapped to a single product id. Legacy_Product_ID, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when Product_ID = '' then null else Product_ID end, 'Not provided') as Product_ID, -- this is to get the legacy product id https://sim.amazon.com/issues/MP-INSIGHTS-2561 Product_Code, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then round(seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) else 0 end as Disbursed_Net_Revenue, case when Disbursement_Flag = 'No' then round(seller_net_revenue_this_disbursement_id_or_invoiced,2) else 0 end as Undisbursed_Net_Revenue, case when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <= 0 then 'Not due' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=30 then '1-30 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=60 then '31-60 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=90 then '61-90 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end <=120 then '91-120 days late' when case when Disbursement_Flag = 'Yes' then date_diff('DAY', date_trunc('DAY',payment_due_date), date_trunc('DAY',last_disbursement_date)) else null end >=121 then '121+ days late' else null end as Disbursement_Period from invoiced_not_disbursed where rownum = 1 ) select * from collections_and_disbursements where payment_due_date >= date_add('DAY', -90, current_date) --where payment_due_date between cast('2023-01-01' as timestamp) and cast('2024-12-31' as timestamp) --where disbursement_date >= date_add('DAY', -90, current_date) --where disbursement_date between cast('2023-01-01' as timestamp) and cast('2024-12-31' as timestamp)




-- Taxation report -- General note: When executing this query we are assuming that the data ingested in the database is using -- two time axes (the valid_from column and the update_date column). -- See documentation for more details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/data-feed.html#data-feed-details -- An account_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a separate revision of the data) -- but because of bi-temporality, an account_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) with accounts_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, tax_registration_number from ( select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, delete_date, tax_registration_number, row_number() over (partition by account_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from accountfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), accounts_with_history as ( with accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from as ( select account_id, -- sometimes, this columns gets imported as a "bigint" and loses heading 0s -> casting to a char and re-adding heading 0s (if need be) substring('000000000000'||cast(aws_account_id as varchar),-12) as aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name tax_legal_name, -- The start time of account valid_from is extended to '1970-01-01 00:00:00', because: -- ... in tax report transformations, some tax line items with invoice_date cannot -- ... fall into the default valid time range of the associated account CASE WHEN LAG(valid_from) OVER (PARTITION BY account_id ORDER BY valid_from ASC) IS NULL THEN CAST('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ELSE valid_from END AS valid_from from (select * from accounts_with_uni_temporal_data ) as account ) select account_id, aws_account_id, encrypted_account_id, mailing_address_id, tax_address_id, tax_legal_name, valid_from, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by account_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to from accounts_with_history_with_extended_valid_from ), -- A product_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a product revision), -- but because of bi-temporality, each product_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) products_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(delete_date) as delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, product_id, manufacturer_account_id, product_code, title, row_number() over (partition by product_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from productfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), products_with_history as ( select product_id, title, valid_from, case when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from < cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -3857, valid_from) -- 3827 is the longest delay between acceptance_date of an agreement and the product -- we are keeping 3857 as a consistency between the offers and products when lag(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc) is null and valid_from >= cast('2021-04-01' as timestamp) then date_add('Day', -2190, valid_from) --after 2021 for the two offers we need to adjust for 2 more years else valid_from end as valid_from_adjusted, coalesce( lead(valid_from) over (partition by product_id order by valid_from asc), cast('2999-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) ) as valid_to, product_code, manufacturer_account_id from products_with_uni_temporal_data ), -- A tax_item_id has several valid_from dates (each representing a product revision), -- but because of bi-temporality, each tax_item_id + valid_from tuple can appear multiple times with a different update_date. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple (ie, uni-temporal model) tax_items_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, delete_date, cast(tax_item_id as varchar) as tax_item_id, cast(invoice_id as varchar) as invoice_id, cast(line_item_id as varchar) as line_item_id, cast(customer_bill_id as varchar) as customer_bill_id, tax_liable_party, transaction_type_code, product_id, product_tax_code, from_iso8601_timestamp(invoice_date) as invoice_date, taxed_customer_account_id, taxed_customer_country, taxed_customer_state_or_region, taxed_customer_city, taxed_customer_postal_code, tax_location_code_taxed_jurisdiction, tax_type_code, jurisdiction_level, taxed_jurisdiction, display_price_taxability_type, tax_jurisdiction_rate, tax_amount, tax_currency, tax_calculation_reason_code, date_used_for_tax_calculation, customer_exemption_certificate_id, customer_exemption_certificate_id_domain, customer_exemption_certificate_level, customer_exemption_code, customer_exemption_domain, transaction_reference_id from ( select valid_from, update_date, delete_date, tax_item_id, invoice_id, line_item_id, customer_bill_id, tax_liable_party, transaction_type_code, product_id, product_tax_code, invoice_date, taxed_customer_account_id, taxed_customer_country, taxed_customer_state_or_region, taxed_customer_city, taxed_customer_postal_code, tax_location_code_taxed_jurisdiction, tax_type_code, jurisdiction_level, taxed_jurisdiction, display_price_taxability_type, tax_jurisdiction_rate, tax_amount, tax_currency, tax_calculation_reason_code, date_used_for_tax_calculation, customer_exemption_certificate_id, customer_exemption_certificate_id_domain, customer_exemption_certificate_level, customer_exemption_code, customer_exemption_domain, transaction_reference_id, row_number() over (partition by tax_item_id, valid_from order by from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from taxitemfeed_v1 ) where -- keep latest ... row_num = 1 -- ... and remove the soft-deleted one. and (delete_date is null or delete_date = '') ), taxation as ( select tax_items.invoice_id, tax_items.line_item_id, tax_items.customer_bill_id, tax_items.tax_liable_party, tax_items.transaction_type_code, tax_items.product_id, product_tax_item.title as product_title, tax_items.product_tax_code, tax_items.invoice_date, accounts_with_history.aws_account_id as taxed_customer_account_id, tax_items.taxed_customer_country, tax_items.taxed_customer_state_or_region, tax_items.taxed_customer_city, tax_items.taxed_customer_postal_code, tax_items.tax_type_code as tax_type, tax_items.jurisdiction_level, tax_items.taxed_jurisdiction, tax_items.display_price_taxability_type, tax_items.tax_jurisdiction_rate, tax_items.tax_amount, tax_items.tax_currency, tax_items.tax_calculation_reason_code, tax_items.date_used_for_tax_calculation, coalesce( --empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_id = '' then null else tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_id end, 'Not exempt') customer_exemption_certificate_id, coalesce(--empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_id_domain = '' then null else tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_id_domain end, 'Not exempt') customer_exemption_certificate_id_domain, coalesce(--empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_level = '' then null else tax_items.customer_exemption_certificate_level end, 'Not exempt') customer_exemption_certificate_level, coalesce(--empty value in Athena shows as '', change all '' value to null case when tax_items.customer_exemption_code = '' then null else tax_items.customer_exemption_code end, 'Not exempt') customer_exemption_code, tax_items.transaction_reference_id from tax_items_with_uni_temporal_data as tax_items left join products_with_history as product_tax_item on tax_items.product_id = product_tax_item.product_id and tax_items.invoice_date >= product_tax_item.valid_from_adjusted and tax_items.invoice_date < product_tax_item.valid_to left join accounts_with_history as accounts_with_history on tax_items.taxed_customer_account_id = accounts_with_history.account_id and tax_items.invoice_date >= accounts_with_history.valid_from and tax_items.invoice_date < accounts_with_history.valid_to ) select * from taxation where invoice_date >= date_add('DAY', -90, current_date) --where invoice_date between cast('2023-01-01' as timestamp) and cast('2024-12-31' as timestamp)


製品別に支払われた金額を確認するには、次のようなクエリを実行できます。この例は、支払いレポート 販売者レポートに相当します。




このクエリを実行するときは、取り込まれたデータが 2 つの時間軸 (valid_from 列と update 列) を使用していることを前提としています。詳細については、「AWS Marketplace データフィードのストレージと構造」を参照してください。

-- Get all the products and keep the latest product_id, valid_from tuple with products_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from productfeed_v1 ) where -- A product_id can appear multiple times with the same -- valid_from date but with a different update_date column, -- making it effectively bi-temporal. By only taking the most -- recent tuple, we are converting to a uni-temporal model. row_num = 1 ), -- Gets the latest revision of a product -- A product can have multiple revisions where some of the -- columns, like the title, can change. -- For the purpose of the disbursement report, we want -- to get the latest revision of a product products_with_latest_version as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) desc) as row_num_latest_version from products_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_version = 1 ), -- Get all the accounts and keep the latest account_id, valid_from tuple accounts_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY account_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from accountfeed_v1 ) where -- An account_id can appear multiple times with the same -- valid_from date but with a different update_date column, -- making it effectively bi-temporal. By only taking the most -- recent tuple, we are converting to a uni-temporal model. row_num = 1 ), -- Gets the latest revision of an account -- An account can have multiple revisions where some of the -- columns, like the mailing_address_id, can change. -- For the purpose of the disbursement report, we want -- to get the latest revision of a product accounts_with_latest_version as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY account_id ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) desc) as row_num_latest_version from accounts_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_version = 1 ), -- Get all the billing events and keep the -- latest billing_event_id, valid_from tuple: billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select billing_event_id, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(invoice_date) as invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, CAST(amount as decimal(20, 10)) invoice_amount, bank_trace_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY billing_event_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from billingeventfeed_v1 ) where row_num = 1 ), -- Get all the disbursements -- The billing events data is immutable. -- It is not required to use time windows based on the -- valid_from column to get the most recent billing event disbursement_events as ( select billing_events_raw.billing_event_id as disbursement_id, billing_events_raw.invoice_date as disbursement_date, billing_events_raw.bank_trace_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data billing_events_raw where -- Only interested in disbursements, so filter out -- non-disbursements by selecting transaction type -- to be DISBURSEMENT: billing_events_raw.transaction_type = 'DISBURSEMENT' -- Select a time period, you can adjust the dates -- below if need be. For billing events use the -- invoice date as the point in time of the -- disbursement being initiated: and billing_events_raw.invoice_date >= from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00Z') and billing_events_raw.invoice_date < from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-11-01T00:00:00Z') ), -- Get the invoices along with the line items that -- are part of the above filtered disbursements disbursed_line_items as ( select line_items.transaction_reference_id, line_items.product_id, line_items.transaction_type, (case -- Get the payer of the invoice from any -- transaction type that is not AWS and -- not BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT. -- For AWS and BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, the billing -- event feed will show the "AWS Marketplace" -- account as the receiver of the funds and the -- seller as the payer. Filter those out. when line_items.transaction_type not like '%AWS%' and transaction_type not like 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' then line_items.from_account_id end) as payer_account_id, line_items.end_user_account_id, invoice_amount, disbursements.disbursement_date, disbursements.disbursement_id, disbursements.bank_trace_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data line_items -- Each disbursed line item is linked to the parent -- disbursement via the disbursement_billing_event_id join disbursement_events disbursements on disbursements.disbursement_id = line_items.disbursement_billing_event_id where -- we are interested only in the invoice line -- items that are DISBURSED line_items.action = 'DISBURSED' ), -- An invoice can contain multiple line items -- Create a pivot table to calculate the different -- amounts that are part of an invoice. -- The new row is aggregated at -- transaction_reference_id - end_user_account_id level invoice_amounts_aggregated as ( select transaction_reference_id, product_id, -- a given disbursement id should have the -- same disbursement_date max(disbursement_date) as disbursement_date, -- Build a pivot table in order to provide all the -- data related to a transaction in a single row. -- Note that the amounts are negated. This is because -- when an invoice is generated, we give you the -- positive amounts and the disbursement event -- negates the amounts sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_refund, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_REFUND' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_refund, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_credit, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_credit, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_tax_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' then -invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_tax_refund, -- This is the account that pays the invoice: max(payer_account_id) as payer_account_id, -- This is the account that subscribed to the product: end_user_account_id as customer_account_id, bank_trace_id from disbursed_line_items group by transaction_reference_id, product_id, disbursement_id, -- There might be a different end-user for the same -- transaction reference id. Distributed licenses -- is an example end_user_account_id, bank_trace_id ), disbursed_amount_by_product as ( select products.title as ProductTitle, products.product_code as ProductCode, -- We are rounding the sums using 2 decimal precision -- Note that the rounding method might differ -- between SQL implementations. -- The disbursement seller report is using -- RoundingMode.HALF_UP. This might create -- discrepancies between this SQL output -- and the disbursement seller report round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_share, 2) as SellerRev, round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_share, 2) as AWSRefFee, round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_refund, 2) as SellerRevRefund, round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_refund, 2) as AWSRefFeeRefund, round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_credit, 2) as SellerRevCredit, round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_credit, 2) as AWSRefFeeCredit, ( round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_share, 2) + round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_share, 2) + round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_refund, 2) + round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_refund, 2) + round(invoice_amounts.seller_rev_credit, 2) + round(invoice_amounts.aws_rev_credit, 2) ) as NetAmount, invoice_amounts.transaction_reference_id as TransactionReferenceID, round(invoice_amounts.seller_tax_share, 2) as SellerSalesTax, round(invoice_amounts.seller_tax_refund, 2) as SellerSalesTaxRefund, payer_info.aws_account_id as PayerAwsAccountId, customer_info.aws_account_id as EndCustomerAwsAccountId, invoice_amounts.disbursement_date as DisbursementDate, invoice_amounts.bank_trace_id as BankTraceId from invoice_amounts_aggregated invoice_amounts join products_with_latest_version products on products.product_id = invoice_amounts.product_id left join accounts_with_latest_version payer_info on payer_info.account_id = invoice_amounts.payer_account_id left join accounts_with_latest_version customer_info on customer_info.account_id = invoice_amounts.customer_account_id ) select * from disbursed_amount_by_product;


顧客別の請求済み収益を確認するには、次のようなクエリを実行します。この例は、販売補償レポート 販売者レポートに相当します。これらのサンプルクエリは、相互に構築され、各顧客のソフトウェア使用料に対して請求された総額を含む顧客詳細の最終リストを作成します。クエリは図のように使用したり、データやユースケースに合わせてカスタマイズしたりできます。



このクエリを実行するときは、取り込まれたデータが 2 つの時間軸 (valid_from 列と update 列) を使用していることを前提としています。詳細については、「AWS Marketplace データフィードのストレージと構造」を参照してください。

-- Gets all the products and keeps the latest product_id, -- valid_from tuple. with products_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from productfeed_v1 ) where -- A product_id can appear multiple times with the same -- valid_from date but with a different update_date column, -- making it effectively bi-temporal. By only taking the most -- recent tuple, we are converting to a uni-temporal model. row_num = 1 ), -- Gets the latest revision of a product -- A product can have multiple revisions where some of the -- columns, like the title, can change. -- For the purpose of the sales compensation report, we want -- to get the latest revision of a product products_with_latest_revision as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) desc) as row_num_latest_revision from products_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), -- Gets all the addresses and keeps the latest address_id, -- aws_account_id, and valid_from combination. -- We're transitioning from a bi-temporal data model to an -- uni-temporal data_model piifeed_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY address_id, aws_account_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from piifeed ) where -- An address_id can appear multiple times with the same -- valid_from date but with a different update_date column. -- We are only interested in the most recent. row_num = 1 ), -- Gets the latest revision of an address. -- An address_id can have multiple revisions where some of -- the columns can change. -- For the purpose of the sales compensation report, we want to -- get the latest revision of an address + account_id pair. pii_with_latest_revision as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY address_id, aws_account_id ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) desc) as row_num_latest_revision from piifeed_with_uni_temporal_data ) where row_num_latest_revision = 1 ), -- Gets all the accounts and keeps the latest -- account_id, valid_from tuple. -- We're transitioning from a bi-temporal data -- model to an uni-temporal data_model. accounts_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY account_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from accountfeed_v1 ) where -- An account_id can appear multiple times with the same -- valid_from date but with a different update_date column. -- We are only interested in the most recent tuple. row_num = 1 ), -- Gets all the historical dates for an account -- An account can have multiple revisions where some of the -- columns like the mailing_address_id can change. accounts_with_history as ( select *, -- This interval's begin_date case when -- First record for a given account_id lag(valid_from, 1) over (partition by account_id order by from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) asc) is null then -- 'force' begin_date a bit earlier because of different -- data propagation times. We'll subtract one day as one -- hour is not sufficient from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) - INTERVAL '1' DAY else -- not the first line -> return the real date from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) end as begin_date, -- This interval's end date. COALESCE( LEAD(from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from), 1) OVER (partition by account_id ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from)), from_iso8601_timestamp('9999-01-01T00:00:00Z') ) as end_date from accounts_with_uni_temporal_data ), -- Gets all the billing events and keeps the latest -- billing_event_id, valid_from tuple. -- We're transitioning from a bi-temporal data -- model to an uni-temporal data_model. billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data as ( select * from ( select billing_event_id, from_iso8601_timestamp(valid_from) as valid_from, from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) as update_date, from_iso8601_timestamp(invoice_date) as invoice_date, transaction_type, transaction_reference_id, product_id, disbursement_billing_event_id, action, currency, from_account_id, to_account_id, end_user_account_id, -- convert an empty billing address to null. This will -- later be used in a COALESCE call case when billing_address_id <> '' then billing_address_id else null end as billing_address_id, CAST(amount as decimal(20, 10)) invoice_amount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY billing_event_id, valid_from ORDER BY from_iso8601_timestamp(update_date) desc) as row_num from billingeventfeed_v1 where -- The Sales Compensation Report does not contain BALANCE -- ADJUSTMENTS, so we filter them out here transaction_type <> 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' -- Keep only the transactions that will affect any -- future disbursed amounts. and balance_impacting = '1' ) where row_num = 1 ), -- Gets the billing address for all DISBURSED invoices. This -- will be the address of the payer when the invoice was paid. -- NOTE: For legal reasons, for CPPO transactions, the -- manufacturer will not see the payer's billing address id billing_addresses_for_disbursed_invoices as ( select billing_events_raw.transaction_reference_id, billing_events_raw.billing_address_id, billing_events_raw.from_account_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data billing_events_raw where -- the disbursed items will contain the billing address id billing_events_raw.action = 'DISBURSED' -- we only want to get the billing address id for the -- transaction line items where the seller is the receiver -- of the amount and billing_events_raw.transaction_type like 'SELLER_%' group by billing_events_raw.transaction_reference_id, billing_events_raw.billing_address_id, billing_events_raw.from_account_id ), -- An invoice can contain multiple line items. -- We create a pivot table to calculate the different amounts -- that are part of an invoice. -- The new row is aggregated at -- transaction_reference_id - end_user_account_id level invoiced_and_forgiven_transactions as ( select transaction_reference_id, product_id, -- A transaction will have the same invoice date for all -- of its line items (transaction types) max(invoice_date) as invoice_date, -- A transaction will have the same billing_address_id -- for all of its line items. Remember that the billing event -- is uni temporal and we retrieved only the latest valid_from item max(billing_address_id) as billing_address_id, -- A transaction will have the same currency for all -- of its line items max(currency) as currency, -- We're building a pivot table in order to provide all the -- data related to a transaction in a single row sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_REFUND' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_refund, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_REFUND' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_refund, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_rev_credit, sum(case when transaction_type = 'AWS_REV_SHARE_CREDIT' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as aws_rev_credit, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_tax_share, sum(case when transaction_type = 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE_REFUND' then invoice_amount else 0 end) as seller_tax_refund, -- this is the account that pays the invoice. max(case -- Get the payer of the invoice from any transaction type -- that is not AWS and not BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT. -- For AWS and BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT, the billing event feed -- will show the "AWS Marketplace" account as the -- receiver of the funds and the seller as the payer. We -- are not interested in this information here. when transaction_type not like '%AWS%' and transaction_type not like 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' then from_account_id end) as payer_account_id, -- this is the account that subscribed to your product end_user_account_id as customer_account_id from billing_events_with_uni_temporal_data where -- Get invoiced or forgiven items. Disbursements are -- not part of the sales compensation report action in ('INVOICED', 'FORGIVEN') group by transaction_reference_id, product_id, -- There might be a different end-user for the same -- transaction reference id. Distributed licenses -- is an example. end_user_account_id ), invoiced_items_with_product_and_billing_address as ( select invoice_amounts.*, products.product_code, products.title, payer_info.aws_account_id as payer_aws_account_id, payer_info.account_id as payer_reference_id, customer_info.aws_account_id as end_user_aws_account_id, ( invoice_amounts.seller_rev_share + invoice_amounts.aws_rev_share + invoice_amounts.seller_rev_refund + invoice_amounts.aws_rev_refund + invoice_amounts.seller_rev_credit + invoice_amounts.aws_rev_credit + invoice_amounts.seller_tax_share + invoice_amounts.seller_tax_refund ) as seller_net_revenue, -- Try to get the billing address from the DISBURSED event -- (if any). If there is no DISBURSEMENT, get the billing -- address from the INVOICED item. If still no billing address, -- then default to getting the mailing address of the payer. coalesce(billing_add.billing_address_id, invoice_amounts.billing_address_id, payer_info.mailing_address_id) as final_billing_address_id from invoiced_and_forgiven_transactions invoice_amounts join products_with_latest_revision products on products.product_id = invoice_amounts.product_id left join accounts_with_history payer_info on payer_info.account_id = invoice_amounts.payer_account_id -- Get the Payer Information at the time of invoice creation and payer_info.begin_date <= invoice_amounts.invoice_date and invoice_amounts.invoice_date < payer_info.end_date left join accounts_with_history customer_info on customer_info.account_id = invoice_amounts.customer_account_id -- Get the End User Information at the time of invoice creation and customer_info.begin_date <= invoice_amounts.invoice_date and invoice_amounts.invoice_date < customer_info.end_date left join billing_addresses_for_disbursed_invoices billing_add on billing_add.transaction_reference_id = invoice_amounts.transaction_reference_id and billing_add.from_account_id = invoice_amounts.payer_account_id ), invoices_with_full_address as ( select payer_aws_account_id as "Customer AWS Account Number", pii_data.country as "Country", pii_data.state_or_region as "State", pii_data.city as "City", pii_data.postal_code as "Zip Code", pii_data.email_domain as "Email Domain", product_code as "Product Code", title as "Product Title", seller_rev_share as "Gross Revenue", aws_rev_share as "AWS Revenue Share", seller_rev_refund as "Gross Refunds", aws_rev_refund as "AWS Refunds Share", seller_net_revenue as "Net Revenue", currency as "Currency", date_format(invoice_date, '%Y-%m')as "AR Period", transaction_reference_id as "Transaction Reference ID", payer_reference_id as "Payer Reference ID", end_user_aws_account_id as "End Customer AWS Account ID" from invoiced_items_with_product_and_billing_address invoice_amounts left join pii_with_latest_revision pii_data on pii_data.aws_account_id = invoice_amounts.payer_aws_account_id and pii_data.address_id = invoice_amounts.final_billing_address_id -- Filter out FORGIVEN and Field Demonstration Pricing transactions where seller_net_revenue <> 0 ) select * from invoices_with_full_address;