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Application Migration Service supported Linux operating systems

Application Migration Service supported Linux operating systems - Application Migration Service
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General Notes


Support deprecation notes - Linux

  • Effective April 1, 2025, the installation of new AWS Replication Agents on source servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 5, including all minor version releases, and CentOS version 5, including all minor version releases, will no longer be permitted.

  • Review the AWS Replication Agent installation requirements.

  • Linux kernel versions up to 6.8 are supported.

  • Application Migration Service does not support 32 bit versions of Linux.

  • For source machines configured with LVM, on RHEL/Oracle version less than or equal to 9.4, please make sure to update the lvm package to lvm2-2.03.23-1.el9 or latest.

  • Kernel version 4.9.256 is not supported. Agent installation fails on servers that run this kernel version.

  • Kernel versions earlier than 2.6.18-164 are not supported by AWS Application Migration Service. Therefore, servers that run these kernel versions cannot be replicated by AWS Application Migration Service.

  • When performing a failback for a Linux server, you must boot the Failback Client with BIOS boot mode.

These Linux operating systems are supported:

Operating system Supported versions Prerequisites and Limitations

Amazon Linux

1, 2, 2023

Amazon Linux 1 is only supported for AWS to AWS recovery.


5.5 to 9.5

  • For RHEL 8.x, a prerequisite is to run $ sudo yum install elfutils-libelf-devel

  • Kernel versions 2.6.32-71 are not supported in RHEL 6.0

  • The post-launch actions feature is not supported on RHEL 5.x and RHEL 6.x

  • Nitro instance types work with RHEL 7.4+

  • AWS requires that servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) must have Cloud Access (BYOL) licenses in order to be recovered to AWS. Note that servers running RHEL Cloud Access Gold Images allow you to access AWS Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI), Red Hat Satellite, or Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM). If you are using RHEL Cloud Access Gold Images, you are not able to access RHUI upon failover to AWS unless you link your AWS account to your Red Hat account via the Red Hat portal, and select the Gold image AMI in the launch template.

  • You must select an AWS provided RHEL AMI in the Launch Template for servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Pay as You Go (PAYG) images. This allows access to RHUI after migration. Note that usage of these images incurs Amazon EC2 charges for software and infrastructure per AWS Marketplace rates..


5.5 to 7.9

  • Kernel versions 2.6.32-71 are not supported in CentOS 6.0

  • For Centos 8.x, a prerequisite is to run $ sudo yum install elfutils-libelf-devel

  • The post-launch actions feature is not supported on CentOS 5.x and CentOS 6.x

  • Nitro instance types work with CentOS 7.4+

Oracle Linux

6.0 to 7.0, 8.5 to 8.9, and 9.0 to 9.4

  • For Oracle Linux 8.x, a prerequisite is to run$ sudo yum install elfutils-libelf-devel

  • Kernel versions 2.6.32-71 are not supported in Oracle Linux 6.0

  • The post-launch actions feature is not supported on Oracle Linux 6.x.

  • Nitro instance types work with Oracle Linux 7.4+

  • Oracle Linux 6.0 to 7.0 source servers must be running either Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 or higher or a Red Hat Compatible Kernel.

  • Oracle Linux 8.5 to 8.9 (running either Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 or higher or a Red Hat Compatible Kernel) – these UEK kernels were tested:

    • 5.15.0-200.131.27.el9uek.x86_64

    • 5.15.0-

    • 5.15.0-

    • 5.15.0-0.30.19.el9uek.x86_64

    • 5.15.0-

    • 5.15.0-200.131.27.el8uek.x86_64

    • 5.15.0-

    • 5.15.0-

    • 5.4.17-2136.314.6.3.el8uek.x86_64

    • 5.4.17-2136.307.3.1.el8uek.x86_64

    • 5.4.17-2136.300.7.el8uek.x86_64

    • 4.18.0-372.

  • Oracle Linux 9.0 to 9.4 (running Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 7 or Red Hat Compatible Kernel only)

Rocky Linux


For Rocky Linux 8.x, a prerequisite is to run $ sudo yum install elfutils-libelf-devel

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

11 SP4 to 15 SP5

  • The AWS Replication Agent is supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4 and higher.

  • For SUSE Linux (SLES) 11 SP4 to work, you must install the Xen drivers and then reboot the servers before installing the AWS Replication Agent. Use this command to install the drivers: $ sudo zypper install -y xen-kmp-default.


12.04 to 24.04

  • Only Kernel 3.x or above are supported

  • Azure kernels are not supported as they are not compatible with the Amazon EC2 hardware. Ubuntu servers from Azure are required to switch the kernel to a standard kernel or the AWS tuned Ubuntu kernel 'linux-aws'.


8 to 11

Only Kernel 3.x or above are supported


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