Best practices - Neptune Analytics

Best practices

Ensure the streams have been consumed and closed to be able to re-use client connections in the SDK. See the SDK for Java developer guide for more information.


Using the default settings, any CLI or SDK request will timeout in 60 seconds and attempt a retry. For the cases where you are running queries that can take longer than 60 seconds, it is recommended to set the CLI/SDK timeout to 0 (no timeout), or a much larger value to avoid unnecesssary retries. It is also recommended to set MAX_ATTEMPTS for CLI/SDK to 1 for execute_query to avoid any retries by the CLI/SDK. For the Boto client, set the read_timeout to None, and the total_max_attempts to 1.

import boto3 from botocore.config import Config n = boto3.client('neptune-graph', config=(Config(retries={"total_max_attempts": 1, "mode": "standard"}, read_timeout=None)))

For the CLI, set the --cli-read-timeout parameter to 0 for no timeout, and set the environment variable AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS to 1 to prevent retries.

export AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS=1 aws neptune-graph execute-query \ --graph-identifier <graph-id> \ --region <region> \ --query-string "MATCH (p:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(p1) RETURN *;" \ --cli-read-timeout 0 --language open_cypher /tmp/out.txt