Using CSV data - Neptune Analytics

Using CSV data

Neptune Analytics, like Neptune Database, supports two csv formats for loading graph data: csv and opencypher. Both are csv-based formats with a specified schema. A csv file must contain a header row and the column values. The remainder of the files are interpreted based on the corresponding header column. The header could contain predefined system column names and user-defined column names, annotated with predefined datatypes and cardinality.

Differences with Neptune csv (opencypher) format

Edge files:

  • The ~id (:ID) column in edge (relationship) files in CSV (opencypher) format are not supported. They are ignored if provided in any of the edge (relationship) files.

Vertex files:

  • Only explicitly provided labels are associated with the vertices. If the label provided is empty, the vertex would be added without a label. If a row contains just the vertex id without any labels or properties then the row is ignored, and no vertex is added. For more information about vertices, see vertices.

  • A new column type Vector is supported for associating embeddings with vertices. Since Neptune Analytics only supports one index type at this moment, the property name for embeddings is currently fixed to Embeddings. If the element type of the embeddings are not floating point (FP32), they will be typecasted to FP32. The embeddings in the csv files are optional when the vector index is enabled. This means that not every node needs to be associated with an embedding. If you want to set up a vector index for the graph, choose use vector dimension and then specify the number of dimensions for the vectors in the index. Note that the dimension must match the dimension of the embeddings in the vertex files. For more details of loading embeddings, refer to vector-index.

Edge or vertex files:

  • Unlike Neptune Database, a vertex identifier could appear just in edge files. Neptune Analytics allows loading just the edge data from files in Amazon S3, and running an algorithm over the data without needing to provide any additional vertex information. The edges are created between vertices with the given identifiers, and the vertices have no labels or properties unless any are provided in the vertex files. For more information on vertices and what they are, see vertices.

  • Date column type is supported. The following date formats are supported: yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy-MM-dd[+|-]hhmm. To include time along with date, use the Datetime column type instead.

  • The datetime values can either be provided in the XSD format or one of the following formats:

    • yyyy-MM-dd

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[+|-]hhmm

    • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS[+|-]hhmm

  • Float and double values in scientific notation are currently not supported. Also, Infinity, INF, -Infinity, -INF, and NaN (Not-a-number) values are supported.

  • Gzip files are not supported.

  • The maximum length of the strings supported is smaller, and limited to 1,048,062 bytes. The limit would be lower for strings with unicode characters since some unicode characters are represented using multiple bytes.

  • Multi-line string values are not supported. Imports behavior is undefined if the dataset contains multi-line string values.

  • Quoted string values must not have a leading space between the delimiter and quotes. For example, if a line is abc, “def” then that is interpreted as a line with two fields, with string values of abc and “def”. “def" is a non-quoted string field and quotes are stored as-is in the value, with a size of 6 characters. If the line is abc,“def” then it is interpreted as a line with two fields with string values abc and def.

  • A column type Any is supported in the user columns. An Any type is a type “syntactic sugar” for all of the other types we support. It is extremely useful if a user column has multiple types in it. The payload of an Any type value is a list of json strings as follows: "{""value"": ""10"", ""type"": ""Int""};{""value"": ""1.0"", ""type"": ""Float""}" , which has a value field and a type field in each individual json string. The column header of an Any type is propertyname:Any. The cardinality value of an Any column is set, meaning that the column can accept multiple values.

    • Neptune Analytics supports the following types in an Any type: Bool (or Boolean), Byte, Short, Int, Long, UnsignedByte, UnsignedShort, UnsignedInt, UnsignedLong, Float, Double, Date, dateTime, and String.

    • Vector type is not supported in Any type.

    • Nested Any type is not supported. For example, "{""value"": "{""value"": ""10"", ""type"": ""Int""}", ""type"": ""Any""}".