AWS Cloud WAN example: Three-stage development environment using both tag values and manual shared services mapping - AWS Network Manager

AWS Cloud WAN example: Three-stage development environment using both tag values and manual shared services mapping

This policy creates a common software development lifecycle policy. It includes three development stages: development, testing, and production. VPCs in any one of these segments can’t talk to each other because isolate-attachments is set to true. These VPC attachments are tagged with their stage, which directly maps to the name of the segment that they should belong to. If developers use the Development or Testing stages, the VPC is automatically mapped without approval, but Production requires approval. There is an additional sharedservices segment, which includes both a VPC and a site-to-site VPN. These attachments don’t use tags, but are instead mapped by their explicit resource-ID. The sharedservices segment is shared with the isolated development environments so that they can reach on-premises through VPN and can also reach the shared services VPC.

{ "version": "2021.12", "core-network-configuration": { "asn-ranges": [ "64512-65534" ], "edge-locations": [ { "location": "us-east-1" }, { "location": "us-west-2" } ] }, "segments": [ { "name": "development", "isolate-attachments": true, "require-attachment-acceptance": false }, { "name": "testing", "isolate-attachments": true, "require-attachment-acceptance": false }, { "name": "production", "isolate-attachments": true, "require-attachment-acceptance": true }, { "name": "sharedServices" } ], "segment-actions": [ { "action": "share", "mode": "attachment-route", "segment": "sharedservices", "share-with": "*" } ], "attachment-policies": [ { "rule-number": 1000, "conditions": [ { "type": "tag-exists", "key": "Stage" } ], "action": { "association-method": "tag", "tag-value-of-key": "Stage" } }, { "rule-number": 1500, "conditions": [ { "type": "resource-id", "operator": "equals", "value": "vpc-1234567890123456" } ], "action": { "association-method": "constant", "segment": "sharedservices" } }, { "rule-number": 1600, "conditions": [ { "type": "resource-id", "operator": "equals", "value": "vpn-1234567890123456" } ], "action": { "association-method": "constant", "segment": "sharedservices" } } ] }