Monitoring Oracle Database@AWS with Amazon CloudWatch - Oracle Database@AWS

Oracle Database@AWS is in preview release and is subject to change.

Monitoring Oracle Database@AWS with Amazon CloudWatch

You can monitor Oracle Database@AWS using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are kept for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Oracle Database@AWS

The Oracle Database@AWS service reports metrics to Amazon CloudWatch in the AWS/ODB namespace for VM clusters, container databases, and pluggable databases.

Metrics for cloud VM clusters

The Oracle Database@AWS service reports the following metrics in the AWS/ODB namespace for cloud VM clusters.

Metric Description Units
ASMDiskgroupUtilization The percentage of usable space used in a Disk Group. Usable space is the space available for growth. DATA disk group stores our Oracle database files. RECO disk group contains database files for recovery such as archives and flashback logs. Percentage
CpuUtilization The percent CPU utilization. Percentage
FilesystemUtilization The percent utilization of provisioned filesystem. Percentage
LoadAverage The system load average over 5 minutes. Integer
MemoryUtilization The percentage of memory available for starting new applications, without swapping. The available memory can be obtained via the following command: cat /proc/meminfo Percentage
NodeStatus Indicates whether the host is reachable. Integer
OcpusAllocated The number of OCPUs allocated. Integer
SwapUtilization The percent utilization of total swap space. Percentage

Metrics for container databases

The Oracle Database@AWS service reports the following metrics in the AWS/ODB namespace for container databases.

Metric Description Units
BlockChanges The Average number of blocks changed per second. Changes per second
CpuUtilization The CPU utilization expressed as a percentage, aggregated across all consumer groups. The utilization percentage is reported with respect to the number of CPUs the database is allowed to use, which is two times the number of OCPUs. Percentage
CurrentLogons The number of successful logons during the selected interval. Count
ExecuteCount The number of user and recursive calls that executed SQL statements during the selected interval. Count
ParseCount The number of hard and soft parses during the selected interval. Count
StorageAllocated Total amount of storage space allocated to the database at the collection time. GB
StorageAllocatedByTablespace Total amount of storage space allocated to the tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces. GB
StorageUsed Total amount of storage space used by the database at the collection time. GB
StorageUsedByTablespace Total amount of storage space used by tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces. GB
StorageUtilization The percentage of provisioned storage capacity currently in use. Represents the total allocated space for all tablespaces. Percentage
StorageUtilizationByTablespace This indicates the percentage of storage space utilized by the tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces.. Percentage
TransactionCount The combined number of user commits and user rollbacks during the selected interval. Count
UserCalls The combined number of logons, parses, and execute calls during the selected interval. Count

Metrics for pluggable databases

The Oracle Database@AWS service reports the following metrics in the AWS/ODB namespace for pluggable databases.

Metric Description Units
AllocatedStorageUtilizationByTablespace The percentage of space used by tablespace, out of all allocated. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 30 minutes) Percent
AvgGCCRBlockReceiveTime The average global cache CR (consistent-read) block receive time. For RAC / cluster databases only. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Milliseconds
AvgGCCurrentBlockReceiveTime The average global cache current blocks receive time. Statistic reports the mean value. For Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases only. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Milliseconds
BlockChanges The average number of blocks changed per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) changes per second
BlockingSessions Current blocking sessions. Not applicable for container databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 15 minutes) Count
CPUTimeSeconds The average rate of accumulation of CPU time by foreground sessions in the database instance over the time interval. The CPU time component of Average Active Sessions. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Seconds per second
CpuCount The number of CPUs during the selected interval. Count
CpuUtilization The CPU utilization expressed as a percentage, aggregated across all consumer groups. The utilization percentage is reported with respect to the number of CPUs the database is allowed to use, which is two times the number of OCPUs. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Percent
CurrentLogons The number of successful logons during the selected interval. (Statistics: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
DBTimeSeconds The average rate of accumulation of database time (CPU + Wait) by foreground sessions in the database instance over the time interval. Also known as Average Active Sessions. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Seconds per second
DbmgmtJobExecutionsCount The number of SQL job executions on a single managed database or a database group, and their status. Status dimensions can be the following values: "Succeeded," "Failed," "InProgress." (Statistic: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
ExecuteCount The number of user and recursive calls that executed SQL statements during the selected interval. (Statistic: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
FRASpaceLimit The flash recovery area space limit. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 15 minutes) GB
FRAUtilization The flash recovery area utilization. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) Percent
GCCRBlocksReceived The global cache CR (consistent-read) blocks received per second. For RAC / cluster databases only. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Blocks per second
GCCurrentBlocksReceived Represents global cache current blocks received per second. Statistic reports the mean value. For Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases only. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Blocks per second
IOPS The average number of input-output operations per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Operations per second
IOThroughputMB The average throughput in MB per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) MB per second
InterconnectTrafficMB The average internode data transfer rate. For RAC / cluster databases only. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) MB per second
InvalidObjects Invalid database objects count. Not applicable for container databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 24 hours) Count
LogicalBlocksRead The average number of blocks read from SGA/Memory (buffer cache) per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Reads per second
MaxTablespaceSize The maximum possible tablespace size. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 30 minutes) GB
MemoryUsage Memory pool total size in MB. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) MB
MonitoringStatus The monitoring status of the resource. If a metric collection fails, error information is captured in this metric. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Not applicable
NonReclaimableFRA The Non-reclaimable fast recovery area. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) Percent
OcpusAllocated The actual number of OCPUs allocated by the service during the selected interval of time. (Statistic: Count, Interval: 1 minute) Integer
ParseCount The number of hard and soft parses during the selected interval. (Statistic: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
ParsesByType The number of hard or soft parses per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Parses per second
ProblematicScheduledDBMSJobs The problematic scheduled database jobs count. Not applicable for container databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 15 minutes) Count
ProcessLimitUtilization The process limit utilization. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Percent
Processes The database processes count. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 1 minute) Count
ReclaimableFRA The reclaimable fast recovery area. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) Percent
ReclaimableFRASpace The flash recovery area reclaimable space. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) GB
RedoSizeMB The average amount of redo generated, in MB per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) MB per second
SessionLimitUtilization The session limit utilization. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Percent
Sessions The number of sessions in the database. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Count
StorageAllocated The maximum amount of space allocated by tablespace during the interval. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 30 minutes) GB
StorageAllocatedByTablespace The maximum amount of space allocated by tablespace during the interval. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 30 minutes) GB
StorageUsed The maximum amount of space used during the interval. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 30 minutes) GB
StorageUsedByTablespace The maximum amount of space used by tablespace during the interval. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 30 minutes) GB
StorageUtilization The percentage of provisioned storage capacity currently in use. Represents the total allocated space for all tablespaces. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 30 minutes) Percent
StorageUtilizationByTablespace The percentage of the space utilized, by tablespace. For container databases, this metric provides data for root container tablespaces. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 30 minutes) Percent
TransactionCount The combined number of user commits and user rollbacks during the selected interval. (Statistic: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
TransactionsByStatus The number of committed or rolled back transactions per second. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 1 minute) Transactions per second
UnusableIndexes Unusable indexes count in database schema. Not applicable for container databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 24 hours) Count
UsableFRA The useable fast recovery area. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 15 minutes) Percent
UsedFRASpace The flash recovery area space usage. Not applicable for pluggable databases. (Statistic: Max, Interval: 15 minutes) GB
UserCalls The combined number of logons, parses, and execute calls during the selected interval. (Statistic: Sum, Interval: 1 minute) Count
WaitTimeSeconds The average rate of accumulation of non-idle wait time by foreground sessions in the database instance over the time interval. The wait time component of Average Active Sessions. (Statistic: Mean, Interval: 5 minutes) Seconds per second

Amazon CloudWatch dimensions for Oracle Database@AWS

You can filter Oracle Database@AWS metrics data by using any dimension in the following table.

Dimension Filters the requested data for . . .
cloudVmClusterId The identifier of a VM cluster.
cloudExadataInfrastructureId The identifier of the Exadata infrastructure.
collectionName A name of a collection.
deploymentType The type of infrastructure.
diskgroupName A name of a disk group
errorCode An error code.
errorSeverity The severity of an error.
filesystemName The name of a file system.
hostName The name of the host machine.
instanceName The name of a database instance.
instanceNumber The instance number of a database instance.
ioType A type of I/O operation.
jobId A unique identifier for a job.
managedDatabaseGroupId The identifier of a Managed Database Group.
managedDatabaseId The identifier of a Managed Database.
memoryPool A type of memory pool.
memoryType A type of memory.
ociCloudVmClusterId The OCI identifier of a VM cluster.
ociCloudExadataInfrastructureId The OCI identifier of the Exadata infrastructure.
parseType A type of parse.
resourceId The identifier of a resource.
resourceId_Database The identifier of a database.
resourceId_DbNode The identifier of a database node.
resourceName The name of a resource.
resourceName_Database The name of a database.
resourceName_DbNode The name of a database node.
resourceType A type of database.
schemaName The name of a schema.
status The status of a database.
tablespaceContents The contents of a tablespace.
tablespaceName The name of a tablespace.
tablespaceType A type of tablespace.
transactionStatus The status of a transaction.
type A type of Problematic Scheduled DMS job.
waitClass A class of wait event.