Services that support the Resource Groups Tagging API - Resource Groups Tagging API

Services that support the Resource Groups Tagging API

The AWS services in the following list support the Resource Groups Tagging API TagResources and UntagResources operations.

The GetResources, GetTagKeys, and GetTagValues operations support all resource types.


This list includes only those AWS services that work with the Resource Groups Tagging API.

If an AWS service isn't listed below, you might still be able to tag that service's resources by using the service's native tagging operations instead of using the Resource Groups Tagging API operations. See the documentation for an individual service for information about that service's native tagging operations.

This lets you tag resources by using the AWS CLI version of the service's operation. For example, you could tag an IAM role by using a command similar to the following example:

$ aws iam tag-role --role-name ProdAppRole --tags Key=CostCenter,Value=1234

For a list of the AWS services that work with Tag Editor, see Supported Resources in the AWS Resource Groups User Guide.

IAM users and roles can only be used in TagResource and UntagResources operations. The GetResources operation does not currently support IAM users and roles.