Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio is in preview release and is subject to change.
Request subscription to assets in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio allows you to find, access and consume the assets in the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio catalog. When you find an asset in the catalog that you want to access, you need to subscribe to the asset, which creates a subscription request. An approver can then approve or request your request.
You must be a member of a project in order to request subscription to an asset within that project.
To subscribe to an asset
Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.
Navigate to the Discover menu in the top navigation bar.
Choose Data catalog.
Find the asset you want to subscribe to by browsing or typing the name of the asset into the search bar.
Choose the asset to which you want to subscribe, and then choose Subscribe.
In the Subscribe pop-up window, provide the following information:
The project that you want to subscribe to the asset.
A short justification for your subscription request.
Choose Request.
The project will be subscribed to the asset when the publisher approves your request.
To view the status of the subscription request, locate and choose the project with which you subscribed to the asset. Choose Subscription requests from the project left side navigation, then choose the Outgoing requests tab. This page lists the assets to which the project has requested access. You can filter the list by the status of the request.