IAM マネージドポリシーのポリシードキュメントを表示する
この例では、 AWS SDK for .NET を使用してポリシードキュメントを表示する方法を示します。アプリケーションはIAMクライアントオブジェクトを作成し、指定されたIAMマネージドポリシーのデフォルトバージョンを検索し、ポリシードキュメントを に表示しますJSON。
// // Method to determine the default version of an IAM policy // Returns a string with the version private static async Task<string> GetDefaultVersion( IAmazonIdentityManagementService iamClient, string policyArn) { // Retrieve all the versions of this policy string defaultVersion = string.Empty; ListPolicyVersionsResponse reponseVersions = await iamClient.ListPolicyVersionsAsync(new ListPolicyVersionsRequest{ PolicyArn = policyArn}); // Find the default version foreach(PolicyVersion version in reponseVersions.Versions) { if(version.IsDefaultVersion) { defaultVersion = version.VersionId; break; } } return defaultVersion; }
次のスニペットは、特定のポリシーJSONの にIAMポリシードキュメントを表示します。
このトピックの最後 で、スニペットが実際に使用されている例を確認できます。
// // Method to retrieve and display the policy document of an IAM policy private static async Task ShowPolicyDocument( IAmazonIdentityManagementService iamClient, string policyArn, string defaultVersion) { // Retrieve the policy document of the default version GetPolicyVersionResponse responsePolicy = await iamClient.GetPolicyVersionAsync(new GetPolicyVersionRequest{ PolicyArn = policyArn, VersionId = defaultVersion}); // Display the policy document (in JSON) Console.WriteLine($"Version {defaultVersion} of the policy (in JSON format):"); Console.WriteLine( $"{HttpUtility.UrlDecode(responsePolicy.PolicyVersion.Document)}"); }
NuGet パッケージ:
using System; using System.Web; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.IdentityManagement; using Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model; namespace IamDisplayPolicyJson { class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Parse the command line and show help if necessary if(args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: IamDisplayPolicyJson policy-arn"); Console.WriteLine(" policy-arn: The ARN of the policy to retrieve."); return; } if(!args[0].StartsWith("arn:")) { Console.WriteLine("\nCould not find policy ARN in the command-line arguments:"); Console.WriteLine($"{args[0]}"); return; } // Create an IAM service client var iamClient = new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient(); // Retrieve and display the policy document of the given policy string defaultVersion = await GetDefaultVersion(iamClient, args[0]); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultVersion)) Console.WriteLine($"Could not find the default version for policy {args[0]}."); else await ShowPolicyDocument(iamClient, args[0], defaultVersion); } // // Method to determine the default version of an IAM policy // Returns a string with the version private static async Task<string> GetDefaultVersion( IAmazonIdentityManagementService iamClient, string policyArn) { // Retrieve all the versions of this policy string defaultVersion = string.Empty; ListPolicyVersionsResponse reponseVersions = await iamClient.ListPolicyVersionsAsync(new ListPolicyVersionsRequest{ PolicyArn = policyArn}); // Find the default version foreach(PolicyVersion version in reponseVersions.Versions) { if(version.IsDefaultVersion) { defaultVersion = version.VersionId; break; } } return defaultVersion; } // // Method to retrieve and display the policy document of an IAM policy private static async Task ShowPolicyDocument( IAmazonIdentityManagementService iamClient, string policyArn, string defaultVersion) { // Retrieve the policy document of the default version GetPolicyVersionResponse responsePolicy = await iamClient.GetPolicyVersionAsync(new GetPolicyVersionRequest{ PolicyArn = policyArn, VersionId = defaultVersion}); // Display the policy document (in JSON) Console.WriteLine($"Version {defaultVersion} of the policy (in JSON format):"); Console.WriteLine( $"{HttpUtility.UrlDecode(responsePolicy.PolicyVersion.Document)}"); } } }