Phone number considerations for use with a WhatsApp Business Account - AWS End User Messaging Social

Phone number considerations for use with a WhatsApp Business Account

When you link a phone number with your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA), you should consider the following:

  • Phone numbers can only be linked to one WABA at a time.

  • The phone number can still be used for SMS, MMS, and voice calls.

  • Each phone number has a quality rating from Meta.

You can obtain an SMS-capable phone number through AWS End User Messaging SMS by doing the following:

  1. Make sure that the country or region for the phone number supports two-way SMS.

  2. Request the phone number. Depending on the country or region, you may be required to register the phone number.

  3. Enable two-way SMS messaging for the phone number. Once setup is complete, your incoming SMS messages are sent to an event destination.