Step 1: Set up first-party data S3 bucket - Amazon Marketing Cloud Uploader from AWS

Step 1: Set up first-party data S3 bucket

Set up an S3 bucket and configure it for storing data files to be processed by the Amazon Marketing Cloud Uploader from AWS. The following procedure explains how to create this S3 bucket with the necessary permissions.

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console. Ensure you are in the correct Region (refer to the requirements previous section).

  2. Navigate to S3 console and select Create bucket.

  3. Under General configuration, give the bucket a name, e.g., "first-party-data", and select the same AWS region where you will deploy Amazon Marketing Cloud Uploader from AWS. The remaining settings can be left to their default options.

  4. Select Create bucket.

  5. Save this bucket name for use in Step 3: Launch the stack.