CloudWatch Transfer Family の ログ構造
このトピックでは、Transfer Family ログに入力されるフィールドについて説明します。JSON 構造化ログエントリとレガシーログエントリの両方についてです。
Transfer Family の JSON 構造化ログ
次の表に、Transfer Family SFTP/FTP/FTPS アクションのログエントリフィールドの詳細を、新しい JSON 構造化ログ形式で示します。
フィールド | 説明 | エントリ例 |
activity-type | The action by the user |
bytes-in | Number of bytes uploaded by the user | 29238420042 |
bytes-out | Number of bytes downloaded by the user | 23094032490328 |
ciphers | Specifies the SSH cipher negotiated for the connection (available ciphers are listed in 暗号アルゴリズム) | aes256-gcm@openssh.com |
client | The user's client software | SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 |
home-dir | The directory that the end user lands on when they connect to the
endpoint if their home directory type is PATH : if they have a
logical home directory, this value is always / |
/user-home-bucket/test |
kex | Specifies the negotiated SSH key exchange (KEX) for the connection (available KEX are listed in 暗号アルゴリズム) | diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 |
message | Provides more information related to the error | <string> |
method | The authentication method | publickey |
mode | Specifies how a client opens a file | CREATE | TRUNCATE | WRITE |
operation | The client operation on a file | OPEN | CLOSE |
path | Actual file path affected | /user-test-bucket/test-file-1.pdf |
resource-arn | A system-assigned, unique identifier for a specific resource (for example, a server) |
arn:aws:transfer:ap-northeast-1:12346789012:server/s-1234567890akeu2js2 |
role | The IAM role of the user |
arn:aws:iam::0293883675:role/testuser-role |
session-id | A system-assigned, unique identifier for a single session |
9ca9a0e1cec6ad9d |
source-ip | Client IP address | 18.323.0.129 |
user | The end user's username | myname192 |
user-policy | The permissions specified for the end user: this field is populated if the user's policy is a session policy. | The JSON code for the session policy that is being used |
Transfer Family のレガシーログ
次の表に、さまざまな Transfer Family アクションのログエントリの詳細を示します。
これらのエントリは、新しい JSON 構造化ログ形式ではありません。
次の表に、さまざまな Transfer Family アクションのログエントリの詳細を新しい JSON 構造化ログ形式で示します。
[アクション] | Amazon CloudWatch Logs 内の対応するログ |
認証の失敗 |
コピー/タグ/削除/復号化ワークフロー |
{「type":"StepStarted":"":"details」:{"input":{"fileLocation ":{"backingStore ":"EFS "filesystemId ":"fs-12345678 "path":"/lhr/regex.py"}}"stepType ":"TAG":"stepName ":"successful_tag_step"},"workflowId ":"w-111aaaa222bb3,222bb3, の "executionId ":"81234abcd-1234-efggh-5678-ijklmnopqr90,transferDetails ":{"serverId ":"s-123abcabc5678efghi"useruseruseruseruser"sessionId1234567890 |
カスタムステップワークフロー |
{「type":" CustomStepInvoked"details":{"output":{"token":"MzM4Mjg5YWUtYTEzMy 00YjIzLWI3OGMtYz U4OGI2ZjQyMzE5"},"stepType ":"CUSTOM":"stepName ":"efs-s3_copy_2"},"workflowId ":"w-9283e49d3297c3333297,executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efglnopqr90」,transferDetails "{"serverId ":"111aa2223":"username":"11111aaaaaa2 sessionId123456789022223" |
削除 |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b DELETE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg |
ダウンロード |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b オープンパス=/bucket/user/123.jpg mode=READ llhr.33a8fb495fffb383b CLOSE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg BytesOut=3618546 |
ログイン/ログアウト |
user.914984e553bcddb6 CONNECTED SourceIP = User=lhr HomeDir=LOGICAL Client=SSH-2.0-OpenSSH _7.4 Role=arn:aws::iam::123456789012:role/sftp-s3-access ユーザー.914984e553bcddb6 接続解除 |
Renames |
lhr.33a8fb495fffb383b RENAME Path=/bucket/user/lambo.png NewPath=/bucket/user/ferrari.png |
ワークフローエラーログの例 |
{「type":"StepErrored":"":"details」:{"errorType ":"BAD_REQUEST":"errorMessage ":"Cannot tag Efs file":"stepType ":"TAG":"stepName ":"successful_tag_step"},"workflowId ":"w-1234abcd5678efexecutionId ":"81234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijklmnopqr90「transferDetails "{"serverId":"s-1234abcd5678efghi」,username":"lhr,sessionId ":"1234567890abcdef0}} |
Symlinks |
lhr.eb49cf7b8651e6d5 CREATE_SYMTAK LinkPath=/fs-12345678/lhr/pqr.jpg TargetPath=abc.jpg |
アップロード |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b OPEN PATH=/bucket/user/123.jpg mode=create|truncate|Write lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b CLOSE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg BytesIn=3618546 |
ワークフロー |
{「type":"ExecutionStarted":"""input":{"initialFileLocation":{"backingStore ":"EFS ":"filesystemId ":"fs-12345678":"path":"/lhr/regex.py"}}},"workflowId ":"w-111aaa222bbbbbbbb3「executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-iklmnopqr90」,transferDetails ":{"serverId ":"s-":"111aaa223「username":"lhr」,sessionId ":"1234567890abcdef0" {「type":"StepStarted":"":"details」:{"input":{"fileLocation ":{"backingStore ":"EFS "filesystemId ":"fs-12345678 "path":"/lhr/regex.py"}}"stepType ":"CUSTOM":"stepName ":"efs-s3_copy_2"}"workflowId ":"w-9283e49d3293297c333333297,executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efglnopqr90,transferDetails "{"serverId ":"s-18ca49dce5d5d84e42e)"sessionId1234567890 |