Quotas and considerations for Wavelength Zones
Consider the following as you get started with AWS Wavelength.
Networking considerations
Consider the following network information.
Multiple Wavelength Zone considerations
EC2 instances that are in two different Wavelength Zones in the same VPC are not allowed to communicate with each other. If you need communication from one Wavelength Zone to another Wavelength Zone, we recommend that you use multiple VPCs, one for each Wavelength Zone. You can use a transit gateway to connect the VPCs. This configuration enables communication between instances in the Wavelength Zones. For information about how to configure multiple Wavelength Zones, see Subnets in Wavelength in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
The following controls are enabled by the carrier gateway for internet flows by default and cannot be removed:
Protocol | Between EC2 instance and the internet | Between EC2 instance and a device on the carrier network |
Allowed |
Allowed |
ICMP | Allowed | Allowed |
TCP is allowed for outbound and response in most cases
UDP from the internet is denied
UDP traffic from a device on the carrier network is allowed to route to an Amazon EC2 instance in a Wavelength Zone.
ICMP is allowed
In addition, inbound routing from the carrier network is optimized for devices in the location of the Wavelength Zone. For example, a Wavelength Zone in the San Francisco Bay area allows low latency access only from devices that are in that metro area and carrier network.
Amazon EC2 considerations
Take the following information into consideration when you launch EC2 instances in Wavelength Zones:
You cannot use Dedicated Instances or Dedicated Hosts.
EC2 quotas are controlled by the quotas for the home Region.
The following instance types are supported:
Instance type N. America Europe Asia Africa t3.medium Yes Yes Yes Yes t3.xlarge Yes Yes Yes No r5.large No No No Yes r5.2xlarge Yes Yes Yes Yes m5.2xlarge No No No Yes c5.xlarge No No No Yes c5.2xlarge No No No Yes c5.4xlarge No No No Yes g4dn.2xlarge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Amazon EBS considerations
Take the following information into consideration when you use Amazon Elastic Block Store for EC2 instances that are in Wavelength Zones:
Snapshots of EBS volumes and AMIs are stored in the AWS Region.
You can only use
volumes. -
There is a limit for
storage.For more information see Quotas for Amazon EBS in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service considerations
Take the following information into consideration when you run an Amazon EKS cluster:
You must run Kubernetes 1.17 or later.
When you create your Amazon EKS cluster, you must select an Availability Zone in the VPC, and not a Wavelength Zone.
When you create your Amazon EKS cluster for private subnets only, you need to add VPC endpoints for Amazon ECR and Amazon Simple Storage Service. For more information, see Amazon VPC considerations.
To create node groups in Wavelength Zones for your Amazon EKS cluster, see Launching self-managed Amazon Linux nodes in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
To apply the
ConfigMap to your Amazon EKS cluster, see Grant IAM users access to Kubernetes with a ConfigMap in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
Amazon VPC considerations
Take the following information into consideration when you run Amazon VPC:
To use VPC endpoints, you must create the endpoint in an Availability Zone in the VPC. You cannot create the endpoint in a Wavelength Zone.
You cannot assign IPv6 addresses to subnets that are in Wavelength Zones.
Service quotas for Amazon VPC
Wavelength VPCs and Wavelength subnets count toward your Amazon VPC service quotas. For more information about Amazon VPC quotas, see Amazon VPC quotas in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
For more information about how to view your service quotas, see Viewing service quotas in the Service Quotas User Guide.