Network Connectivity capability
The Network Connectivity capability enables you to create, manage, and monitor secure, scalable, and highly available networks for your applications and workloads. This includes connectivity within the cloud, Hybrid connectivity, IP address management, network logging and monitoring, and DNS management.
Networking (Primary)
Central IT
Software Engineering
Cloud Team - the team(s) who make cloud available to customers.
Networking Team - the members of the Cloud team responsible for security in AWS.
Developer experience - Development teams that will be deploying workloads onto the network.
Supporting capabilities: Identity Management and Access Control capability
CF11 - S1: Connectivity within the cloud
CF11 - S2: IP address management
Design IP address scheme
CF11 - S4: Hybrid connectivity
CF11 - S5: Network logging and monitoring
CF11 - S6: DNS management
CF11 - S8: Network orchestration