Add tags to a table - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)

Add tags to a table

You can add tags to an existing table in Amazon Keyspaces using the console, CQL or the AWS CLI.

Add tags to a table using the Amazon Keyspaces console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Tables.

  3. Choose a table from the list and choose the Tags tab.

  4. Choose Manage tags to add tags to the table.

  5. Choose Save changes.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Add tags to a table using CQL
  • The following statement shows how to add tags to an existing table.

    ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable ADD TAGS {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'};
Add tags to a table using the AWS CLI
  • The following example shows how to add new tags to an existing table.

    aws keyspaces tag-resource --resource-arn 'arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:111222333444:/keyspace/myKeyspace/table/myTable' --tags 'key=key3,value=val3' 'key=key4,value=val4'