View your table's Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling configuration - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)

View your table's Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling configuration

You can use the console, CQL, or the AWS CLI to view and update the Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling settings of a table.


View automatic scaling settings using the console
  1. Choose the table you want to view and go to the Capacity tab.

  2. In the Capacity settings section, choose Edit. You can now modify the settings in the Read capacity or Write capacity sections. For more information about these settings, see Create a new table with automatic scaling.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)

View your table's Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling policy using CQL

To view details of the auto scaling configuration of a table, use the following command.

SELECT * FROM system_schema_mcs.autoscaling WHERE keyspace_name = 'mykeyspace' AND table_name = 'mytable';

The output for this command looks like this.

keyspace_name | table_name | provisioned_read_capacity_autoscaling_update | provisioned_write_capacity_autoscaling_update ---------------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mykeyspace | mytable | {'minimum_units': 5, 'maximum_units': 10, 'scaling_policy': {'target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration': {'scale_out_cooldown': 60, 'disable_scale_in': false, 'target_value': 50, 'scale_in_cooldown': 60}}} | {'minimum_units': 5, 'maximum_units': 10, 'scaling_policy': {'target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration': {'scale_out_cooldown': 0, 'disable_scale_in': false, 'target_value': 50, 'scale_in_cooldown': 0}}}

View your table's Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling policy using the AWS CLI

To view the auto scaling configuration of a table, you can use the get-table-auto-scaling-settings operation. The following CLI command is an example of this.

aws keyspaces get-table-auto-scaling-settings --keyspace-name mykeyspace --table-name mytable

The output for this command looks like this.

{ "keyspaceName": "mykeyspace", "tableName": "mytable", "resourceArn": "arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:5555-5555-5555:/keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable", "autoScalingSpecification": { "writeCapacityAutoScaling": { "autoScalingDisabled": false, "minimumUnits": 5, "maximumUnits": 10, "scalingPolicy": { "targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "disableScaleIn": false, "scaleInCooldown": 0, "scaleOutCooldown": 0, "targetValue": 50.0 } } }, "readCapacityAutoScaling": { "autoScalingDisabled": false, "minimumUnits": 5, "maximumUnits": 10, "scalingPolicy": { "targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "disableScaleIn": false, "scaleInCooldown": 60, "scaleOutCooldown": 60, "targetValue": 50.0 } } } } }