Configure PITR for a table in Amazon Keyspaces
You can configure a table in Amazon Keyspaces for backup and restore operations using PITR with the console, CQL, and the AWS CLI.
When creating a new table using CQL or the AWS CLI, you must explicitly enable PITR in the create table statement. When you create a new table using the console, PITR will be enable by default.
To learn how to restore a table, see Restore a table from backup to a specified point in time in Amazon Keyspaces.
- Console
Configure PITR for a table using the console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Tables and select the table you want to edit.
On the Backups tab, choose Edit.
In the Edit point-in-time recovery settings section, select Enable Point-in-time recovery.
Choose Save changes.
- Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Configure PITR for a table using CQL
You can manage PITR settings for tables by using the
custom property.To enable PITR when you're creating a new table, you must set the status of
. You can use the following CQL command as an example.CREATE TABLE "my_keyspace1"."my_table1"( "id" int, "name" ascii, "date" timestamp, PRIMARY KEY("id")) WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = { 'capacity_mode':{'throughput_mode':'PAY_PER_REQUEST'}, 'point_in_time_recovery':{'status':'enabled'} }
If no point-in-time recovery custom property is specified, point-in-time recovery is disabled by default.
To enable PITR for an existing table using CQL, run the following CQL command.
WITH custom_properties = {'point_in_time_recovery': {'status': 'enabled'}}
Configure PITR for a table using the AWS CLI
You can manage PITR settings for tables by using the
API.To enable PITR when you're creating a new table, you must include
point-in-time-recovery 'status=ENABLED'
in the create table command. You can use the following AWS CLI command as an example. The command has been broken into separate lines to improve keyspaces create-table --keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --table-name 'myTable' --schema-definition 'allColumns=[{name=id,type=int},{name=name,type=text},{name=date,type=timestamp}],partitionKeys=[{name=id}]' --point-in-time-recovery 'status=ENABLED'
If no point-in-time recovery value is specified, point-in-time recovery is disabled by default.
To confirm the point-in-time recovery setting for a table, you can use the following AWS CLI command.
aws keyspaces get-table --keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --table-name 'myTable'
To enable PITR for an existing table using the AWS CLI, run the following command.
aws keyspaces update-table --keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --table-name 'myTable' --point-in-time-recovery 'status=ENABLED'