Step 3: Query the Log Data in Amazon S3 - Amazon Kinesis Agent for Microsoft Windows

Step 3: Query the Log Data in Amazon S3

In the final step of this Amazon Kinesis Agent for Microsoft Windows tutorial, you use Amazon Athena to query the log data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

  1. Open the Athena console at

  2. Choose the plus sign (+) in the Athena query window to create a new query window.

    Screenshot demonstrating how to create a new query window in Athena.
  3. Enter the following text into the query window:

    CREATE DATABASE logdatabase CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE logs ( Message string, Severity string, ComputerName string, DT timestamp ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION 's3://bucket/year/month/day/hour/' SELECT * FROM logs SELECT * FROM logs WHERE severity = 'Error'

    Replace bucket with the name of the bucket that you created in Create the Amazon S3 Bucket. Replace year, month, day and hour with the year, month, day, and hour when the Amazon S3 log file was created in UTC.

  4. Select the text for the CREATE DATABASE statement, and then choose Run query. This creates the log database in Athena.

  5. Select the text for the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement, and then choose Run query. This creates an Athena table that references the S3 bucket with the log data, mapping the schema for the JSON to the schema for the Athena table.

  6. Select the text for the first SELECT statement, and then choose Run query. This displays all the rows in the table.

    Screenshot demonstrating querying log records using Athena.
  7. Select the text for the second SELECT statement, and then choose Run query. This displays only the rows in the table that represent log records with an Error-level severity. This kind of query finds interesting log records from a potentially large set of log records.

    Screenshot demonstrating how to query for specific kinds of records in Athena.