After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL applications in two steps:
1. From October 15, 2025, you will not be able to create new Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL applications.
2. We will delete your applications starting January 27, 2026. You will not be able to start or operate your Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL applications. Support will no longer be available for Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL from that time. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications discontinuation.
Preprocessing Data Using a Lambda Function
After September 12, 2023, you will not able to create new applications using Kinesis Data Firehose as a source if you do not already use Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL. For more information, see Limits.
If the data in your stream needs format conversion, transformation, enrichment, or filtering, you can preprocess the data using an AWS Lambda function. You can do this before your application SQL code executes or before your application creates a schema from your data stream.
Using a Lambda function for preprocessing records is useful in the following scenarios:
Transforming records from other formats (such as KPL or GZIP) into formats that Kinesis Data Analytics can analyze. Kinesis Data Analytics currently supports JSON or CSV data formats.
Expanding data into a format that is more accessible for operations such as aggregation or anomaly detection. For instance, if several data values are stored together in a string, you can expand the data into separate columns.
Data enrichment with other Amazon services, such as extrapolation or error correction.
Applying complex string transformation to record fields.
Data filtering for cleaning up the data.
Using a Lambda Function for Preprocessing Records
When creating your Kinesis Data Analytics application, you enable Lambda preprocessing in the Connect to a Source page.
To use a Lambda function to preprocess records in a Kinesis Data Analytics application
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Managed Service for Apache Flink console at
. -
On the Connect to a Source page for your application, choose Enabled in the Record pre-processing with AWS Lambda section.
To use a Lambda function that you have already created, choose the function in the Lambda function drop-down list.
To create a new Lambda function from one of the Lambda preprocessing templates, choose the template from the drop-down list. Then choose View <template name> in Lambda to edit the function.
To create a new Lambda function, choose Create new. For information about creating a Lambda function, see Create a HelloWorld Lambda Function and Explore the Console in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Choose the version of the Lambda function to use. To use the latest version, choose $LATEST.
When you choose or create a Lambda function for record preprocessing, the records are preprocessed before your application SQL code executes or your application generates a schema from the records.
Lambda Preprocessing Permissions
To use Lambda preprocessing, the application's IAM role requires the following permissions policy:
{ "Sid": "UseLambdaFunction", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "lambda:InvokeFunction", "lambda:GetFunctionConfiguration" ], "Resource": "<FunctionARN>" }
Lambda Preprocessing Metrics
You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the number of Lambda invocations, bytes processed, successes and failures, and so on. For information about CloudWatch metrics that are emitted by Kinesis Data Analytics Lambda preprocessing, see Amazon Kinesis Analytics Metrics.
Using AWS Lambda with the Kinesis Producer Library
The Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) aggregates small user-formatted records into larger records up to 1 MB to make better use of Amazon Kinesis Data Streams throughput. The Kinesis Client Library (KCL) for Java supports deaggregating these records. However, you must use a special module to deaggregate the records when you use AWS Lambda as the consumer of your streams.
To get the necessary project code and instructions, see the Kinesis Producer Library
Deaggregation Modules for AWS Lambda
Data Preprocessing Event Input Data Model/Record Response Model
To preprocess records, your Lambda function must be compliant with the required event input data and record response models.
Event Input Data Model
Kinesis Data Analytics continuously reads data from your Kinesis data stream or Firehose delivery stream. For each batch of records it retrieves, the service manages how each batch gets passed to your Lambda function. Your function receives a list of records as input. Within your function, you iterate through the list and apply your business logic to accomplish your preprocessing requirements (such as data format conversion or enrichment).
The input model to your preprocessing function varies slightly, depending on whether the data was received from a Kinesis data stream or a Firehose delivery stream.
If the source is a Firehose delivery stream, the event input data model is as follows:
Kinesis Data Firehose Request Data Model
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
invocationId |
The Lambda invocation Id (random GUID). | ||||||||||||
applicationArn |
Kinesis Data Analytics application Amazon Resource Name (ARN) | ||||||||||||
streamArn |
Delivery stream ARN | ||||||||||||
The following example shows input from a Firehose delivery stream:
{ "invocationId":"00540a87-5050-496a-84e4-e7d92bbaf5e2", "applicationArn":"arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:us-east-1:12345678911:application/lambda-test", "streamArn":"arn:aws:firehose:us-east-1:AAAAAAAAAAAA:deliverystream/lambda-test", "records":[ { "recordId":"49572672223665514422805246926656954630972486059535892482", "data":"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=", "kinesisFirehoseRecordMetadata":{ "approximateArrivalTimestamp":1520280173 } } ] }
If the source is a Kinesis data stream, the event input data model is as follows:
Kinesis Streams Request Data Model
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
invocationId |
The Lambda invocation Id (random GUID). | ||||||||||||||||||
applicationArn |
Kinesis Data Analytics application ARN | ||||||||||||||||||
streamArn |
Delivery stream ARN | ||||||||||||||||||
The following example shows input from a Kinesis data stream:
{ "invocationId": "00540a87-5050-496a-84e4-e7d92bbaf5e2", "applicationArn": "arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:us-east-1:12345678911:application/lambda-test", "streamArn": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:AAAAAAAAAAAA:stream/lambda-test", "records": [ { "recordId": "49572672223665514422805246926656954630972486059535892482", "data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=", "kinesisStreamRecordMetadata":{ "shardId" :"shardId-000000000003", "partitionKey":"7400791606", "sequenceNumber":"49572672223665514422805246926656954630972486059535892482", "approximateArrivalTimestamp":1520280173 } } ] }
Record Response Model
All records returned from your Lambda preprocessing function (with record IDs) that are sent to the Lambda function must be returned. They must contain the following parameters, or Kinesis Data Analytics rejects them and treats it as a data preprocessing failure. The data payload part of the record can be transformed to accomplish preprocessing requirements.
Response Data Model
The following example shows output from a Lambda function:
{ "records": [ { "recordId": "49572672223665514422805246926656954630972486059535892482", "result": "Ok", "data": "SEVMTE8gV09STEQ=" } ] }
Common Data Preprocessing Failures
The following are common reasons why preprocessing can fail.
Not all records (with record IDs) in a batch that are sent to the Lambda function are returned back to the Kinesis Data Analytics service.
The response is missing either the record ID, status, or data payload field. The data payload field is optional for a
record. -
The Lambda function timeouts are not sufficient to preprocess the data.
The Lambda function response exceeds the response limits imposed by the AWS Lambda service.
For data preprocessing failures, Kinesis Data Analytics continues to retry Lambda invocations on the same set of records until successful. You can monitor the following CloudWatch metrics to gain insight into failures.
Kinesis Data Analytics application
: Indicates how far behind an application is reading from the streaming source. -
Kinesis Data Analytics application
CloudWatch metrics: Indicates the number of successes and failures, among other statistics. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Analytics Metrics. -
AWS Lambda function CloudWatch metrics and logs.