Use GenerateDataKey
with an AWS SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use GenerateDataKey
Example 1: To generate a 256-bit symmetric data key
The following
example requests a 256-bit symmetric data key for use outside of AWS. The command returns a plaintext data key for immediate use and deletion, and a copy of that data key encrypted under the specified KMS key. You can safely store the encrypted data key with the encrypted data.To request a 256-bit data key, use the
parameter with a value ofAES_256
. To request a 128-bit data key, use thekey-spec
parameter with a value ofAES_128
. For all other data key lengths, use thenumber-of-bytes
parameter.The KMS key you specify must be a symmetric encryption KMS key, that is, a KMS key with a key spec value of SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT.
aws kms generate-data-key \ --key-id
\ --key-specAES_256
{ "Plaintext": "VdzKNHGzUAzJeRBVY+uUmofUGGiDzyB3+i9fVkh3piw=", "KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", "CiphertextBlob": "AQEDAHjRYf5WytIc0C857tFSnBaPn2F8DgfmThbJlGfR8P3WlwAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDEFogLqPWZconQhwHAIBEIA7d9AC7GeJJM34njQvg4Wf1d5sw0NIo1MrBqZa+YdhV8MrkBQPeac0ReRVNDt9qleAt+SHgIRF8P0H+7U=" }
(plaintext data key) and theCiphertextBlob
(encrypted data key) are returned in base64-encoded format.For more information, see Data keys < in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
Example 2: To generate a 512-bit symmetric data key
The following
example requests a 512-bit symmetric data key for encryption and decryption. The command returns a plaintext data key for immediate use and deletion, and a copy of that data key encrypted under the specified KMS key. You can safely store the encrypted data key with the encrypted data.To request a key length other than 128 or 256 bits, use the
parameter. To request a 512-bit data key, the following example uses thenumber-of-bytes
parameter with a value of 64 (bytes).The KMS key you specify must be a symmetric encryption KMS key, that is, a KMS key with a key spec value of SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT.
NOTE: The values in the output of this example are truncated for display.
aws kms generate-data-key \ --key-id
\ --number-of-bytes64
{ "CiphertextBlob": "AQIBAHi6LtupRpdKl2aJTzkK6FbhOtQkMlQJJH3PdtHvS/y+hAEnX/QQNmMwDfg2korNMEc8AAACaDCCAmQGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqCCAlUwggJRAgEAMIICSgYJKoZ...", "Plaintext": "ty8Lr0Bk6OF07M2BWt6qbFdNB+G00ZLtf5MSEb4al3R2UKWGOp06njAwy2n72VRm2m7z/Pm9Wpbvttz6a4lSo9hgPvKhZ5y6RTm4OovEXiVfBveyX3DQxDzRSwbKDPk/...", "KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab" }
(plaintext data key) andCiphertextBlob
(encrypted data key) are returned in base64-encoded format.For more information, see Data keys < in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
For API details, see GenerateDataKey
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- Python
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. class KeyManager: def __init__(self, kms_client): self.kms_client = kms_client self.created_keys = [] @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "KeyManager": """ Creates a KeyManager instance with a default KMS client. :return: An instance of KeyManager initialized with the default KMS client. """ kms_client = boto3.client("kms") return cls(kms_client) def generate_data_key(self, key_id): """ Generates a symmetric data key that can be used for client-side encryption. """ answer = input( f"Do you want to generate a symmetric data key from key {key_id} (y/n)? " ) if answer.lower() == "y": try: data_key = self.kms_client.generate_data_key( KeyId=key_id, KeySpec="AES_256" ) except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't generate a data key for key %s. Here's why: %s", key_id, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: pprint(data_key)
For API details, see GenerateDataKey in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
- Rust
- SDK for Rust
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. async fn make_key(client: &Client, key: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp = client .generate_data_key() .key_id(key) .key_spec(DataKeySpec::Aes256) .send() .await?; // Did we get an encrypted blob? let blob = resp.ciphertext_blob.expect("Could not get encrypted text"); let bytes = blob.as_ref(); let s = base64::encode(bytes); println!(); println!("Data key:"); println!("{}", s); Ok(()) }
For API details, see GenerateDataKey
in AWS SDK for Rust API reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.