Perform offline operations with public keys - AWS Key Management Service

Perform offline operations with public keys

In an asymmetric KMS key, the private key is created in AWS KMS and never leaves AWS KMS unencrypted. To use the private key, you must call AWS KMS. You can use the public key within AWS KMS by calling the AWS KMS API operations. Or, you can download the public key and share for use outside of AWS KMS.

You might share a public key to let others encrypt data outside of AWS KMS that you can decrypt only with your private key. Or, to allow others to verify a digital signature outside of AWS KMS that you have generated with your private key. Or, to share your public key with a peer to derive a shared secret.

When you use the public key in your asymmetric KMS key within AWS KMS, you benefit from the authentication, authorization, and logging that are part of every AWS KMS operation. You also reduce of risk of encrypting data that cannot be decrypted. These features are not effective outside of AWS KMS. For details, see Special considerations for downloading public keys.


Looking for data keys or SSH keys? This topic explains how to manage asymmetric keys in AWS Key Management Service, where the private key is not exportable. For exportable data key pairs where the private key is protected by a symmetric encryption KMS key, see GenerateDataKeyPair. For help with downloading the public key associated with an Amazon EC2 instance, see Retrieving the public key in the Amazon EC2 User Guide and Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Special considerations for downloading public keys

To protect your KMS keys, AWS KMS provides access controls, authenticated encryption, and detailed logs of every operation. AWS KMS also allows you to prevent the use of KMS keys, temporarily or permanently. Finally, AWS KMS operations are designed to minimize of risk of encrypting data that cannot be decrypted. These features are not available when you use downloaded public keys outside of AWS KMS.


Key policies and IAM policies that control access to the KMS key within AWS KMS have no effect on operations performed outside of AWS. Any user who can get the public key can use it outside of AWS KMS even if they don't have permission to encrypt data or verify signatures with the KMS key.

Key usage restrictions

Key usage restrictions are not effective outside of AWS KMS. If you call the Encrypt operation with a KMS key that has a KeyUsage of SIGN_VERIFY, the AWS KMS operation fails. But if you encrypt data outside of AWS KMS with a public key from a KMS key with a KeyUsage of SIGN_VERIFY or KEY_AGREEMENT, the data cannot be decrypted.

Algorithm restrictions

Restrictions on the encryption and signing algorithms that AWS KMS supports are not effective outside of AWS KMS. If you encrypt data with the public key from a KMS key outside of AWS KMS, and use an encryption algorithm that AWS KMS does not support, the data cannot be decrypted.

Disabling and deleting KMS keys

Actions that you can take to prevent the use of KMS key in a cryptographic operation within AWS KMS do not prevent anyone from using the public key outside of AWS KMS. For example, disabling a KMS key, scheduling deletion of a KMS key, deleting a KMS key, or deleting the key material from a KMS key have no effect on a public key outside of AWS KMS. If you delete an asymmetric KMS key or delete or lose its key material, data that you encrypt with a public key outside of AWS KMS is unrecoverable.


AWS CloudTrail logs that record every AWS KMS operation, including the request, response, date, time, and authorized user, do not record the use of the public key outside of AWS KMS.

Offline verification with SM2 key pairs (China Regions only)

To verify a signature outside of AWS KMS with an SM2 public key, you must specify the distinguishing ID. By default, AWS KMS uses 1234567812345678 as the distinguishing ID. For more information, see Offline verification with SM2 key pairs (China Regions only).