AWS::CleanRooms::IdNamespaceAssociation IdNamespaceAssociationInputReferenceConfig - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::CleanRooms::IdNamespaceAssociation IdNamespaceAssociationInputReferenceConfig

Provides the information for the ID namespace association input reference configuration.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "InputReferenceArn" : String, "ManageResourcePolicies" : Boolean }



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Maximum: 256

Update requires: Replacement


When TRUE, AWS Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

Required: Yes

Type: Boolean

Update requires: Replacement