The settings for normalizing video.
The parent of this entity is AudioDescription.
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
"Algorithm" : String
"AlgorithmControl" : String
"TargetLkfs" : Number
Algorithm: String
AlgorithmControl: String
TargetLkfs: Number
The audio normalization algorithm to use. itu17701 conforms to the CALM Act specification. itu17702 conforms to the EBU R-128 specification.
Required: No
Type: String
Update requires: No interruption
When set to correctAudio, the output audio is corrected using the chosen algorithm. If set to measureOnly, the audio is measured but not adjusted.
Required: No
Type: String
Update requires: No interruption
The Target LKFS(loudness) to adjust volume to. If no value is entered, a default value is used according to the chosen algorithm. The CALM Act (1770-1) recommends a target of -24 LKFS. The EBU R-128 specification (1770-2) recommends a target of -23 LKFS.
Required: No
Type: Number
Update requires: No interruption