AWS::CleanRoomsML::TrainingDataset - AWS CloudFormation


Defines the information necessary to create a training dataset. In Clean Rooms ML, the TrainingDataset is metadata that points to a Glue table, which is read only during AudienceModel creation.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::CleanRoomsML::TrainingDataset", "Properties" : { "Description" : String, "Name" : String, "RoleArn" : String, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ], "TrainingData" : [ Dataset, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::CleanRoomsML::TrainingDataset Properties: Description: String Name: String RoleArn: String Tags: - Tag TrainingData: - Dataset



The description of the training dataset.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDBFF-\uDC00\uDFFF\t\r\n]*$

Maximum: 255

Update requires: Replacement


The name of the training dataset.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^(?!\s*$)[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDBFF-\uDC00\uDFFF\t]*$

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 63

Update requires: Replacement


The ARN of the IAM role that Clean Rooms ML can assume to read the data referred to in the dataSource field of each dataset.

Passing a role across accounts is not allowed. If you pass a role that isn't in your account, you get an AccessDeniedException error.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:aws[-a-z]*:iam::[0-9]{12}:role/.+$

Minimum: 20

Maximum: 2048

Update requires: Replacement


The optional metadata that you apply to the resource to help you categorize and organize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.

The following basic restrictions apply to tags:

  • Maximum number of tags per resource - 50.

  • For each resource, each tag key must be unique, and each tag key can have only one value.

  • Maximum key length - 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8.

  • Maximum value length - 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8.

  • If your tagging schema is used across multiple services and resources, remember that other services may have restrictions on allowed characters. Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + - = . _ : / @.

  • Tag keys and values are case sensitive.

  • Do not use aws:, AWS:, or any upper or lowercase combination of such as a prefix for keys as it is reserved. You cannot edit or delete tag keys with this prefix. Values can have this prefix. If a tag value has aws as its prefix but the key does not, then Clean Rooms ML considers it to be a user tag and will count against the limit of 50 tags. Tags with only the key prefix of aws do not count against your tags per resource limit.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Update requires: No interruption


An array of information that lists the Dataset objects, which specifies the dataset type and details on its location and schema. You must provide a role that has read access to these tables.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of Dataset

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 1

Update requires: Replacement

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the resource ARN. For example:

{ "Ref": "myTrainingDataset" }

For the Clean Rooms ML training dataset, Ref returns the ARN of the training dataset.

Example: arn:aws:cleanrooms-ml:ap-northeast-1:891377082322:training-dataset/fR8doOMxlv5q5HD5qB0f68

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The status of the training dataset.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the training dataset.