AWS::Lex::Bot - AWS CloudFormation



Amazon Lex V2 is the only supported version in AWS CloudFormation.

Specifies an Amazon Lex conversational bot.

You must configure an intent based on the AMAZON.FallbackIntent built-in intent. If you don't add one, creating the bot will fail.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::Lex::Bot", "Properties" : { "AutoBuildBotLocales" : Boolean, "BotFileS3Location" : S3Location, "BotLocales" : [ BotLocale, ... ], "BotTags" : [ Tag, ... ], "DataPrivacy" : DataPrivacy, "Description" : String, "IdleSessionTTLInSeconds" : Integer, "Name" : String, "RoleArn" : String, "TestBotAliasSettings" : TestBotAliasSettings, "TestBotAliasTags" : [ Tag, ... ] } }



Indicates whether Amazon Lex V2 should automatically build the locales for the bot after a change.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon S3 location of files used to import a bot. The files must be in the import format specified in JSON format for importing and exporting in the Amazon Lex developer guide.

Required: No

Type: S3Location

Update requires: No interruption


A list of locales for the bot.

Required: No

Type: Array of BotLocale

Update requires: No interruption


A list of tags to add to the bot. You can only add tags when you import a bot. You can't use the UpdateBot operation to update tags. To update tags, use the TagResource operation.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption


By default, data stored by Amazon Lex is encrypted. The DataPrivacy structure provides settings that determine how Amazon Lex handles special cases of securing the data for your bot.

Required: Yes

Type: DataPrivacy

Update requires: No interruption


The description of the version.

Required: No

Type: String

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption


The time, in seconds, that Amazon Lex should keep information about a user's conversation with the bot.

A user interaction remains active for the amount of time specified. If no conversation occurs during this time, the session expires and Amazon Lex deletes any data provided before the timeout.

You can specify between 60 (1 minute) and 86,400 (24 hours) seconds.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer

Minimum: 60

Maximum: 86400

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the bot locale.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^([0-9a-zA-Z][_-]?)+$

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to build and run the bot.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:aws[a-zA-Z-]*:iam::[0-9]{12}:role/.*$

Minimum: 32

Maximum: 2048

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies configuration settings for the alias used to test the bot. If the TestBotAliasSettings property is not specified, the settings are configured with default values.

Required: No

Type: TestBotAliasSettings

Update requires: No interruption


A list of tags to add to the test alias for a bot. You can only add tags when you import a bot. You can't use the UpdateAlias operation to update tags. To update tags on the test alias, use the TagResource operation.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bot.


The unique identifier of the bot.


Order flowers example bot

The example creates a bot to order flowers. It is the same as the example bot that you can create using the console.


# The OrderFlower bot consists of the following: # 1. IAM role that is used by the bot at runtime # 2. Inline Bot # 3. Bot Version # 4. Alias Resources: # 1. IAM Role used by the Lex service to make runtime calls BotRuntimeRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Path: "/" Policies: - PolicyName: LexRuntimeRolePolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "polly:SynthesizeSpeech" - "comprehend:DetectSentiment" Resource: "*" # 2. Inline bot definition that depends on the IAM role. # The bot definition consists of combining all the child resources into one CFN resource. # This includes Locales, Intents, Slots, and SlotTypes. OrderFlowersTemplateBot: DependsOn: BotRuntimeRole Type: AWS::Lex::Bot Properties: Name: "OrderFlowersWithCFN" RoleArn: !GetAtt BotRuntimeRole.Arn DataPrivacy: ChildDirected: false IdleSessionTTLInSeconds: 300 Description: "How to create a OrderFlowers bot with CFN" # We provide a setting that allows you to auto build the locales provided. # Locale builds are also kicked off if you attempt to create a bot version # that depends on an unbuilt locale. AutoBuildBotLocales: false BotLocales: - LocaleId: "en_US" Description: "Book a trip bot Locale" NluConfidenceThreshold: 0.40 VoiceSettings: VoiceId: "Ivy" SlotTypes: - Name: "FlowerTypes" Description: "Slot Type description" SlotTypeValues: - SampleValue: Value: lilies - SampleValue: Value: roses - SampleValue: Value: tulips ValueSelectionSetting: ResolutionStrategy: ORIGINAL_VALUE Intents: - Name: "OrderFlowers" Description: "Intent to order a bouquet of flowers for pick up" SampleUtterances: - Utterance: "I would like to pick up flowers" - Utterance: "I would like to order some flowers" IntentConfirmationSetting: PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, your {FlowerType} will be ready for pickup by {PickupTime} on {PickupDate}. Does this sound okay?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false DeclinationResponse: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, I will not place your order." AllowInterrupt: false SlotPriorities: - Priority: 2 SlotName: PickupDate - Priority: 1 SlotName: FlowerType - Priority: 3 SlotName: PickupTime Slots: - Name: "FlowerType" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "FlowerTypes" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What type of flowers would you like to order?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "PickupDate" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Date" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What day do you want the {FlowerType} to be picked up?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "PickupTime" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Time" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "At what time do you want the {FlowerType} to be picked up?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "FallbackIntent" Description: "Default intent when no other intent matches" ParentIntentSignature: "AMAZON.FallbackIntent" # 3. Define a bot version that depends on the DRAFT version of the Lex Bot. OrderFlowersTemplateBotVersionWithCFN: DependsOn: OrderFlowersTemplateBot Type: AWS::Lex::BotVersion Properties: BotId: !Ref OrderFlowersTemplateBot BotVersionLocaleSpecification: - LocaleId: en_US BotVersionLocaleDetails: SourceBotVersion: DRAFT Description: OrderFlowers Version # 4. Define the alias by providing the bot version created by the # AWS::Lex::BotVersion resource above. FirstBotAliasWithCFN: DependsOn: OrderFlowersTemplateBotVersionWithCFN Type: AWS::Lex::BotAlias Properties: BotId: !Ref OrderFlowersTemplateBot BotAliasName: "OrderFlowersVersion1Alias" BotVersion: !GetAtt OrderFlowersTemplateBotVersionWithCFN.BotVersion SentimentAnalysisSettings: DetectSentiment: true

Book trip example bot

The example creates a bot to book hotel rooms and rental cars. It is the same as the example bot that you can create using the console.


# The BookTrip bot consists of the following: # 1. IAM role that is used by the bot at runtime # 2. Inline Bot # 3. Bot Version # 4. Alias Resources: # 1. IAM Role used by the Lex service to make runtime calls BotRuntimeRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Path: "/" Policies: - PolicyName: LexRuntimeRolePolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "polly:SynthesizeSpeech" - "comprehend:DetectSentiment" Resource: "*" # 2. Inline bot definition which depends on the IAM role # The bot definition consists of combining all the child resources into one CFN resource. # This includes Locales, Intents, Slots, and SlotTypes. BookTripTemplateBot: DependsOn: BotRuntimeRole Type: AWS::Lex::Bot Properties: Name: "BookTripWithCFN" RoleArn: !GetAtt BotRuntimeRole.Arn DataPrivacy: ChildDirected: false IdleSessionTTLInSeconds: 300 Description: "How to create a BookTrip bot with CFN" # Provide a setting that allows you to either auto build the locales provided. # Locale builds are also kicked off if you attempt to create a bot version # that depends on an unbuilt locale. AutoBuildBotLocales: false BotLocales: - LocaleId: "en_US" Description: "Book a trip bot Locale" NluConfidenceThreshold: 0.40 VoiceSettings: VoiceId: "Ivy" SlotTypes: - Name: "CarTypeValues" Description: "Slot Type description" SlotTypeValues: - SampleValue: Value: economy - SampleValue: Value: standard - SampleValue: Value: midsize - SampleValue: Value: full size - SampleValue: Value: luxury - SampleValue: Value: minivan ValueSelectionSetting: ResolutionStrategy: ORIGINAL_VALUE - Name: "RoomTypeValues" Description: "Slot Type description" SlotTypeValues: - SampleValue: Value: queen - SampleValue: Value: king - SampleValue: Value: deluxe ValueSelectionSetting: ResolutionStrategy: ORIGINAL_VALUE Intents: - Name: "BookCar" Description: "Intent to book a car on StayBooker" SampleUtterances: - Utterance: "Book a car" - Utterance: "Reserve a car" - Utterance: "Make a car reservation" SlotPriorities: - Priority: 4 SlotName: DriverAge - Priority: 1 SlotName: PickUpCity - Priority: 3 SlotName: ReturnDate - Priority: 5 SlotName: CarType - Priority: 2 SlotName: PickUpDate IntentConfirmationSetting: PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, I have you down for a {CarType} rental in {PickUpCity} from {PickUpDate} to {ReturnDate}. Should I book the reservation?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false DeclinationResponse: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, I have cancelled your reservation in progress." AllowInterrupt: false Slots: - Name: "PickUpCity" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.City" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "In what city do you need to rent a car?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "PickUpDate" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Date" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What day do you want to start your rental?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "ReturnDate" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Date" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What day do you want to return the car?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "DriverAge" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Number" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "How old is the driver for this rental?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "CarType" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "CarTypeValues" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What type of car would you like to rent? Our most popular options are economy, midsize, and luxury" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false # We expect developers to provide the FallbackIntent when generating their bot. # The service will throw an exception if it isn't provided. - Name: "BookHotel" Description: "Intent to book a hotel on StayBooker" SampleUtterances: - Utterance: "Book a hotel" - Utterance: "I want a make hotel reservations" - Utterance: "Book a {Nights} night stay in {Location}" IntentConfirmationSetting: PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, I have you down for a {Nights} night stay in {Location} starting {CheckInDate}. Shall I book the reservation?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false DeclinationResponse: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "Okay, I have cancelled your reservation in progress." AllowInterrupt: true SlotPriorities: - Priority: 4 SlotName: RoomType - Priority: 1 SlotName: Location - Priority: 3 SlotName: Nights - Priority: 2 SlotName: CheckInDate Slots: - Name: "Location" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.City" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What city will you be staying in?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "CheckInDate" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Date" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What day do you want to check in?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "Nights" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "AMAZON.Number" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "How many nights will you be staying?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "RoomType" Description: "something" SlotTypeName: "RoomTypeValues" ValueElicitationSetting: SlotConstraint: "Required" PromptSpecification: MessageGroupsList: - Message: PlainTextMessage: Value: "What type of room would you like, queen, king or deluxe?" MaxRetries: 3 AllowInterrupt: false - Name: "FallbackIntent" Description: "Default intent when no other intent matches" ParentIntentSignature: "AMAZON.FallbackIntent" # 3. Define a bot version which depends on the DRAFT version of the Lex Bot BookTripBotVersionWithCFN: DependsOn: BookTripTemplateBot Type: AWS::Lex::BotVersion Properties: BotId: !Ref BookTripTemplateBot BotVersionLocaleSpecification: - LocaleId: en_US BotVersionLocaleDetails: SourceBotVersion: DRAFT Description: BookTrip Version # 4. We define the alias by providing the bot version created by the AWS::Lex::BotVersion resource above FirstBotAliasWithCFN: DependsOn: BookTripBotVersionWithCFN Type: AWS::Lex::BotAlias Properties: BotId: !Ref BookTripTemplateBot BotAliasName: "BookTripVersion1Alias" # Remove BotAliasLocaleSettings if you aren't concerned with Lambda setup. # If you are you can modify the LambdaArn below to get started. # BotAliasLocaleSettings: # - LocaleId: en_US # BotAliasLocaleSetting: # Enabled: false # CodeHookSpecification: # LambdaCodeHook: # CodeHookInterfaceVersion: "1.0" # LambdaArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:111111111111:function:ReplaceWithYourOwnLambda" BotVersion: !GetAtt BookTripBotVersionWithCFN.BotVersion SentimentAnalysisSettings: DetectSentiment: true