Use CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint with an AWS SDK - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Use CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint with an AWS SDK

The following code example shows how to use CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint.

SDK for Kotlin

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Configure the S3 control client to send request to the us-west-2 Region.

suspend fun createS3ControlClient(): S3ControlClient { // Configure your S3ControlClient to send requests to US West (Oregon). val s3Control = S3ControlClient.fromEnvironment { region = "us-west-2" } return s3Control }

Create the Multi-Region Access Point.

suspend fun createMrap( s3Control: S3ControlClient, accountIdParam: String, bucketName1: String, bucketName2: String, mrapName: String, ): String { println("Creating MRAP ...") val createMrapResponse: CreateMultiRegionAccessPointResponse = s3Control.createMultiRegionAccessPoint { accountId = accountIdParam clientToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString() details { name = mrapName regions = listOf( Region { bucket = bucketName1 }, Region { bucket = bucketName2 }, ) } } val requestToken: String? = createMrapResponse.requestTokenArn // Use the request token to check for the status of the CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint operation. if (requestToken != null) { waitForSucceededStatus(s3Control, requestToken, accountIdParam) println("MRAP created") } val getMrapResponse = s3Control.getMultiRegionAccessPoint( input = GetMultiRegionAccessPointRequest { accountId = accountIdParam name = mrapName }, ) val mrapAlias = getMrapResponse.accessPoint?.alias return "arn:aws:s3::$accountIdParam:accesspoint/$mrapAlias" }

Wait for the Multi-Region Access Point to become available.

suspend fun waitForSucceededStatus( s3Control: S3ControlClient, requestToken: String, accountIdParam: String, timeBetweenChecks: Duration = 1.minutes, ) { var describeResponse: DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperationResponse describeResponse = s3Control.describeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation( input = DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperationRequest { accountId = accountIdParam requestTokenArn = requestToken }, ) var status: String? = describeResponse.asyncOperation?.requestStatus while (status != "SUCCEEDED") { delay(timeBetweenChecks) describeResponse = s3Control.describeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation( input = DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperationRequest { accountId = accountIdParam requestTokenArn = requestToken }, ) status = describeResponse.asyncOperation?.requestStatus println(status) } }

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Developing with Amazon S3 using the AWS SDKs. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.