Configuring an Amazon Q Business application to use the plugin - Amazon Q Business

Configuring an Amazon Q Business application to use the plugin

You configure an Amazon Q Business application to get insights from QuickSight answers in different ways depending on whether you have a QuickSight account.

  • If you don't have a QuickSight account, you can create one in the Amazon Q Business console, and then authorize Amazon Q Business to communicate with QuickSight.

  • If you already have a QuickSight account, you use the Amazon Q Business console or APIs to authorize Amazon Q Business to communicate with Amazon QuickSight.

After you configure your application, you create QuickSight datasets, and create and share QuickSight topics. Users can also get insights from QuickSight dashboards.

  • You can create datasets from new or existing data sources in Amazon QuickSight. You can use a variety of database data sources to provide data to Amazon QuickSight. For more information, see Creating datasets.

  • QuickSight topics are collections of one or more datasets that represent a subject area that your business users can ask questions about. For more information, see Working with Amazon QuickSight Q topics.

  • A QuickSight dashboard is a read-only snapshot of an analysis that you can share with other Amazon QuickSight users for reporting purposes. For more information, see Sharing and subscribing to data in Amazon QuickSight.