Accepting an invitation to join App Studio - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Accepting an invitation to join App Studio

Access to App Studio is managed by IAM Identity Center, so each user that wants to use App Studio must configure a user in IAM Identity Center and belong to a group that has been added to App Studio by an admin. When an administrator invites you to join IAM Identity Center, you'll receive an email asking you to accept the invitation and activate your user credentials. Once activated, you can use those credentials to sign in to App Studio.

To accept an invitation to IAM Identity Center to access App Studio
  1. When you receive an invitation email, follow the steps to provide a password and activate your user credentials in IAM Identity Center. For more information, see Accepting the invitation to join IAM Identity Center.

  2. After you activate your user credentials, use them to sign into your App Studio instance.