모델 공유를 지원하는 지역 및 모델 - Amazon Bedrock

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모델 공유를 지원하는 지역 및 모델

다음 목록은 Amazon Bedrock의 지역 및 모델 지원에 대한 일반 정보로 연결되는 링크를 제공합니다.

  • Amazon Bedrock에서 지원되는 지역 코드 및 엔드포인트 목록은 Amazon Bedrock 엔드포인트 및 할당량을 참조하십시오.

  • Amazon Bedrock 작업을 IDs 호출할 때 사용할 Amazon Bedrock API 모델 목록은 을 참조하십시오. Amazon Bedrock 모델 IDs

다음 표에는 공유할 수 있는 모델과 공유할 수 있는 지역이 나와 있습니다.

모델 미국 동부(버지니아 북부) 미국 서부(오리건) 아시아 태평양(뭄바이) 아시아 태평양(시드니) 유럽(아일랜드) 유럽(파리)
Amazon Titan Text G1 - Lite Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 게이티드 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside.
Amazon Titan Text G1 - Express Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 게이트 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside.
Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 게이트 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside.
Amazon Titan Image Generator G1 V1 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요. Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 게이트 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. 아니요. Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.
Anthropic Claude Instant Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.
Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 게이트 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside.
Cohere Command Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요. Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.
Cohere Command Light Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.
MetaLlama 213B Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요. Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.
MetaLlama 270B Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. 아니요. Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. 아니요 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial.

사용자 지정 Amazon Titan Text Premier 모델은 지역에 복사할 수 없으므로 공유할 수 없습니다.