DataEncryptionMetadata - AWS Clean Rooms


The settings for client-side encryption for cryptographic computing.



Indicates whether encrypted tables can contain cleartext data (TRUE) or are to cryptographically process every column (FALSE).

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes


Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can contain duplicate entries (TRUE) or are to contain only non-repeated values (FALSE).

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes


Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can be joined on any other Fingerprint column with a different name (TRUE) or can only be joined on Fingerprint columns of the same name (FALSE).

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes


Indicates whether NULL values are to be copied as NULL to encrypted tables (TRUE) or cryptographically processed (FALSE).

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: