Getting Information About an Amazon CloudSearch Domain - Amazon CloudSearch

Getting Information About an Amazon CloudSearch Domain

You can retrieve the following information about each of your search domains:

  • Domain name—The name of the domain.

  • ARN—The domain's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  • Document endpoint—The endpoint through which you can submit document updates.

  • Search endpoint—The endpoint through which you can submit search requests.

  • Searchable documents—The number of documents that have been indexed.

  • Access policies—The access policies configured for the domain's document and search endpoints.

  • Analysis schemes—The text analysis schemes that can be applied to the domain's index fields.

  • Index fields—The name and type of each configured index field.

  • Expressions—The expressions that can be used for sorting search results.

  • Suggesters—The suggesters that can be used to retrieve suggestions for incomplete queries.

When a domain is first created, the domain status will indicate that the domain is currently being activated and no other information is available. Once your domain's document and search endpoints are available, the domain status shows the endpoint addresses that you can use to add data and submit search requests. If you haven't submitted any data for indexing, the number of searchable documents is zero.

You can view all of the information about your domain through the Amazon CloudSearch console. When you use the aws cloudsearch describe-domains command or the AWS SDKs, the domain's ARN is shown within the domain's access policies.

To get the number of searchable documents, use the console or submit a matchall request to your domain's search endpoint.


Getting Domain Information Using the Amazon CloudSearch Console

You can use the Amazon CloudSearch console to view information about all of your domains. The dashboard of the console shows a summary of each domain that you have created, including the domain name, status, and number of searchable documents. To update the table with the latest information, click the Refresh button at the top of the page.

A domain can be in one of five states:

  • Loading—The domain has just been created and is still being initialized. You must wait until the domain status changes to PROCESSING, NEEDS INDEXING, or ACTIVE before you can start uploading documents.

  • Active—The domain is running and all configured fields have been indexed.

  • Needs Indexing—You have made changes to the domain configuration that require rebuilding the index. If you search the domain, these changes won't be reflected in the results. When you are done making changes, choose Actions, Run indexing to rebuild your index.

  • Processing—Configuration changes are being applied to your domain. If you search the domain, the most recent configuration changes might not be reflected in the results.

  • Being Deleted—You chose to delete the domain and its contents, and the domain and all of its resources are in the process of being removed. When deletion is complete, the domain will be removed from the list of domains.

From the Amazon CloudSearch dashboard, you can do the following:

  • View the status of your search domains

  • Access the dashboard for a particular domain

  • Access the Amazon CloudSearch documentation and other resources

To view detailed information about a particular domain
  1. Open the Amazon CloudSearch console at

  2. Choose Domains from the left navigation pane.

The domain dashboard shows the status summary for the selected domain. From the domain dashboard, you can do the following:

  • View the status of the domain

  • Upload documents to the domain

  • Search the domain

  • Access the domain configuration pages

  • Delete the domain

Getting Amazon CloudSearch Domain Information Using the AWS CLI

You use the aws cloudsearch describe-domains command to get the status of your search domains. To get specific information such as the access policies, availability options, and scaling options configured for a domain, you use the separate describe commands for each option. For information about installing and setting up the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

To get domain status information
  • Run the aws cloudsearch describe-domains command to get information about all of your domains. To get information about specific domains, use the --domain-names option to specify the domains that you are interested in. For example, the following request gets the status of the movies domain:

    aws cloudsearch describe-domains --domain-names movies { "DomainStatusList": [ { "SearchInstanceType": "search.small", "DomainId": "965407640801/movies", "Created": true, "Deleted": false, "SearchInstanceCount": 1, "DomainName": "movies", "SearchService": { "Endpoint": "" }, "RequiresIndexDocuments": false, "Processing": true, "DocService": { "Endpoint": "" }, "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudsearch:us-east-1:965407640801:domain/movies", "SearchPartitionCount": 1 } ] }

The describe-domains command does not return the number of searchable documents in the domain. To get the number of searchable documents, use the console or submit a matchall request to your domain's search endpoint:

To get the analysis schemes configured for a domain
  • Run the aws cloudsearch describe-analysis-schemes command. For example, the following request gets the analysis schemes configured for the movies domain:

    aws cloudsearch describe-analysis-schemes --domain-name movies { "AnalysisSchemes": [ { "Status": { "PendingDeletion": false, "State": "Active", "CreationDate": "2014-03-28T19:27:30Z", "UpdateVersion": 31, "UpdateDate": "2014-03-28T19:27:30Z" }, "Options": { "AnalysisSchemeLanguage": "en", "AnalysisSchemeName": "samplescheme", "AnalysisOptions": { "AlgorithmicStemming": "none", "Synonyms": "{\"aliases\":{\"youth\":[\"young adult\"]},\"groups\":[[\"tool box\",\"toolbox\"],[\"band saw\",\"bandsaw\"],[\"drill press\",\"drillpress\"]]}", "StemmingDictionary": "{}", "Stopwords": "[]" } } } ] }
To get the availability options configured for a domain
  • Run the aws cloudsearch describe-availability-options command. For example, the following request gets the availability options configured for the movies domain. If Multi-AZ is enabled for the domain, the Options value is set to true:

    aws cloudsearch describe-availability-options --domain-name movies { "AvailabilityOptions": { "Status": { "PendingDeletion": false, "State": "Processing", "CreationDate": "2014-04-30T20:42:57Z", "UpdateVersion": 13, "UpdateDate": "2014-05-01T00:17:45Z" }, "Options": true } }
To get the expressions configured for a domain
  • Run the aws cloudsearch describe-expressions command. For example, the following request gets the expressions configured for the movies domain:

    aws cloudsearch describe-expressions --domain-name movies { "Expression": { "Status": { "PendingDeletion": false, "State": "Processing", "CreationDate": "2014-05-01T01:15:18Z", "UpdateVersion": 52, "UpdateDate": "2014-05-01T01:15:18Z" }, "Options": { "ExpressionName": "popularhits", "ExpressionValue": "((0.3*popularity)/10.0)+(0.7* _score)" } } }

Getting Domain Information Using the AWS SDKs

The AWS SDKs (except the Android and iOS SDKs) support all of the Amazon CloudSearch actions defined in the Amazon CloudSearch Configuration API, including DescribeDomains. For more information about installing and using the AWS SDKs, see AWS Software Development Kits.

The DescribeDomains action does not return the number of searchable documents in the domain. To get the number of searchable documents, use the console or submit a matchall request to your domain's search endpoint:
