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Amazon Bedrock에서 Amazon Titan 텍스트 임베딩 호출
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첫 번째 임베딩 생성을 시작합니다.
차원 및 정규화 수를 구성하는 임베딩을 생성합니다(V2만 해당).
- Java
- Java 2.x용 SDK
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에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요. Titan Text Embeddings V2를 사용하여 첫 번째 임베딩을 생성합니다.
// Generate and print an embedding with Amazon Titan Text Embeddings. import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONPointer; import; import; import; import; import; public class InvokeModel { public static String invokeModel() { // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. // Replace the DefaultCredentialsProvider with your preferred credentials provider. var client = BedrockRuntimeClient.builder() .credentialsProvider(DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()) .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); // Set the model ID, e.g., Titan Text Embeddings V2. var modelId = "amazon.titan-embed-text-v2:0"; // The InvokeModel API uses the model's native payload. // Learn more about the available inference parameters and response fields at: // var nativeRequestTemplate = "{ \"inputText\": \"{{inputText}}\" }"; // The text to convert into an embedding. var inputText = "Please recommend books with a theme similar to the movie 'Inception'."; // Embed the prompt in the model's native request payload. String nativeRequest = nativeRequestTemplate.replace("{{inputText}}", inputText); try { // Encode and send the request to the Bedrock Runtime. var response = client.invokeModel(request -> request .body(SdkBytes.fromUtf8String(nativeRequest)) .modelId(modelId) ); // Decode the response body. var responseBody = new JSONObject(response.body().asUtf8String()); // Retrieve the generated text from the model's response. var text = new JSONPointer("/embedding").queryFrom(responseBody).toString(); System.out.println(text); return text; } catch (SdkClientException e) { System.err.printf("ERROR: Can't invoke '%s'. Reason: %s", modelId, e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void main(String[] args) { invokeModel(); } }
Titan Text Embeddings V2를 호출하여 차원 수와 정규화를 구성합니다.
/** * Invoke Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2 with additional inference parameters. * * @param inputText - The text to convert to an embedding. * @param dimensions - The number of dimensions the output embeddings should have. * Values accepted by the model: 256, 512, 1024. * @param normalize - A flag indicating whether or not to normalize the output embeddings. * @return The {@link JSONObject} representing the model's response. */ public static JSONObject invokeModel(String inputText, int dimensions, boolean normalize) { // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. var client = BedrockRuntimeClient.builder() .region(Region.US_WEST_2) .build(); // Set the model ID, e.g., Titan Embed Text v2.0. var modelId = "amazon.titan-embed-text-v2:0"; // Create the request for the model. var nativeRequest = """ { "inputText": "%s", "dimensions": %d, "normalize": %b } """.formatted(inputText, dimensions, normalize); // Encode and send the request. var response = client.invokeModel(request -> { request.body(SdkBytes.fromUtf8String(nativeRequest)); request.modelId(modelId); }); // Decode the model's response. var modelResponse = new JSONObject(response.body().asUtf8String()); // Extract and print the generated embedding and the input text token count. var embedding = modelResponse.getJSONArray("embedding"); var inputTokenCount = modelResponse.getBigInteger("inputTextTokenCount"); System.out.println("Embedding: " + embedding); System.out.println("\nInput token count: " + inputTokenCount); // Return the model's native response. return modelResponse; }
API 세부 정보는 InvokeModel AWS SDK for Java 2.x 참조의 API를 참조하세요.
- Python
- Python용 SDK(Boto3)
더 많은 on GitHub가 있습니다. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리
에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요. Amazon Titan Text Embeddings를 사용하여 첫 번째 임베딩을 생성합니다.
# Generate and print an embedding with Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2. import boto3 import json # Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. client = boto3.client("bedrock-runtime", region_name="us-east-1") # Set the model ID, e.g., Titan Text Embeddings V2. model_id = "amazon.titan-embed-text-v2:0" # The text to convert to an embedding. input_text = "Please recommend books with a theme similar to the movie 'Inception'." # Create the request for the model. native_request = {"inputText": input_text} # Convert the native request to JSON. request = json.dumps(native_request) # Invoke the model with the request. response = client.invoke_model(modelId=model_id, body=request) # Decode the model's native response body. model_response = json.loads(response["body"].read()) # Extract and print the generated embedding and the input text token count. embedding = model_response["embedding"] input_token_count = model_response["inputTextTokenCount"] print("\nYour input:") print(input_text) print(f"Number of input tokens: {input_token_count}") print(f"Size of the generated embedding: {len(embedding)}") print("Embedding:") print(embedding)
API 세부 정보는 Word for Python(Boto3) InvokeModel 참조의 Word를 참조하세요. AWS SDK API
Amazon Titan Text Embeddings
Anthropic Claude