CLI와 GetPipelineState 함께 사용 - AWS SDK 코드 예제

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CLI와 GetPipelineState 함께 사용

다음 코드 예제는 GetPipelineState의 사용 방법을 보여 줍니다.


파이프라인 상태에 대한 정보를 가져오려면

이 예제에서는 MyFirstPipeline라는 파이프라인의 최신 상태를 반환합니다.


aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name MyFirstPipeline


{ "created": 1446137312.204, "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "pipelineVersion": 1, "stageStates": [ { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "Source", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "lastStatusChange": 1446137358.328, "status": "Succeeded" } } ], "stageName": "Source" }, { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "CodePipelineDemoFleet", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "externalExecutionId": "d-EXAMPLE", "externalExecutionUrl": "", "lastStatusChange": 1446137493.131, "status": "Succeeded", "summary": "Deployment Succeeded" } } ], "inboundTransitionState": { "enabled": true }, "stageName": "Beta" } ], "updated": 1446137312.204 }
  • API 세부 정보는 AWS CLI 명령 참조GetPipelineState를 참조하세요.

for PowerShell 도구

예제 1:이 예제에서는 지정된 파이프라인의 단계에 대한 일반적인 정보를 가져옵니다.

Get-CPPipelineState -Name CodePipelineDemo


Created : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM PipelineName : CodePipelineDemo PipelineVersion : 1 StageStates : {Source, Build, Beta, TestStage} Updated : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM

예제 2:이 예제에서는 지정된 파이프라인의 상태에 대한 자세한 정보를 가져옵니다.

ForEach ($stageState in (Get-CPPipelineState -Name $arg).StageStates) { Write-Output ("For " + $stageState.StageName + ":") Write-Output (" InboundTransitionState:") Write-Output (" DisabledReason = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.DisabledReason) Write-Output (" Enabled = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.Enabled) Write-Output (" LastChangedAt = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedAt) Write-Output (" LastChangedBy = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedBy) Write-Output (" ActionStates:") ForEach ($actionState in $stageState.ActionStates) { Write-Output (" For " + $actionState.ActionName + ":") Write-Output (" CurrentRevision:") Write-Output (" Created = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.Created) Write-Output (" RevisionChangeId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionChangeId) Write-Output (" RevisionId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionId) Write-Output (" EntityUrl = " + $actionState.EntityUrl) Write-Output (" LatestExecution:") Write-Output (" ErrorDetails:") Write-Output (" Code = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Code) Write-Output (" Message = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Message) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionId = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionId) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionUrl = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionUrl) Write-Output (" LastStatusChange = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.LastStatusChange) Write-Output (" PercentComplete = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.PercentComplete) Write-Output (" Status = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Status) Write-Output (" Summary = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Summary) Write-Output (" RevisionUrl = " + $actionState.RevisionUrl) } }


For Source: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = LastChangedAt = LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Source: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/20/2015 23:28:45 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = RevisionUrl = For Build: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Build: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = TimeoutError Message = The action failed because a job worker exceeded its time limit. If this is a custom action, make sure that the job worker is configured correctly. ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/21/2015 00:29:29 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Failed Summary = RevisionUrl = For Beta: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For CodePipelineDemoFleet: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = d-D5LTCZXEX ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:07:42 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Deployment Succeeded RevisionUrl = For TestStage: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For MyJenkinsTestAction25: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = 5 ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:09:03 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Finished RevisionUrl =
  • API 세부 정보는 AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet 참조GetPipelineState를 참조하세요.