an AWS SDKCreatePipeline와 함께 사용 - AWS SDK 코드 예제

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an AWS SDKCreatePipeline와 함께 사용

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/// <summary> /// Create a pipeline from a JSON definition, or update it if the pipeline already exists. /// </summary> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.</returns> public async Task<string> SetupPipeline(string pipelineJson, string roleArn, string name, string description, string displayName) { try { var updateResponse = await _amazonSageMaker.UpdatePipelineAsync( new UpdatePipelineRequest() { PipelineDefinition = pipelineJson, PipelineDescription = description, PipelineDisplayName = displayName, PipelineName = name, RoleArn = roleArn }); return updateResponse.PipelineArn; } catch (Amazon.SageMaker.Model.ResourceNotFoundException) { var createResponse = await _amazonSageMaker.CreatePipelineAsync( new CreatePipelineRequest() { PipelineDefinition = pipelineJson, PipelineDescription = description, PipelineDisplayName = displayName, PipelineName = name, RoleArn = roleArn }); return createResponse.PipelineArn; } }
  • API 세부 정보는 CreatePipeline AWS SDK for .NET 참조의 API를 참조하세요.

Java 2.x용 SDK

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// Create a pipeline from the example pipeline JSON. public static void setupPipeline(SageMakerClient sageMakerClient, String filePath, String roleArn, String functionArn, String pipelineName) { System.out.println("Setting up the pipeline."); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); // Read JSON and get pipeline definition. try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(filePath)) { Object obj = parser.parse(reader); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; JSONArray stepsArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("Steps"); for (Object stepObj : stepsArray) { JSONObject step = (JSONObject) stepObj; if (step.containsKey("FunctionArn")) { step.put("FunctionArn", functionArn); } } System.out.println(jsonObject); // Create the pipeline. CreatePipelineRequest pipelineRequest = CreatePipelineRequest.builder() .pipelineDescription("Java SDK example pipeline") .roleArn(roleArn) .pipelineName(pipelineName) .pipelineDefinition(jsonObject.toString()) .build(); sageMakerClient.createPipeline(pipelineRequest); } catch (IamException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException | ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
  • API 세부 정보는 CreatePipeline AWS SDK for Java 2.x 참조의 API를 참조하세요.

SDK for JavaScript (v3)

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로컬에서 제공하는 JSON 정의를 사용하여 a SageMaker 파이프라인을 생성하는 함수입니다.

/** * Create the Amazon SageMaker pipeline using a JSON pipeline definition. The definition * can also be provided as an Amazon S3 object using PipelineDefinitionS3Location. * @param {{roleArn: string, name: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient}} props */ export async function createSagemakerPipeline({ // Assumes an AWS IAM role has been created for this pipeline. roleArn, name, // Assumes an AWS Lambda function has been created for this pipeline. functionArn, sagemakerClient, }) { const pipelineDefinition = readFileSync( // dirnameFromMetaUrl is a local utility function. You can find its implementation // on GitHub. `${dirnameFromMetaUrl( import.meta.url, )}../../../../../workflows/sagemaker_pipelines/resources/GeoSpatialPipeline.json`, ) .toString() .replace(/\*FUNCTION_ARN\*/g, functionArn); let arn = null; const createPipeline = () => sagemakerClient.send( new CreatePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name, PipelineDefinition: pipelineDefinition, RoleArn: roleArn, }), ); try { const { PipelineArn } = await createPipeline(); arn = PipelineArn; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "ValidationException" && caught.message.includes( "Pipeline names must be unique within an AWS account and region", ) ) { const { PipelineArn } = await sagemakerClient.send( new DescribePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); arn = PipelineArn; } else { throw caught; } } return { arn, cleanUp: async () => { await sagemakerClient.send( new DeletePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); }, }; }
  • API 세부 정보는 CreatePipeline AWS SDK for JavaScript 참조의 API를 참조하세요.

Kotlin용 SDK

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// Create a pipeline from the example pipeline JSON. suspend fun setupPipeline(filePath: String?, roleArnVal: String?, functionArnVal: String?, pipelineNameVal: String?) { println("Setting up the pipeline.") val parser = JSONParser() // Read JSON and get pipeline definition. FileReader(filePath).use { reader -> val obj: Any = parser.parse(reader) val jsonObject: JSONObject = obj as JSONObject val stepsArray: JSONArray = jsonObject.get("Steps") as JSONArray for (stepObj in stepsArray) { val step: JSONObject = stepObj as JSONObject if (step.containsKey("FunctionArn")) { step.put("FunctionArn", functionArnVal) } } println(jsonObject) // Create the pipeline. val pipelineRequest = CreatePipelineRequest { pipelineDescription = "Kotlin SDK example pipeline" roleArn = roleArnVal pipelineName = pipelineNameVal pipelineDefinition = jsonObject.toString() } SageMakerClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { sageMakerClient -> sageMakerClient.createPipeline(pipelineRequest) } } }
  • API 세부 정보는 Word for Kotlin CreatePipeline 참조의 Word를 참조하세요. AWS SDK API