Running Storage Gateway commands on the local console - AWS Storage Gateway

Running Storage Gateway commands on the local console

The VM local console in Storage Gateway helps provide a secure environment for configuring and diagnosing issues with your gateway. Using the local console commands, you can perform maintenance tasks such as saving routing tables, connecting to Support, and so on.

To run a configuration or diagnostic command
  1. Log in to your gateway's local console:

  2. From the AWS Appliance Activation - Configuration main menu, enter the corresponding numeral to select Gateway Console.

  3. From the gateway console command prompt, enter h.

    The console displays the AVAILABLE COMMANDS menu, which lists the available commands:

    Command Function
    dig Collect output from dig for DNS troubleshooting.
    exit Return to Configuration menu.
    h Display available command list.
    ifconfig View or configure network interfaces.

    We recommend configuring network or IP settings using the Storage Gateway console or the dedicated local console menu option. For instructions, see Configuring your gateway network settings.

    ip Show / manipulate routing, devices, and tunnels.

    We recommend configuring network or IP settings using the Storage Gateway console or the dedicated local console menu option. For instructions, see Configuring your gateway network settings.

    iptables Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT.
    ncport Test connectivity to a specific TCP port on a network.
    nping Collect output from nping for network troubleshooting.
    open-support-channel Connect to AWS Support. For instructions on how to turn on AWS support access, see You want AWS Support to help troubleshoot your EC2 gateway .
    passwd Update authentication tokens.
    save-iptables Persist IP tables.
    save-routing-table Save newly added routing table entry.
    tcptraceroute Collect traceroute output on TCP traffic to a destination.
    sslcheck Returns output with certificate issuer

    Storage Gateway uses certificate issuer verification and does not support ssl inspection. If this command returns an issuer other than, then it is likely that an application performing an ssl inspection. In that case, we recommend bypassing ssl inspection for the Storage Gateway appliance.

  4. From the gateway console command prompt, enter the corresponding command for the function you want to use, and follow the instructions.

To learn about a command, enter man + command name at the command prompt.