Use CalculateRouteMatrix
to compute results for all pairs of Origins to
Destinations. Each row corresponds to one entry in Origins. Each entry in the row
corresponds to the route from that entry in Origins to an entry in Destinations
Request Syntax
POST /route-matrix?key=Key
Content-type: application/json
"Allow": {
"Hot": boolean
"Hov": boolean
"Avoid": {
"Areas": [
"Geometry": {
"BoundingBox": [ number
"Polygon": [
[ number
"PolylinePolygon": [ "string
" ]
"CarShuttleTrains": boolean
"ControlledAccessHighways": boolean
"DirtRoads": boolean
"Ferries": boolean
"TollRoads": boolean
"TollTransponders": boolean
"TruckRoadTypes": [ "string
" ],
"Tunnels": boolean
"UTurns": boolean
"ZoneCategories": [
"Category": "string
"DepartNow": boolean
"DepartureTime": "string
"Destinations": [
"Options": {
"AvoidActionsForDistance": number
"Heading": number
"Matching": {
"NameHint": "string
"OnRoadThreshold": number
"Radius": number
"Strategy": "string
"SideOfStreet": {
"Position": [ number
"UseWith": "string
"Position": [ number
"Exclude": {
"Countries": [ "string
" ]
"OptimizeRoutingFor": "string
"Origins": [
"Options": {
"AvoidActionsForDistance": number
"Heading": number
"Matching": {
"NameHint": "string
"OnRoadThreshold": number
"Radius": number
"Strategy": "string
"SideOfStreet": {
"Position": [ number
"UseWith": "string
"Position": [ number
"RoutingBoundary": {
"Geometry": {
"AutoCircle": {
"Margin": number
"MaxRadius": number
"BoundingBox": [ number
"Circle": {
"Center": [ number
"Radius": number
"Polygon": [
[ number
"Unbounded": boolean
"Traffic": {
"FlowEventThresholdOverride": number
"Usage": "string
"TravelMode": "string
"TravelModeOptions": {
"Car": {
"LicensePlate": {
"LastCharacter": "string
"MaxSpeed": number
"Occupancy": number
"Scooter": {
"LicensePlate": {
"LastCharacter": "string
"MaxSpeed": number
"Occupancy": number
"Truck": {
"AxleCount": number
"GrossWeight": number
"HazardousCargos": [ "string
" ],
"Height": number
"KpraLength": number
"Length": number
"LicensePlate": {
"LastCharacter": "string
"MaxSpeed": number
"Occupancy": number
"PayloadCapacity": number
"Trailer": {
"TrailerCount": number
"TruckType": "string
"TunnelRestrictionCode": "string
"WeightPerAxle": number
"WeightPerAxleGroup": {
"Quad": number
"Quint": number
"Single": number
"Tandem": number
"Triple": number
"Width": number
URI Request Parameters
The request uses the following URI parameters.
- Key
Optional: The API key to be used for authorization. Either an API key or valid SigV4 signature must be provided when making a request.
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1000.
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- Allow
Features that are allowed while calculating a route.
Type: RouteMatrixAllowOptions object
Required: No
- Avoid
Features that are avoided while calculating a route. Avoidance is on a best-case basis. If an avoidance can't be satisfied for a particular case, it violates the avoidance and the returned response produces a notice for the violation.
Type: RouteMatrixAvoidanceOptions object
Required: No
- DepartNow
Uses the current time as the time of departure.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- DepartureTime
Time of departure from the origin.
Time format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+hh:mm
Type: String
Required: No
- Destinations
List of destinations for the route.
Route calculations are billed for each origin and destination pair. If you use a large matrix of origins and destinations, your costs will increase accordingly. See Amazon Location's pricing page for more information.
Type: Array of RouteMatrixDestination objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item.
Required: Yes
- Exclude
Features to be strictly excluded while calculating the route.
Type: RouteMatrixExclusionOptions object
Required: No
- OptimizeRoutingFor
Specifies the optimization criteria for calculating a route.
Default Value:
Type: String
Valid Values:
FastestRoute | ShortestRoute
Required: No
- Origins
The position in longitude and latitude for the origin.
Route calculations are billed for each origin and destination pair. Using a large amount of Origins in a request can lead you to incur unexpected charges. See Amazon Location's pricing page for more information.
Type: Array of RouteMatrixOrigin objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item.
Required: Yes
- RoutingBoundary
Boundary within which the matrix is to be calculated. All data, origins and destinations outside the boundary are considered invalid.
When request routing boundary was set as AutoCircle, the response routing boundary will return Circle derived from the AutoCircle settings.
Type: RouteMatrixBoundary object
Required: Yes
- Traffic
Traffic related options.
Type: RouteMatrixTrafficOptions object
Required: No
- TravelMode
Specifies the mode of transport when calculating a route. Used in estimating the speed of travel and road compatibility.
Default Value:
Type: String
Valid Values:
Car | Pedestrian | Scooter | Truck
Required: No
- TravelModeOptions
Travel mode related options for the provided travel mode.
Type: RouteMatrixTravelModeOptions object
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
x-amz-geo-pricing-bucket: PricingBucket
Content-type: application/json
"ErrorCount": number,
"RouteMatrix": [
"Distance": number,
"Duration": number,
"Error": "string"
"RoutingBoundary": {
"Geometry": {
"AutoCircle": {
"Margin": number,
"MaxRadius": number
"BoundingBox": [ number ],
"Circle": {
"Center": [ number ],
"Radius": number
"Polygon": [
[ number ]
"Unbounded": boolean
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The response returns the following HTTP headers.
- PricingBucket
The pricing bucket for which the query is charged at.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- ErrorCount
The count of error results in the route matrix. If this number is 0, all routes were calculated successfully.
Type: Integer
Valid Range: Minimum value of 0.
- RouteMatrix
The calculated route matrix containing the results for all pairs of Origins to Destination positions. Each row corresponds to one entry in Origins. Each entry in the row corresponds to the route from that entry in Origins to an entry in Destination positions.
Type: Array of arrays of RouteMatrixEntry objects
- RoutingBoundary
Boundary within which the matrix is to be calculated. All data, origins and destinations outside the boundary are considered invalid.
When request routing boundary was set as AutoCircle, the response routing boundary will return Circle derived from the AutoCircle settings.
Type: RouteMatrixBoundary object
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- AccessDeniedException
You don't have sufficient access to perform this action.
HTTP Status Code: 403
- InternalServerException
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- ThrottlingException
The request was denied due to request throttling.
HTTP Status Code: 429
- ValidationException
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.
HTTP Status Code: 400
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: