Actions menu - Application Migration Service

Actions menu

The Actions menu allows you to perform the following actions:

Dropdown menu showing server management options such as viewing details and adding to application.
  • View server details – Choose this option to see the server details view for the selected server. This option is only available when a single server is selected.

  • Add server to application – Choose this option to easily add servers to an application.

  • Disconnect from service – Choose this option to disconnect the selected server from Application Migration Service and AWS. This option should be used when data replication is complete.

    On the Disconnect X server/s from service dialog, choose Disconnect.


    This will uninstall the AWS Replication Agent from the source server and data replication will stop for the source server. If you need to restart data replication for this server, you will need to reinstall the agent. This action will not affect any test or cutover instances that have been launched for this source server, but you will no longer be able to identify which source servers your Amazon EC2 instances correspond to.

  • Mark as archived – Choose this option in order to archive the server. You should only archive servers for which you have already performed a cutover. Archived servers will be removed from the main Source servers page, but can still be accessed through filtering options.

    On the Archive X servers dialog, select Archive.

    To see your archived servers, open the Preferences menu by choosing the gear button.

    Select the Show only archived servers option and click Confirm.

    You will now be able to see all of your archived servers. Unselect this option to see your non-archived servers.