The following table lists query-side exceptions that could be encountered while using a query.
Neptune Analytics error code | HTTP status | Retriable | Description |
Validation Exception |
400 |
No |
Something is wrong with the required information - Eg. a malformed query. |
AccessDeniedException |
403 |
No |
User is not authorized to perform the requested operation. |
ResourceNotFoundException |
404 |
No |
Requested resource is not available. |
ThrottlingException |
429 |
Yes |
The server has received too many concurrent requests. |
InternalServerErrorException |
500 |
Yes |
The server failed to process the request for an unknown reason. |
UnprocessableException |
422 |
No |
Request cannot be processed due to known reasons - Eg. The query timed out. |
ConflictException |
409 |
Yes |
Concurrently running queries attempted to modify resources or data records concurrently and the conflict could not be resolved automatically. Please retry with an exponential back-off strategy. |