AWS Glue Java 2.xSDK용 사용 예제 - AWS SDK for Java 2.x

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AWS Glue Java 2.xSDK용 사용 예제

다음 코드 예제에서는를 AWS SDK for Java 2.x 와 함께 사용하여 작업을 수행하고 일반적인 시나리오를 구현하는 방법을 보여줍니다 AWS Glue.

기본 사항은 서비스 내에서 필수 작업을 수행하는 방법을 보여주는 코드 예제입니다.

작업은 대규모 프로그램에서 발췌한 코드이며 컨텍스트에 맞춰 실행해야 합니다. 작업은 개별 서비스 함수를 직접적으로 호출하는 방법을 보여주며 관련 시나리오의 컨텍스트에 맞는 작업을 볼 수 있습니다.

각 예제에는 컨텍스트에서 코드를 설정하고 실행하는 방법에 대한 지침을 찾을 수 있는 전체 소스 코드에 대한 링크가 포함되어 있습니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 AWS Glue의 사용을 시작하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

package com.example.glue; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class HelloGlue { public static void main(String[] args) { GlueClient glueClient = GlueClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); listJobs(glueClient); } public static void listJobs(GlueClient glueClient) { ListJobsRequest request = ListJobsRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .build(); ListJobsResponse response = glueClient.listJobs(request); List<String> jobList = response.jobNames(); jobList.forEach(job -> { System.out.println("Job Name: " + job); }); } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조ListJobs의 섹션을 참조하세요.

기본 사항

다음 코드 예시는 다음과 같은 작업을 수행하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

  • 퍼블릭 Amazon S3 버킷을 크롤링하고 CSV형식이 지정된 메타데이터의 데이터베이스를 생성하는 크롤러를 생성합니다.

  • 의 데이터베이스 및 테이블에 대한 정보를 나열합니다 AWS Glue Data Catalog.

  • 작업을 생성하여 S3 버킷에서 CSV 데이터를 추출하고, 데이터를 변환하고, JSON형식이 지정된 출력을 다른 S3 버킷으로 로드합니다.

  • 작업 실행에 대한 정보를 나열하고 변환된 데이터를 확인하며 리소스를 정리합니다.

자세한 내용은 자습서: AWS Glue Studio 시작하기를 참조하세요.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * <p> * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * * * To set up the resources, see this documentation topic: * * * * This example performs the following tasks: * * 1. Create a database. * 2. Create a crawler. * 3. Get a crawler. * 4. Start a crawler. * 5. Get a database. * 6. Get tables. * 7. Create a job. * 8. Start a job run. * 9. List all jobs. * 10. Get job runs. * 11. Delete a job. * 12. Delete a database. * 13. Delete a crawler. */ public class GlueScenario { public static final String DASHES = new String(new char[80]).replace("\0", "-"); public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final String usage = """ Usage: <iam> <s3Path> <cron> <dbName> <crawlerName> <jobName> <scriptLocation> <locationUri> <bucketNameSc>\s Where: iam - The ARN of the IAM role that has AWS Glue and S3 permissions.\s s3Path - The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) target that contains data (for example, s3://<bucket name>/read). cron - A cron expression used to specify the schedule (i.e., cron(15 12 * * ? *). dbName - The database name.\s crawlerName - The name of the crawler.\s jobName - The name you assign to this job definition. scriptLocation - The Amazon S3 path to a script that runs a job. locationUri - The location of the database (you can find this file in resources folder). bucketNameSc - The Amazon S3 bucket name used when creating a job """; if (args.length != 9) { System.out.println(usage); return; } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String iam = args[0]; String s3Path = args[1]; String cron = args[2]; String dbName = args[3]; String crawlerName = args[4]; String jobName = args[5]; String scriptLocation = args[6]; String locationUri = args[7]; String bucketNameSc = args[8]; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; GlueClient glueClient = GlueClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("Welcome to the AWS Glue scenario."); System.out.println(""" AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to simplify the process of building, running, and maintaining ETL pipelines, which are essential for data integration and data warehousing tasks. One of the key features of AWS Glue is its ability to automatically discover and catalog data stored in various sources, such as Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and other databases. This cataloging process creates a central metadata repository, known as the AWS Glue Data Catalog, which provides a unified view of an organization's data assets. This metadata can then be used to create ETL jobs, which can be scheduled and run on-demand or on a regular basis. Lets get started. """); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("1. Create a database."); try { createDatabase(glueClient, dbName, locationUri); } catch (GlueException e) { if (e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage().equals("Database already exists.")) { System.out.println("Database " + dbName + " already exists. Skipping creation."); } else { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("2. Create a crawler."); try { createGlueCrawler(glueClient, iam, s3Path, cron, dbName, crawlerName); } catch (GlueException e) { if (e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage().contains("already exists")) { System.out.println("Crawler " + crawlerName + " already exists. Skipping creation."); } else { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("3. Get a crawler."); try { getSpecificCrawler(glueClient, crawlerName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("4. Start a crawler."); try { startSpecificCrawler(glueClient, crawlerName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("5. Get a database."); try { getSpecificDatabase(glueClient, dbName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("*** Wait 5 min for the tables to become available"); TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(5); System.out.println("6. Get tables."); String myTableName; try { myTableName = getGlueTables(glueClient, dbName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("7. Create a job."); try { createJob(glueClient, jobName, iam, scriptLocation); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("8. Start a Job run."); try { startJob(glueClient, jobName, dbName, myTableName, bucketNameSc); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("9. List all jobs."); try { getAllJobs(glueClient); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("10. Get job runs."); try { getJobRuns(glueClient, jobName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("11. Delete a job."); try { deleteJob(glueClient, jobName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } System.out.println("*** Wait 5 MIN for the " + crawlerName + " to stop"); TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(5); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("12. Delete a database."); try { deleteDatabase(glueClient, dbName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("Delete a crawler."); try { deleteSpecificCrawler(glueClient, crawlerName); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("Successfully completed the AWS Glue Scenario"); System.out.println(DASHES); } /** * Creates a Glue database with the specified name and location URI. * * @param glueClient The Glue client to use for the database creation. * @param dbName The name of the database to create. * @param locationUri The location URI for the database. */ public static void createDatabase(GlueClient glueClient, String dbName, String locationUri) { try { DatabaseInput input = DatabaseInput.builder() .description("Built with the AWS SDK for Java V2") .name(dbName) .locationUri(locationUri) .build(); CreateDatabaseRequest request = CreateDatabaseRequest.builder() .databaseInput(input) .build(); glueClient.createDatabase(request); System.out.println(dbName + " was successfully created"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Creates a new AWS Glue crawler using the AWS Glue Java API. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client used to interact with the AWS Glue service * @param iam the IAM role that the crawler will use to access the data source * @param s3Path the S3 path that the crawler will scan for data * @param cron the cron expression that defines the crawler's schedule * @param dbName the name of the AWS Glue database where the crawler will store the metadata * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be created */ public static void createGlueCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String iam, String s3Path, String cron, String dbName, String crawlerName) { try { S3Target s3Target = S3Target.builder() .path(s3Path) .build(); List<S3Target> targetList = new ArrayList<>(); targetList.add(s3Target); CrawlerTargets targets = CrawlerTargets.builder() .s3Targets(targetList) .build(); CreateCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = CreateCrawlerRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .name(crawlerName) .description("Created by the AWS Glue Java API") .targets(targets) .role(iam) .schedule(cron) .build(); glueClient.createCrawler(crawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was successfully created"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Retrieves a specific crawler from the AWS Glue service and waits for it to be in the "READY" state. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client used to interact with the Glue service * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be retrieved */ public static void getSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) throws InterruptedException { try { GetCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = GetCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); boolean ready = false; while (!ready) { GetCrawlerResponse response = glueClient.getCrawler(crawlerRequest); String status = response.crawler().stateAsString(); if (status.compareTo("READY") == 0) { ready = true; } Thread.sleep(3000); } System.out.println("The crawler is now ready"); } catch (GlueException | InterruptedException e) { throw e; } } /** * Starts a specific AWS Glue crawler. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the crawler operation * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to start * @throws GlueException if there is an error starting the crawler */ public static void startSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) { try { StartCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = StartCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); glueClient.startCrawler(crawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was successfully started!"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Retrieves the specific database from the AWS Glue service. * * @param glueClient an instance of the AWS Glue client used to interact with the service * @param databaseName the name of the database to retrieve * @throws GlueException if there is an error retrieving the database from the AWS Glue service */ public static void getSpecificDatabase(GlueClient glueClient, String databaseName) { try { GetDatabaseRequest databasesRequest = GetDatabaseRequest.builder() .name(databaseName) .build(); GetDatabaseResponse response = glueClient.getDatabase(databasesRequest); Instant createDate = response.database().createTime(); // Convert the Instant to readable date. DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.SHORT) .withLocale(Locale.US) .withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()); formatter.format(createDate); System.out.println("The create date of the database is " + createDate); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Retrieves the names of the tables in the specified Glue database. * * @param glueClient the Glue client to use for the operation * @param dbName the name of the Glue database to retrieve the table names from * @return the name of the first table retrieved, or an empty string if no tables were found */ public static String getGlueTables(GlueClient glueClient, String dbName) { String myTableName = ""; try { GetTablesRequest tableRequest = GetTablesRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .build(); GetTablesResponse response = glueClient.getTables(tableRequest); List<Table> tables = response.tableList(); if (tables.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No tables were returned"); } else { for (Table table : tables) { myTableName =; System.out.println("Table name is: " + myTableName); } } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } return myTableName; } /** * Starts a job run in AWS Glue. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the job run * @param jobName the name of the Glue job to run * @param inputDatabase the name of the input database * @param inputTable the name of the input table * @param outBucket the URL of the output S3 bucket * @throws GlueException if there is an error starting the job run */ public static void startJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName, String inputDatabase, String inputTable, String outBucket) { try { Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<>(); myMap.put("--input_database", inputDatabase); myMap.put("--input_table", inputTable); myMap.put("--output_bucket_url", outBucket); StartJobRunRequest runRequest = StartJobRunRequest.builder() .workerType(WorkerType.G_1_X) .numberOfWorkers(10) .arguments(myMap) .jobName(jobName) .build(); StartJobRunResponse response = glueClient.startJobRun(runRequest); System.out.println("The request Id of the job is " + response.responseMetadata().requestId()); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Creates a new AWS Glue job. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the operation * @param jobName the name of the job to create * @param iam the IAM role to associate with the job * @param scriptLocation the location of the script to be used by the job * @throws GlueException if there is an error creating the job */ public static void createJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName, String iam, String scriptLocation) { try { JobCommand command = JobCommand.builder() .pythonVersion("3") .name("glueetl") .scriptLocation(scriptLocation) .build(); CreateJobRequest jobRequest = CreateJobRequest.builder() .description("A Job created by using the AWS SDK for Java V2") .glueVersion("2.0") .workerType(WorkerType.G_1_X) .numberOfWorkers(10) .name(jobName) .role(iam) .command(command) .build(); glueClient.createJob(jobRequest); System.out.println(jobName + " was successfully created."); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Retrieves and prints information about all the jobs in the Glue data catalog. * * @param glueClient the Glue client used to interact with the AWS Glue service */ public static void getAllJobs(GlueClient glueClient) { try { GetJobsRequest jobsRequest = GetJobsRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .build(); GetJobsResponse jobsResponse = glueClient.getJobs(jobsRequest); List<Job> jobs =; for (Job job : jobs) { System.out.println("Job name is : " +; System.out.println("The job worker type is : " + job.workerType().name()); } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Retrieves the job runs for a given Glue job and prints the status of the job runs. * * @param glueClient the Glue client used to make API calls * @param jobName the name of the Glue job to retrieve the job runs for */ public static void getJobRuns(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName) { try { GetJobRunsRequest runsRequest = GetJobRunsRequest.builder() .jobName(jobName) .maxResults(20) .build(); boolean jobDone = false; while (!jobDone) { GetJobRunsResponse response = glueClient.getJobRuns(runsRequest); List<JobRun> jobRuns = response.jobRuns(); for (JobRun jobRun : jobRuns) { String jobState = jobRun.jobRunState().name(); if (jobState.compareTo("SUCCEEDED") == 0) { System.out.println(jobName + " has succeeded"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("STOPPED") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has stopped"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("FAILED") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has failed"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("TIMEOUT") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has timed out"); jobDone = true; } else { System.out.println("*** Job run state is " + jobRun.jobRunState().name()); System.out.println("Job run Id is " +; System.out.println("The Glue version is " + jobRun.glueVersion()); } TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); } } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Deletes a Glue job. * * @param glueClient the Glue client to use for the operation * @param jobName the name of the job to be deleted * @throws GlueException if there is an error deleting the job */ public static void deleteJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName) { try { DeleteJobRequest jobRequest = DeleteJobRequest.builder() .jobName(jobName) .build(); glueClient.deleteJob(jobRequest); System.out.println(jobName + " was successfully deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Deletes a AWS Glue Database. * * @param glueClient An instance of the AWS Glue client used to interact with the AWS Glue service. * @param databaseName The name of the database to be deleted. * @throws GlueException If an error occurs while deleting the database. */ public static void deleteDatabase(GlueClient glueClient, String databaseName) { try { DeleteDatabaseRequest request = DeleteDatabaseRequest.builder() .name(databaseName) .build(); glueClient.deleteDatabase(request); System.out.println(databaseName + " was successfully deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } /** * Deletes a specific AWS Glue crawler. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client object * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be deleted * @throws GlueException if an error occurs during the deletion process */ public static void deleteSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) { try { DeleteCrawlerRequest deleteCrawlerRequest = DeleteCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); glueClient.deleteCrawler(deleteCrawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } } private static void waitForInputToContinue(Scanner scanner) { while (true) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Enter 'c' followed by <ENTER> to continue:"); String input = scanner.nextLine(); if (input.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("c")) { System.out.println("Continuing with the program..."); System.out.println(""); break; } else { // Handle invalid input. System.out.println("Invalid input. Please try again."); } } } }


다음 코드 예시에서는 CreateCrawler을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Creates a new AWS Glue crawler using the AWS Glue Java API. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client used to interact with the AWS Glue service * @param iam the IAM role that the crawler will use to access the data source * @param s3Path the S3 path that the crawler will scan for data * @param cron the cron expression that defines the crawler's schedule * @param dbName the name of the AWS Glue database where the crawler will store the metadata * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be created */ public static void createGlueCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String iam, String s3Path, String cron, String dbName, String crawlerName) { try { S3Target s3Target = S3Target.builder() .path(s3Path) .build(); List<S3Target> targetList = new ArrayList<>(); targetList.add(s3Target); CrawlerTargets targets = CrawlerTargets.builder() .s3Targets(targetList) .build(); CreateCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = CreateCrawlerRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .name(crawlerName) .description("Created by the AWS Glue Java API") .targets(targets) .role(iam) .schedule(cron) .build(); glueClient.createCrawler(crawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was successfully created"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조CreateCrawler의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 CreateJob을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Creates a new AWS Glue job. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the operation * @param jobName the name of the job to create * @param iam the IAM role to associate with the job * @param scriptLocation the location of the script to be used by the job * @throws GlueException if there is an error creating the job */ public static void createJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName, String iam, String scriptLocation) { try { JobCommand command = JobCommand.builder() .pythonVersion("3") .name("glueetl") .scriptLocation(scriptLocation) .build(); CreateJobRequest jobRequest = CreateJobRequest.builder() .description("A Job created by using the AWS SDK for Java V2") .glueVersion("2.0") .workerType(WorkerType.G_1_X) .numberOfWorkers(10) .name(jobName) .role(iam) .command(command) .build(); glueClient.createJob(jobRequest); System.out.println(jobName + " was successfully created."); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조CreateJob의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteCrawler을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Deletes a specific AWS Glue crawler. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client object * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be deleted * @throws GlueException if an error occurs during the deletion process */ public static void deleteSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) { try { DeleteCrawlerRequest deleteCrawlerRequest = DeleteCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); glueClient.deleteCrawler(deleteCrawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조DeleteCrawler의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteDatabase을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Deletes a AWS Glue Database. * * @param glueClient An instance of the AWS Glue client used to interact with the AWS Glue service. * @param databaseName The name of the database to be deleted. * @throws GlueException If an error occurs while deleting the database. */ public static void deleteDatabase(GlueClient glueClient, String databaseName) { try { DeleteDatabaseRequest request = DeleteDatabaseRequest.builder() .name(databaseName) .build(); glueClient.deleteDatabase(request); System.out.println(databaseName + " was successfully deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조DeleteDatabase의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteJob을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Deletes a Glue job. * * @param glueClient the Glue client to use for the operation * @param jobName the name of the job to be deleted * @throws GlueException if there is an error deleting the job */ public static void deleteJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName) { try { DeleteJobRequest jobRequest = DeleteJobRequest.builder() .jobName(jobName) .build(); glueClient.deleteJob(jobRequest); System.out.println(jobName + " was successfully deleted"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조DeleteJob의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetCrawler을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Retrieves a specific crawler from the AWS Glue service and waits for it to be in the "READY" state. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client used to interact with the Glue service * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to be retrieved */ public static void getSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) throws InterruptedException { try { GetCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = GetCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); boolean ready = false; while (!ready) { GetCrawlerResponse response = glueClient.getCrawler(crawlerRequest); String status = response.crawler().stateAsString(); if (status.compareTo("READY") == 0) { ready = true; } Thread.sleep(3000); } System.out.println("The crawler is now ready"); } catch (GlueException | InterruptedException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조GetCrawler의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetDatabase을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Retrieves the specific database from the AWS Glue service. * * @param glueClient an instance of the AWS Glue client used to interact with the service * @param databaseName the name of the database to retrieve * @throws GlueException if there is an error retrieving the database from the AWS Glue service */ public static void getSpecificDatabase(GlueClient glueClient, String databaseName) { try { GetDatabaseRequest databasesRequest = GetDatabaseRequest.builder() .name(databaseName) .build(); GetDatabaseResponse response = glueClient.getDatabase(databasesRequest); Instant createDate = response.database().createTime(); // Convert the Instant to readable date. DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.SHORT) .withLocale(Locale.US) .withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()); formatter.format(createDate); System.out.println("The create date of the database is " + createDate); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조GetDatabase의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetJobRuns을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Retrieves the job runs for a given Glue job and prints the status of the job runs. * * @param glueClient the Glue client used to make API calls * @param jobName the name of the Glue job to retrieve the job runs for */ public static void getJobRuns(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName) { try { GetJobRunsRequest runsRequest = GetJobRunsRequest.builder() .jobName(jobName) .maxResults(20) .build(); boolean jobDone = false; while (!jobDone) { GetJobRunsResponse response = glueClient.getJobRuns(runsRequest); List<JobRun> jobRuns = response.jobRuns(); for (JobRun jobRun : jobRuns) { String jobState = jobRun.jobRunState().name(); if (jobState.compareTo("SUCCEEDED") == 0) { System.out.println(jobName + " has succeeded"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("STOPPED") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has stopped"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("FAILED") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has failed"); jobDone = true; } else if (jobState.compareTo("TIMEOUT") == 0) { System.out.println("Job run has timed out"); jobDone = true; } else { System.out.println("*** Job run state is " + jobRun.jobRunState().name()); System.out.println("Job run Id is " +; System.out.println("The Glue version is " + jobRun.glueVersion()); } TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); } } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조GetJobRuns의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetTables을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Retrieves the names of the tables in the specified Glue database. * * @param glueClient the Glue client to use for the operation * @param dbName the name of the Glue database to retrieve the table names from * @return the name of the first table retrieved, or an empty string if no tables were found */ public static String getGlueTables(GlueClient glueClient, String dbName) { String myTableName = ""; try { GetTablesRequest tableRequest = GetTablesRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .build(); GetTablesResponse response = glueClient.getTables(tableRequest); List<Table> tables = response.tableList(); if (tables.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No tables were returned"); } else { for (Table table : tables) { myTableName =; System.out.println("Table name is: " + myTableName); } } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } return myTableName; }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조GetTables의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 StartCrawler을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Starts a specific AWS Glue crawler. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the crawler operation * @param crawlerName the name of the crawler to start * @throws GlueException if there is an error starting the crawler */ public static void startSpecificCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String crawlerName) { try { StartCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = StartCrawlerRequest.builder() .name(crawlerName) .build(); glueClient.startCrawler(crawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was successfully started!"); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조StartCrawler의 섹션을 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 StartJobRun을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

SDK Java 2.x용

더 많은 기능이 있습니다 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/** * Starts a job run in AWS Glue. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the job run * @param jobName the name of the Glue job to run * @param inputDatabase the name of the input database * @param inputTable the name of the input table * @param outBucket the URL of the output S3 bucket * @throws GlueException if there is an error starting the job run */ public static void startJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName, String inputDatabase, String inputTable, String outBucket) { try { Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<>(); myMap.put("--input_database", inputDatabase); myMap.put("--input_table", inputTable); myMap.put("--output_bucket_url", outBucket); StartJobRunRequest runRequest = StartJobRunRequest.builder() .workerType(WorkerType.G_1_X) .numberOfWorkers(10) .arguments(myMap) .jobName(jobName) .build(); StartJobRunResponse response = glueClient.startJobRun(runRequest); System.out.println("The request Id of the job is " + response.responseMetadata().requestId()); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API 참조StartJobRun의 섹션을 참조하세요.