Listing LF-Tag permissions using the console - AWS Lake Formation

Listing LF-Tag permissions using the console

You can use the Lake Formation console to view the permissions granted on LF-Tags. You must be a LF-Tag creator, a data lake administrator, or have the Describe or Associate permission on a LF-Tag to see it.

To list LF-Tag permissions (console)
  1. Open the Lake Formation console at

    Sign in as the LF-Tag creator, a data lake administrator, or as a user to whom the Drop, Alter, Associate, or Describe permissions on LF-Tags have been granted.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Permissions, choose LF-Tags and permissions, and choose LF-Tag permissions section.

    The LF-Tag permissions section shows a table that contains principal, tag keys, values, and permissions.

    The page includes a table of permissions with the following columns: Principal, Principal type, Keys, Values, Permissions, and Grantable. There are five rows. To the left of each row is a radio button. Above the table are a search field and these buttons: Refresh, View, Revoke, and Grant. Because no row is initially selected, the View and Revoke buttons are disabled. The values in the first row are: Principal=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/datalake_admin, Principal type=IAM user, Keys=environment, Values=All values, Permissions=DESCRIBE, Grantable=DESCRIBE.