Viewing the resources that a LF-Tag is assigned to - AWS Lake Formation

Viewing the resources that a LF-Tag is assigned to

You can view all the Data Catalog resources that a particular LF-Tag key is assigned to. To do so, you need the following Lake Formation permissions:

  • Describe or Associate on the LF-Tag.

  • Describe or any other Lake Formation permission on the resource.

In addition, you need the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions:

  • lakeformation:SearchDatabasesByLFTags

  • lakeformation:SearchTablesByLFTags

To view the resources that a LF-Tag is assigned to (console)
  1. Open the Lake Formation console at

    Sign in as a data lake administrator or as a user who meets the requirements listed earlier.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Permissions and LF-Tags and permissions, choose LF-Tags.

  3. Choose a LF-Tag key (not the option button next to the key name).

    The LF-Tag details page displays a list of resources that the LF-Tag has been assigned to.

    The image is a screenshot of the LF-Tag detail page for the key "module". The LF-Tag detail page has two sections. The top section displays the LF-Tag key and values. The bottom section displays the resources associated with that LF-Tag in a table with the following columns: Key, Values, Resource type, and Resource. The table has 12 rows, but only 7 are shown in the screenshot. The table rows show that the LF-Tag is assigned to a database, two of the tables in the database, and by inheritance, the columns of those tables.
To view the resources that a LF-Tag is assigned to
  • Run a search-tables-by-lf-tags or search-databases-by-lf-tags command.

    The following example lists tables and columns that have the level=vp LF-Tag assigned. For each table and column listed, all assigned LF-Tags for the table or column are output, not just the search expression.

    aws lakeformation search-tables-by-lf-tags --expression TagKey=level,TagValues=vp

For more information about the required permissions, see Lake Formation personas and IAM permissions reference.