All Lambda event source types share the same CreateEventSourceMapping and UpdateEventSourceMapping API operations. However, only some of the parameters apply to Amazon MQ and RabbitMQ.
Parameter | Required | Default | Notes |
BatchSize |
N |
100 |
Maximum: 10,000 |
Enabled |
N |
true |
none |
FunctionName |
Y |
N/A | none |
FilterCriteria |
N |
N/A |
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds |
N |
500 ms |
Queues |
N |
N/A |
The name of the Amazon MQ broker destination queue to consume. |
SourceAccessConfigurations |
N |
N/A |
For ActiveMQ, BASIC_AUTH credentials. For RabbitMQ, can contain both BASIC_AUTH credentials and VIRTUAL_HOST information. |