Deploy an application with AWS Launch Wizard for SQL Server on Ubuntu (Console) - AWS Launch Wizard

Deploy an application with AWS Launch Wizard for SQL Server on Ubuntu (Console)

Access AWS Launch Wizard

You can launch AWS Launch Wizard from the AWS Launch Wizard console.

Deploy AWS Launch Wizard on Ubuntu

The following steps guide you through a SQL Server application deployment with AWS Launch Wizard on the Ubuntu platform after you have launched it from the console. For SQL Server deployments on Ubuntu, you must use an instance type built on the Nitro System. EBS volumes are exposed as NVMe block devices on instances built with the Nitro System. Device names that are specified for NVMe EBS volumes in a block device mapping are renamed using NVMe device names (/dev/nvme[[0-26]n1). Launch Wizard deployments on Ubuntu do not support block devices on Xen-virtualized instances.

  1. When you select Choose application from the AWS Launch Wizard landing page, you are directed to the Choose application wizard, where you are prompted to select the type of application that you want to deploy. Select Microsoft SQL Server, then Create deployment.

  2. Under Review Permissions, Launch Wizard displays the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role required for Launch Wizard to access other AWS services on your behalf. For more information about setting up IAM for Launch Wizard, see AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Choose Next .

  3. On the Configure application settings page, select the Operating System on which you want to install SQL Server — in this case, Ubuntu.

  4. Deployment model. Choose High availability deployment to deploy your SQL Server Always On application across multiple Availability Zones or Single instance deployment to deploy your SQL Server application on a single node.

  5. You are prompted to enter specifications for the new deployment. The following tabs provide information about the input fields.

    • Deployment name. Enter a unique application name for your deployment.

    • Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic ARN (Optional). Specify an SNS topic where AWS Launch Wizard can send notifications and alerts. For more information, see the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.

    • Enable rollback on failed deployment. By default, if a deployment fails, your provisioned resources will not be rolled back/deleted. This default configuration helps you to troubleshoot errors at the resource level as you debug deployment issues. If you want your provisioned resources to be immediately deleted if a deployment fails, select the check box.


    Enter your requirements for how you want to connect to your application instance and what kind of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) you want to set up.

    Key pair name

    • Select an existing key pair from the dropdown list or create a new one. If you select Create new key pair name to create a new key pair, you are directed to the Amazon EC2 console. From there, under Network and Security, choose Key Pairs. Choose Create a new key pair, enter a name for the key pair, and then choose Download Key Pair.


      This is your only opportunity to save the private key file. Download it and save it in a safe place. You must provide the name of your key pair when you launch an instance, and provide the corresponding private key each time that you connect to the instance.

      Return to the Launch Wizard console and choose the refresh button next to the Key Pairs dropdown list. The newly created key pair appears in the dropdown list. For more information about key pairs, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs and Windows Instances.

    Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Choose whether you want to use an existing VPC or create a new VPC.

    • Select Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) option. Choose the VPC that you want to use from the dropdown list. Your VPC must contain one public subnet. For HA deployments, it must also contain, at least, three private subnets. For single node deployments, it must contain one private subnet. The private subnets must have outbound connectivity to the internet and other AWS services (S3, CFN, SSM, Logs). We recommend that you enable this connectivity with a NAT Gateway. For more information about NAT Gateways, see NAT Gateways in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

      • Public Subnet. Your VPC must contain one public subnet. For HA deployments it must also contain three private subnets. For single node deployments, it must contain one private subnet. Choose a public subnet for your VPC from the dropdown list. To continue, you must select the check box that indicates that the public subnet has been set up and each of the selected private subnets have outbound connectivity enabled.

        To add a new public subnet

        If the traffic of a subnet is routed to an internet gateway, the subnet is known as a public subnet. If, however, a subnet doesn't have a route to the internet gateway, the subnet is known as a private subnet. To use an existing VPC that does not have a public subnet, you can add a new public subnet using the following steps.

      • Availability Zone (AZ) configuration. You must choose at least three Availability Zones for High Availability (HA) deployments and one Availability Zone for single-node deployments, with one private subnet for each Availability Zone that you select. From the dropdown lists, select the Availability Zones within which you want to deploy your primary, secondary, and configuration nodes.

        To create a private subnet

        If a subnet doesn't have a route to an internet gateway, the subnet is known as a private subnet. To create a private subnet, perform the following steps. We recommend that you enable the outbound connectivity for each of your selected private subnets using a NAT Gateway. To enable outbound connectivity from private subnets to public subnets, see the steps in Creating a NAT Gateway to create a NAT Gateway in your chosen public subnet. Then, follow the steps in Updating Your Route Table for each of your chosen private subnets.

        • Follow the steps in Creating a Subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide using the existing VPC you will use in AWS Launch Wizard.

        • When you create a VPC, it includes a main route table by default. On the Route Tables page in the Amazon VPC console, you can view the main route table for a VPC by looking for Yes in the Main column. The main route table controls the routing for all subnets that are not explicitly associated with any other route table. If the main route table for your VPC has an outbound route to an internet gateway, then any subnet created using the previous step, by default, becomes a public subnet. To ensure the subnets are private, you may need to create one separate route table for all of your private subnets. This route table must not contain any routes to an internet gateway. Verify that all of the private subnets have the same route table association.

    • Create new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) option. Launch Wizard creates your VPC. You can optionally enter a VPC name tag.

    SQL Server
    SQL Server configuration
    • User name and password. By default, Launch Wizard applies the user name sa . This system administrator account is used for SQL Server management. Create a complex password that is at least 8 characters long, and then reenter the password to verify it. See Password Policy for more information.

    • Floating IP Address (HA and existing VPC deployments only). This field is available when you select a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The IP address that you enter is used as the endpoint for your SQL Server Availability Group listener. Launch Wizard creates a route from this IP address to the SQL primary node in your route table. Verify that the IP address is not already in use within your VPC and is outside of all of the provided subnet CIDRs.

    • Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Select the version of Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise to deploy. You can select an AMI from the lists of either license-included or custom AMIs.

    Pacemaker cluster configuration (HA deployments only)

    Pacemaker is a high-availability cluster resource manager. This software runs on a set of hosts, or cluster of nodes, to preserve integrity and minimize the downtime of selected services or resources. Pacemaker is maintained by the ClusterLabs community.

    • Pacemaker cluster name. Enter a name to identify your pacemaker cluster.

    • Pacemaker cluster username. By default, Launch Wizard applies the pacemaker username hacluster. This username is used to securely communicate between cluster nodes.

    • Pacemaker cluster password. Create a complex password that is at least 8 characters long, and then reenter the password to verify it. See Password Policy for more information.

    SQL - Pacemaker cluster connection settings (HA deployments only)

    After you configure Pacemaker cluster and SQL Server, you must create a user in SQL Server to communicate with Pacemaker.

    • SQL Pacemaker user name and password. Enter a user name for SQL Server to communication with the Pacemaker cluster. Create a complex password that is at least 8 characters long, and then reenter the password to verify it. See Password Policy for more information.

    • S3 location for node certificates. An Amazon S3 bucket location is required by the SQL nodes to share self-signed certificates with each other. Provide the bucket or object locations and verify that the names begin with launchwizard-.

    Additional SQL Server settings (optional)
    • Nodes. Enter a Primary SQL node name, a Secondary SQL node name, and a Configuration node name.

    • Additional naming. Enter a Database name and an Availability group name.

  6. When you are satisfied with your configuration selections, select Next. If you don't want to complete the configuration, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the landing page. To go to the previous screen, select Previous.

  7. After configuring your application, you are prompted to define the infrastructure requirements for the new deployment on the Define infrastructure requirements page. The following tabs provide information about the input fields.

    Define infrastructure requirements

    You can choose to select your instances, storage and performance, and volume types, or to use AWS recommended resources. If you choose to use AWS recommended resources, you have the option of defining your high availability cluster needs. If no selections are made, default values are assigned.

    • Number of instance cores. Choose the number of CPU cores for your infrastructure. The default value assigned is 4.

    • Network performance. Choose your preferred network performance in Gbps.

    • Memory (GB). Choose the amount of RAM that you want to attach to your EC2 instances. The default value assigned is 4 GB.

    • Type of storage drive. Select the storage drive type for the SQL data and tempdb volumes. The default value assigned is SSD.

    • SQL Server throughput. Select the sustained SQL Server throughput that you need.

    • Recommended resources. Launch Wizard displays the system-recommended resources based on your infrastructure selections. If you want to change the recommended resources, select different infrastructure requirements.

    Infrastructure requirements based on instance type

    You can choose to select your instance and volume type, or to use AWS recommended resources. If no selections are made, default values are assigned.

    • Instance type. Select your preferred instance type from the dropdown list.

    • Volume type. Choose your preferred EBS volume type. For more information about volume types, see Amazon EBS volume types

    Volume sizes
    • Volume size. Select the size of the SQL Server data volume in Gb for Temporary database, Logs, Data, and Backup volumes. SQL Server logs and data will be staged on the same data volume for this deployment. Make sure that you select an adequate size for the data volume.


    For Launch Wizard deployments created after January 2023, IMDSv1 is disabled on all instances. If your software or scripts use IMDSv1, you will have to meet the requirements to use IMDSv2. For more information, see Use IMDSv2.


    You can provide optional custom tags for the resources Launch Wizard creates on your behalf. For example, you can set different tags for EC2 instances, EBS volumes, VPC, and subnets. If you select All, you can assign a common set of tags to your resources. Launch Wizard assigns tags with a fixed key LaunchWizardResourceGroupID and value that corresponds to the ID of the AWS resource group created for a deployment. Launch Wizard does not support custom tagging for root volumes.

    Estimated on-demand cost to deploy additional resources

    AWS Launch Wizard provides an estimate for application charges incurred to deploy the selected resources. The estimate updates each time you change a resource type in the wizard. The provided estimates are for general comparisons only. They are based upon On-Demand costs and your actual costs may be lower.

  8. When you are satisfied with your infrastructure selections, select Next. If you don't want to complete the configuration, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the landing page. To go to the previous screen, select Previous.

  9. On the Review and deploy page, review your configuration details. If you want to make changes, select Previous. To stop, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the service landing page. When you choose Deploy, you agree to the terms of the Note at the bottom of the page.

  10. Launch Wizard validates the inputs and notifies you if you must update a specification.

  11. When validation is complete, Launch Wizard deploys your AWS resources and configures your SQL Server Always On application. Launch Wizard provides you with status updates about the progress of the deployment on the Deployments page. From the Deployments page, you can view the list of current and previous deployments.

  12. When your deployment is ready, a notification informs you that your SQL Server application is successfully deployed. If you have set up an SNS notification, you are also alerted through SNS. You can manage and access all of the resources related to your SQL Server Always On application by selecting the deployment, and then selecting Manage from the Actions dropdown list.

  13. When the SQL Server Always On application is deployed, you can access your Amazon EC2 instances through the EC2 console. You can also use AWS SSM to manage your SQL Server Always On application for future updates and patches through built-in integration via resource groups.

Post-deployment cluster tasks

The Launch Wizard Pacemaker implementation includes three cluster nodes: primary, secondary, and configuration only. The primary node provides the Microsoft SQL Server for Ubuntu resource and the floating IP address. To ensure that the cluster operates correctly, some administrative tasks must be performed in a specific way. If these tasks are performed incorrectly, then Pacemaker may identify the activity as a resource failure and attempt to fail over the resources to the secondary node. If the resources are failed over to the secondary node, the cluster can remain in an unknown state, which can impact user access.

There are four primary tasks: Start Cluster, Stop Cluster, Move Resources, and Recovery. These tasks must be carried out by a sudo user with an SSH connection to any of the cluster nodes. Before performing any of these tasks, verify the cluster status using pcs resource status --all. This command returns all cluster issues. All issues must be addressed prior to performing any administrative tasks.

Start cluster
  1. Log in to a cluster node using a sudo user over an SSH connection.

  2. Verify that all cluster nodes are available.

  3. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    Address all issues before attempting to start the cluster.

  4. Start all cluster nodes using the following command: pcs cluster start --all --wait.

  5. Verify that the cluster has started using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    The output provides information about the cluster nodes and cluster resources. All cluster nodes should be online and all resource agents should be visible and allocated to their assigned cluster nodes.

  6. Verify that the availability group listener is available by pinging the floating IP address.

Manually move cluster resources
  1. Log in to a cluster node using a sudo server over an SSH connection.

  2. Verify that all cluster nodes are available.

  3. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    Address all issues before attempting to start the cluster.

  4. Run the following command: pcs resource move <RESOURCE_NAME>-master <NODE_NAME> --force.

    This command moves the resource agent to <NODE_NAME> and starts the resource. All cluster constraints will be applied. If the Microsoft SQL Server resource agent is moved, then the availability group listener will follow.

  5. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    The resource that was moved should be located on the <NODE_NAME>.

  6. Clear temporary constraints using the following command: pcs resource clear <RESOURCE_NAME>.

Stop cluster
  1. Log in to a cluster node using a sudo server over an SSH connection.

  2. Verify that all cluster nodes are available.

  3. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    Address all issues before attempting to start the cluster.

  4. Stop the cluster using the following command: pcs cluster stop --ALL. This will gracefully shut down all of the cluster nodes.

  5. Verify the shut down status using the following command: pcs status --all.

    This command should return that the cluster is no longer running.


If a node is restarted from the operating system or the AWS Management Console, the Pacemaker node and its related services will not automatically start. This prevention protects the high availability database replicas from split-brain corruption.

The following steps are required to restore the cluster to normal operations.

  1. Log in to a cluster node using a sudo server over an SSH connection.

  2. Determine the node that was restarted using the following command: pcs resource --ALL. The restarted node will be offline.

  3. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    Address all issues before attempting to start the cluster.

  4. Start the restarted node using the following command: pcs cluster start --<NODE_NAME>.

  5. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all.

    Address all issues before attempting to start the cluster.

  6. If the restarted node is the primary node of the cluster, then the Availability Group resource must be returned to the primary node.

  7. Remove all temporary constraints using the following commands: pcs resource clear <AG_RESOURCE> and pcs resource clear <AG_LISTENER>.

  8. Run the following command: pcs resource move <RESOURCE_NAME> <PRI_NODE_NAME> --force.

    This command moves the resources to <PRI_NO_NAME> and starts the resource. Any cluster constraints are applied. In this scenario, if the Microsoft SQL Server resource agent is moved, then the availability group listener follows.

  9. Verify cluster status using the following command: pcs resource --all. The restarted node will be located on <PRI_NO_NAME>.