Setting Request Attributes - Amazon Lex V1

End of support notice: On September 15, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for Amazon Lex V1. After September 15, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the Amazon Lex V1 console or Amazon Lex V1 resources. If you are using Amazon Lex V2, refer to the Amazon Lex V2 guide instead. .

Setting Request Attributes

Request attributes contain request-specific information and apply only to the current request. A client application sends this information to Amazon Lex. Use request attributes to pass information that doesn't need to persist for the entire session. You can create your own request attributes or you can use predefined attributes. To send request attributes, use the x-amz-lex-request-attributes header in a PostContent or the requestAttributes field in a PostText request. Because request attributes don't persist across requests like session attributes do, they are not returned in PostContent or PostText responses.


To send information that persists across requests, use session attributes.

The namespace x-amz-lex: is reserved for the predefined request attributes. Don't create request attributes with the prefix x-amz-lex:.

Setting Predefined Request Attributes

Amazon Lex provides predefined request attributes for managing the way that it processes information sent to your bot. The attributes do not persist for the entire session, so you must send the predefined attributes in each request. All predefined attributes are in the x-amz-lex: namespace.

In addition to the following predefined attributes, Amazon Lex provides predefined attributes for messaging platforms. For a list of those attributes, see Deploying an Amazon Lex Bot on a Messaging Platform.

Setting the Response Type

If you have two client applications that have different capabilities, you may need to limit the format of messages in a response. For example, you might want to restrict messages sent to a Web client to plain text, but enable a mobile client to use both plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML). To set the format of messages returned by the PostContent and PostText operations, use the x-amz-lex:accept-content-types" request attribute.

You can set the attribute to any combination of the following message types:

  • PlainText—The message contains plain UTF-8 text.

  • SSML—The message contains text formatted for voice output.

  • CustomPayload—The message contains a custom format that you have created for your client. You can define the payload to meet the needs of your application.

Amazon Lex returns only messages with the specified type in the Message field of the response. You can set more than one value by separating values with a comma. If you are using message groups, every message group must contain at least one message of the specified type. Otherwise, you get a NoUsableMessageException error. For more information, see Message Groups.


The x-amz-lex:accept-content-types request attribute has no effect on the contents of the HTML body. The contents of a PostText operation response is always plain UTF-8 text. The body of a PostContent operation response contains data in the format set in the Accept header in the request.

Setting the Preferred Time Zone

To set the time zone used to resolve dates so that it is relative to the user's time zone, use the x-amz-lex:time-zone request attribute. If you do not specify a time zone in the x-amz-lex:time-zone attribute, the default depends on the region that you are using for your bot.

Region Default time zone
US East (N. Virginia) America/New_York
US West (Oregon) America/Los_Angeles
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia/Singapore
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Australia/Sydney
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Asia/Tokyo
Europe (Frankfurt) Europe/Berlin
Europe (Ireland) Europe/Dublin
Europe (London) Europe/London

For example, if the user responds tomorrow in response to the prompt "Which day would you like your package delivered?" the actual date that the package is delivered depends on the user's time zone. For example, when it is 01:00 September 16 in New York, it is 22:00 September 15 in Los Angeles. If your service is running in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and a person in Los Angeles orders a package to be delivered "tomorrow" using the default time zone, the package would be delivered on the 17th, not the 16th. However, if you set the x-amz-lex:time-zone request attribute to America/Los_Angeles, the package would be delivered on the 16th.

You can set the attribute to any of the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) time zone names. For the list of time zone names, see the List of tz database time zones on Wikipedia.

Setting User-Defined Request Attributes

A user-defined request attribute is data that you send to your bot in each request. You send the information in the amz-lex-request-attributes header of a PostContent request or in the requestAttributes field of a PostText request.

To send request attributes to Amazon Lex, you create a string-to-string map of the attributes. The following shows how to map request attributes:

{ "attributeName": "attributeValue", "attributeName": "attributeValue" }

For the PostText operation, you insert the map into the body of the request using the requestAttributes field, as follows:

"requestAttributes": { "attributeName": "attributeValue", "attributeName": "attributeValue" }

For the PostContent operation, you base64 encode the map, and then send it as the x-amz-lex-request-attributes header.

If you are sending binary or structured data in a request attribute, you must first transform the data to a simple string. For more information, see Setting Complex Attributes.