You add one or more languages and locales to your bot to enable it to communicate with users in their languages. You define the intents, slots, and slot types separately for each language so that the utterances, prompts, and slot values are specific to the language.
Your bot must contain at least one language.
To add a language to your bot
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex console at
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In the Bots section, choose the bot you want to add a language to.
In the Add languages section, click View languages.
In the All languages section, click Add language.
In the Add a new language section, choose Add a language from scratch.
In the Language details section, choose the language that you want to add.
If your bot supports voice interaction, in the Voice section, choose the Amazon Polly voice that Amazon Lex V2 uses to communicate with the user. If your bot doesn't support voice, choose None.
In the Classification confidence score thresholdsection, set the value that Amazon Lex V2 uses to determine whether an intent is correct. You can adjust this value after testing your bot.
Choose Add.