Below are some examples where assisted slot resolution is able to intelligently resolve user utterances into a value.
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value |
Travel | AMAZON.Number | numberOfNightsStayed | How many nights did you stay for the trip? | A whole week, 7 nights. | 7 |
Banking | AMAZON.Number | numberOfPeopleOnTheAccount | How many people are on the account? | Me and my wife. | 2 |
Travel | AMAZON.Number | numberOfStops | How many stops? | Once in Japan. Once in LA. | 2 |
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value |
Car Rental | AMAZON.Alphanumeric | transactionId | What is your transaction id? | I believe it was alpha whiskey echo eight three four nine romeo juliet. | AWE8349RJ |
Travel | AMAZON.Alphanumeric | confirmationCode | What is the confirmation number for your reservation? | The confirmation number is BLT2UE. | BLT2UE |
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value | currentDate |
Car Rental | AMAZON.Date | dueDate | When is the rental agreement due to expire? | The lease is up on the 1st of next month. | 2023-12-01 | 2023-11-09 |
Travel | AMAZON.Date | returnDate | When are you returning? | Later today around 7. | 2023-11-09 | 2023-11-09 |
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value |
Insurance | AMAZON.PhoneNumber | policyHolder | What is the phone number of the policy holder? | The phone number for the policy holder is 123-456-7890. | 1234567890 |
Retail | AMAZON.PhoneNumber | phoneLookup | What is your phone number so I can find your account? | I think it's under 413-570-9617, let me double check. | 4135709617 |
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value |
Travel | AMAZON.Country | nativeCountry | What is your country of origin? | I am Indian. | India |
Banking | AMAZON.Country | countryItinerary | What countries will you be traveling to with your debit card? | I will be travelling to New Delhi. | India |
Vertical | Slot Type | Intent | Question | Response | Resolved Value |
Insurance | AMAZON.City | policyHolderCity | What city does the policy holder reside in? | I live in Springfield. | Springfield |
Travel | AMAZON.City | destinationCity | Which city are you traveling to? | I'm traveling to Tokyo. | Tokyo |
Vertical | slotType | slotName | slotPrompt | utterance | Resolved Value |
Insurance | AMAZON.Confirmation | policyExpired | Has the insurance policy expired? | Yes, unfortunately it has expired. | Yes |
Banking | AMAZON.Confirmation | hasInvestments | Do you have any investments? | I haven't invested in anything yet. | No |