You can create a test set to evaluate the performance of your bot. Generate a test set by uploading a test set that is in a CSV file format or by generating a test set from conversation logs. The test set can contain audio or text input.

If a test set creates validation errors, remove the test set and replace it with another list of test set data, or edit the data in the CSV file by using a spreadsheet editing program.
To create a test set:
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex console at
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Choose Test workbench from the left side panel.
Select Test sets from the options under Test workbench.
Select the Create test set button on the console.
In the Details, enter a test set name and an optional description.
Select Generate a baseline test set.
Select Generate from conversation logs.
Select Bot name, Bot Alias, and Language from the drop down menus.
If you are generating a baseline test from a conversation log, choose Time range and IAM role, if required. You can create a role with the basic Amazon Lex V2 permissions or use an existing role.
Choose a modality of Audio or Text for the test set you are creating. NOTE: The Test Workbench can import text files up to 50k, and up to 5 hours of audio.
Select an Amazon S3 location to store your test results, and add an optional KMS key to encrypt output transcripts.
Select Create.
To upload an existing test set in a CSV file format, or to update the test set:
Choose Test workbench from the left side panel.
Select Test sets from the options under Test workbench.
Select Upload a file to this test set on the console.
Choose Upload from Amazon Amazon S3 bucket or Upload from your computer. NOTE: You can upload a CSV file created from a template. Click CSV template to download a zip file that contains the templates.
Choose Create a role with basic Amazon Lex permissions or Use an existing role for Role ARN.
Choose a modality of Audio or Text for the test set you are creating. NOTE: The Test Workbench can import text files up to 50k, and up to 5 hours of audio.
Select an Amazon S3 location to store your test results, and add an optional KMS key to encrypt output transcripts.
Select Create.
If the operation is successful, the confirmation message will indicate that the test set is ready to test, and the status will display Ready for testing.