Manage Lightsail domains with advanced Route 53 features - Amazon Lightsail

Manage Lightsail domains with advanced Route 53 features

Amazon Lightsail registers domains through Amazon Route 53, a highly available and scalable DNS web service. When you register a domain using Lightsail, you can manage the domain in both Lightsail and Route 53.

Tasks such as registering a domain, and routing traffic for a domain to Lightsail resources are done in the Lightsail console. For more information, see Domain registration in Amazon Lightsail.

Advanced tasks, such as transferring domains, and deleting your registration must be done in the Amazon Route 53 console.

This guide provides information for some of the advanced management tasks you can complete using the Route 53 console. For a complete overview of Route 53, see What is Amazon Route 53? in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.


View the status of a domain registration

Domain names have statuses that are also known as Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) status codes. ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names developed the EPP status code. EPP status codes tell you the status of a variety of operations. For example, registering a domain name, renewing the registration for a domain name, and so on. All registrars use this same set of status codes. To view the status code for your domains, see Viewing the status of a domain registration in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Lock a domain to prevent unauthorized transfer to another registrar

The domain registries for all generic top-level domains (TLDs) let you lock a domain to prevent someone from transferring the domain to another registrar without your permission. For more information, see Locking a domain to prevent unauthorized transfer to another registrar in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Restore an expired or deleted domain

If you don't renew a domain before the end of the late-renewal period or if you accidentally delete the domain, some registries for top-level domains (TLDs) allow you to restore the domain before it becomes available for others to register. Use the linked procedure to try to restore your domain registration. For more information, see Restoring an expired or deleted domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Transfer domain registrations

You can transfer domain registration from another registrar to Route 53, from one AWS account to another, or from Route 53 to another registrar. For more information, see Transfer domains in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Delete a domain name registration

For most top-level domains (TLDs), you can delete the registration if you no longer want it. If the registry allows you to delete the registration, perform the procedure in this topic. For more information, see Deleting a domain name registration in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.