Troubleshoot WordPress setup issues on Lightsail instances
Two types of error messages can appear during the WordPress setup workflow in Amazon Lightsail:
- Common errors
These types of errors occur immediately after you choose Create certificate in the final step of the workflow. These errors will appear in a banner at the top of the Lightsail console. They're typically caused by running the setup workflow on older WordPress instances, or by submitting incorrect information. For example, selecting a DNS record that doesn't point to the public IP address of your instance.
- Setup failures
These types of errors occur within a few minutes after you complete the final step in the workflow. These failure messages will appear in the Set up your WordPress website section of the instance Connect tab. These errors happen when the Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificate cannot be configured on your instance.
Use the information in the following topics to help you diagnose and fix any errors that you might encounter with the WordPress setup guided workflow.
For more information about the WordPress setup guided workflow in Amazon Lightsail, see Configure your WordPress instance.