Importing a model - Amazon Lookout for Equipment

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Importing a model

Importing a model

This section describes how to copy existing Lookout for Equipment resources from one user account to another. For instance, as a user you might want to do this if you maintain different accounts for Development, QA, and Production pipelines to restrict user access at the various stages. Or, as an integrator you want to develop models in your user account and then provide them to your end users in their own AWS accounts. Importing is the mechanism allowing you to move Lookout for Equipment resources across these account boundaries.

In this guide, the term resources indicates the machine learning models that Lookout for Equipment generates, as well as the user datasets that you provide to train those models.

The following resources can be associated with a model version:

  • the model version metadata

  • the inference scheduler

  • the training dataset

  • the accumulated inference data

  • the model performance metrics

  • the retraining scheduler

The import resources APIs allow users to import the model version metadata, training datasets, accumulated inference data, and model metrics (if available). However, the inference scheduler and retraining schedulers are not copied over, and must be re-created in the target account.

In the context of performing an import, there is a source account and a target account. The API must be called from the target account, and it references information about the resources in the source account that you want to import.

In order for a target to be able to import resource from a source account, the source account must grant the appropriate permissions to the target account. See Controlling access to your model.

APIs related to importing

The following APIs will help you to import a model:

  • ImportDataset: Imports the data that was used to train the original model.

  • ImportModelVersion: Imports a model from another account. Use the attribute SourceModelVersionArn to indicate the version of the model that you want to import.


    If you plan to import both a model and the dataset that was used to create it, then you should first call ImportDataset, and then ImportModelVersion.

Whether or not you call both of these APIs depends on your use case. You may choose to import a model, but not the dataset that was used to create it. In that case, you would only call ImportModelVersion. You might do this because you already have a version of the same model in your account, and you are importing an improved version of the same model.


If you plan to import both a model and the dataset that was used to create it, then you should first call ImportDataset, and then ImportModelVersion.

Importing a dataset

This section explains how to import your dataset using the Lookout for Equipment APIs.

For the purposes of this example, let us suppose that target account 2222222222 wants to import a dataset from source account 111111111111.


If the source account and the target account are the same, then you can skip the first two steps of this procedure.

  1. The source account gives the target account permission to import the dataset testDataset with the following policy, using the PutResourcePolicy API.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportDataset" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:dataset/testDataset/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39db8b" } }
  2. Users of the source account may have used a AWS Key Management Service key to encrypt the original ingestion data. If that is the case, then the source account must give the target account permission to encrypt and decrypt the AWS KMS key.

    For more information, see Authentication and access control for AWS Key Management Service in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide

  3. The target account calls the ImportDataset API, supplying the dataset ARN (arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:dataset/testDataset/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39db8b). This action triggers the importation of the dataset.


    Labels associated with the source model will not be copied. Therefore, if labels are needed, the target account must explicitly provide them through the LabelsInputConfiguration parameter of the ImportModelVersion API.

Controlling access to your model

This section explains how a customer controls access to a model.

In order for a target to import resources from a source account, the source account must give permissions to the target account. These permissions are granted by applying resource policies to either the model, the model version, or the dataset resources.

Only the source account can apply, view or delete resource policies.

The following APIs will help you in controlling access to your model:

Here is an example resource policy for setting the import permissions for a dataset:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportDataset" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:dataset/testDataset/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39db8b" } }

This is an example policy for setting permissions for importing a specific model version:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportModelVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:model/testModel/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39dbbc/model-version/1" } }

This is an example policy to set the permissions to import all model versions (setting the permissions on a parent model):

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportModelVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:model/testModel/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39dbbc" } }

By default, when you import a model version, you also accumulate inference data along with it. For information about changing that option, see Importing a model version with accumulated inference data.


The policies above only support ImportDataset and ImportModelVersion. They cannot be used to give cross-account permissions to any other APIs associated with Lookout for Equipment.

What follows are explanations of several elements contained in the policies above.

  • Effect: The effect can be Allow or Deny. By default, IAM users don't have permission to use resources and API actions, so all requests are denied. An explicit Allow overrides the default. An explicit Deny overrides any Allows.

  • Action: The action is the specific Lookout for Equipment action for which you are granting or denying permission.

  • Resource: The resource that's affected by the action.

  • Condition: Conditions are optional. They can be used to control when your policy is in effect.

You may use the Lookout for Equipment ResourcePolicy APIs to control access to models, model versions, and datasets. For more information, see the API references for PutResourcePolicy and DeleteResourcePolicy.

Lookout for Equipment access control policies follow the same format as IAM policies. However, Lookout for Equipment policies will not appear in the IAM console, nor in the context of using IAM APIs. For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the IAM User Guide.

Comparing access to model versions with access to parent models

When you give another account access to a model, you are giving that account access to all versions of that model.

When two policies exist, one for the model, and one for a version of that model, the more restrictive of the two policies applies.

If an account attempts to access a particular model or version, and no IAM policy exists for either the model itself or any version of that model, then access is not allowed.

For example, suppose you have a model called Pump_1. This model will serve as the parent model.

This model has two versions:

  • Pump_1 version 1

  • Pump_1 version 2

Now suppose that we set a policy only at the level of the parent model (Pump_1).

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportModelVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:model/Pump_1/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39dbbc" } }

This policy indicates that all versions under model Pump_1 can be imported. No policies are specified at the level of the model version. Therefore, Lookout for Equipment will look at the permissions on the parent model level and apply them to all the versions.

Now, let us suppose that you also set a policy at the model version level. In this case, the model version will be Pump_1 Version 2.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportModelVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:model/Pump_1/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39dbbc/model-version/2 } }

This policy indicates that Version 1 can be imported, but that Version 2 cannot be imported.

Lookout for Equipment looks at the permission at the model level and sees that it is set to Allow. Then, Lookout for Equipment will examine the permission for Version 2, and find that it is set to Deny.

Lookout for Equipment will then apply the more restrictive of the two permissions. Thus, Version 2 cannot be imported.

Finally, since there is no explicit permission on Version 1, Lookout for Equipment continues to apply the permission from the parent model (Allow). Therefore, Version 1 can be imported.

The table below illustrates the relationship between parent model permissions and model version permissions.


Importing a model version with accumulated inference data

When you're importing a model version, you may want to also import the accumulated inference data along with it.

For example, if the retraining scheduler had the lookback window set to P360D, then the retraining execution would use data up to 360 days up to the current day of the retraining execution. If the inference data imported from the source account falls in that time period, then it would be used to retrain the model.

You can set three options with InferenceDataImportStrategy while calling the ImportModelVersion API:

  • NO_IMPORT: No data with regard to inference will be imported

  • ADD_WHEN_EMPTY: Only when the target model version has no inference data associated with it, then the inference data will be imported.

  • OVERWRITE: Even if the target model version has some inference data associated with it, the inference data from the source account will overwrite it.

If nothing is set as input for InferenceDataImportStrategy, then the default setting is NO_IMPORT.

Before you can import a model version with the accumulated inference data, you must verify that the resource policy allows the importing of data related to the model version.

If you do not want to allow ImportModelVersions requests that import the inference data (that is, InferenceDataImportStrategy is set to NO_IMPORT in the request) then you should set the condition key lookoutequipment:IsImportingData to false on the resource policy of a model or model version that allows ImportModelVersion action.

If you want to allow ImportModelVersions requests with any InferenceDataImportStrategy, you don’t need to additionally set lookoutequipment:IsImportingData on a resource policy of a model or model version that allows the ImportModelVersion action, because it is the default behavior when lookoutequipment:IsImportingData is not set.

It is unusual to only allow ImportModelVersions requests that import the inference data (that is InferenceDataImportStrategy is set to ADD_WHEN_EMPTY or OVERWRITE in the request), but if you have such a use case, you can explicitly set lookoutequipment:IsImportingData to true to achieve this permission control.

This is an example policy that will prevent the inference data from being imported:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/Admin"}, "Action": [ "lookoutequipment:ImportModelVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lookoutequipment:us-west-2:111111111111:model/testModel/00af0697-095b-433a-889c-9f4eed39dbbc", "Condition": { "Bool": { "lookoutequipment:IsImportingData": "false" } } } }